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Issued the 18th of the Grand Harvest, in the Year 176 of the Second Age




   Following the removal of the individual known as Lucien, formerly Ildirunn of Aldric’s Mill, from the Fair City of Numenost, he has been declared BANISHED by the Crown. It was decided by His Royal Highness, Anorhil of House Arthalionath, and Her Royal Highness, Eriantiel of House Arthalionath, that this was the most appropriate course of action following several instances of Conduct Unbecoming. Thus, he is now therefore found to be guilty of the following offenses to morality and wrongdoings against the Fair City of Númenost;


The Transgressions of Orderman Lucien:

         I. Conduct Unbecoming - Through his enlistment as a member of the Radiant Guard, Lucien was found to act with Conduct Unbecoming. This includes threats leveled against a foreign citizen and general insubordination. 


         II. Disturbing the Peace - On more than one instance, Orderman Lucien has acted in a manner to disturb the peace, be it intentionally or unintentionally. This has been well-reported by several individuals, including members of the Radiant Guard.

         A. When confronted about his actions, Lucien repeatedly lied to Princess Eriantiel, spuriously claiming others were casting slander upon his name. 


         III. Harassment of the Populace - This is not limited to, but includes, all instances of demeaning behavior enacted towards members of the Crown, the Kingdom, and the Radiant Guard based on gender and race.

                  A. He has on multiple occasions made public spectacle of making improper comments about the fair womenfolk of Númenost, having made lurid statements to some; having insulted the honor of the Kingdom’s Knightly ladies; and having, on at least one witnessed the occasion, accused a young lady of grave improprieties without grounds.

                  B. He has on multiple occasions engaged in the dangerous rhetoric of speaking of the superiority of Harrenite blood, in like manner, to the most wicked of our ancestors. To this end, he has harassed good and faithful Elven subjects of the Crown, who long since have been baptized and accepted the Light of GOD. In this same pursuit, he has likewise called into question the Adunic heritage of – and thereby cast doubt upon the legitimacy of –  the Royal House Arthalionath. 


         IV. Refusal to Comply - Following his verbal banishment, Lucien attempted to argue with members of the Radiant Guard and the Knighthood that he was only “extralegally” banished by the Crown Prince Anorhil and remained within the boundaries of Numendil. 

                  A. He has questioned the legitimate authority of Crown Prince Anorhil and other members of the Royal House Arthalionath, fallaciously claiming that the Royal Laws do not grant them authority to enact banishments. 

                  B. When Crown Prince Anorhil sought to oversee a duel and prevent unnecessary bloodshed, Lucien consistently ignored orders and laid hands upon the Crown Prince himself. 

                   C. When Guards attempted to arrest or otherwise remove Lucien from the city and the boundaries of Númendil, he resisted every time and was made to comply forcefully.


While any loss of Descendant life is regrettable, due to repeated failures to comply with his banishment prior, it is the order of Her Royal Majesty, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë, that the Banished shall be barred from all lands governed by the White Throne on penalty of death by hanging. This banishment shall only be lifted upon unanimous agreement of the undersigned and for no other cause or reason.





HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë of the House Arthalion, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Númenedain, Princess of Númenost and Minas Amath, Protector of the Adunians, Master of the Sharadûn, Templar of the Archangel Michael



HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Anorhil Caranethion of the House Arthalionath, Crown Prince of the Númenaranyë



HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Eriantiel Caranethiel of the House Arthalionath, Princess of Númenost and Lady of Aran-în-Eryn

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After reading the missive, Catherine gave a satisfied bob of her head. 


"Serves him right."

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Leoni Chevalier, one of the elven women Lucien harassed, read the posting with a calm sense of joy. 

"Finally! Glad that racist bastard's gone!" 

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