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A Call to The Magisterium


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The Magisterium




The Magisterium is responsible for ensuring that Law and Justice are upheld in the Kingdom. To perform this duty the Magisterium needs the good citizens of Balian to fill important roles within the Magisterium.

  • Quaestor; Serves as the prosecutor and investigators of the Magisterium. They must investigate, interview, and gather evidence for cases brought to the Magisterium. Then, in trial, they will often be called upon to present the Crown's case against the suspect, using the evidence, witnesses, and points they have gathered to make the case in court.


  • Kritai; Serve as judges or magistrates under the Magister, and are allowed to judge, sentence, and conduct trials in place of the Magister. Their job is to serve as impartial judges, appliers, and interpreters of Balianite Law, to ensure a just outcome is decided in the case, and that an appropriate sentence is put upon a convicted party.

  • Lawyers; Serve as representatives and legal counsels for the plaintiff or defendant in a trial. They must understand the Laws of Balian and the evidence and circumstances of the case, and use the Law and Evidence to provide the best possible argument in court for the defendant.

    If interested contact Dame Gwenyth Vilac Vuiller to arrange an interview




Her Grace, Dame Gwenyth ‘The Unyielding’ Callista Vilac Vuiller, Duchess-Consort of Aquilae, Lady Sentinel of The Royal Sentinels, Royal Magister of The Royal Balianese Duana, Cavalier of The Order of Saint Michael 



OOC Note:


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