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Issued at Year 177 of the Second Age






[!]  A missive would be posted by a helmeted figure throughout the realms of Aevos. 


To the Fellow Devils of Aevos, 


It is already a grim fate to be cursed as we are, to look like infernal creatures either by birth or by horrific ritual. Such a mark on our soul is heavy and horrific. It is now made even worse by the Church of Canon’s decision, alongside all of their nation’s leaders, to commit genocide upon us through displacement at the point of a sword. This has been decreed all for the crimes of but a few of the many within the category of ‘cursed children.’ What Justice is there in that decision? What Balance is made to have such an extreme action towards those whose only thing that unites us is that we are all victims of the warlocks of Iblees? The death of a queen is absolutely horrifying, and the people who have done such a horrible crime should be executed either by flames or by hanging. The response to such a crime is NOT punishing those that have never committed such a crime. It is an injustice of the highest order to do so. 


To my kin in the same struggle, I ask that you come and visit a place that bears no such mark of persecution upon us. If you need a place to rest or even just a person to speak with, I will be here at the Eshtaelite Church within Lurin. The Church of Canon may have abandoned its duties towards peace, justice and purity but that does not mean we must abandon ours as the victims of such widespread actions. It says within the White Tome that: 


“... it is the refusal to seek redemption and rise above one's failings that displays truest disgrace.” 


If it truly is a crime to be as we are, victims of Iblees’ minions, then let us come together and work towards Purity of our actions and towards Justice for all. Let us show the world that we are not what we are damned to look like by the Deceiver, and build the foundations of a future where there is no strife or suffering for us or anyone else.


I will be waiting for you.



Leoni Chevalier

Servant of Tahariae

Member of the Eshtaelite Church

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“Esthael would banish these beasts to the furthest depths of the Nether if she could. This is not the Aengul that shall show you redemption.”


Yokozuna, great Sumo of the Oyashi reads with his various trips to the Grub Bucket ™️. His own overloading of outrageous amount of foods mixed with his wiping his greased fingers upon the missive.

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Alvena had been rather upset but reading her cousin's message brought a small smile to her face. She grabbed the missive and lofted it above her head. "Yeh tell 'em little cousin!" She cheered, likely to the confusion of those near her.

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And 'lo, such a fragment of parchment was found appended to one such missive. Clean text, scrawled forth bore clear in ashen hues:


A shame.



Another one led astray; a belief in a twisted deity.

A belief that redemption would be found in one which would not grant even a mote.



A shame.

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"Saddest fing bout dis is da canonfolk is jus gon notice what dey wan notice." Little Domonic murmurs to himself as he taps his finger on the missive, right on the 'The Church of the Canon may have abandoned' he grins then as he lifts the overweight chicken from under his arm and onto his head "Yup. Dey gun get salty."

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A certain, accursed devil prepared a response. Sermi looked over the brief message with something of an eager grin, before it was yet attached to bird and sent off.

She hadn't known exactly who it was, she helped bless, until now. 

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