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Blessing of Union

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Devinne Swash Regular

Devinne Swash Regular


9th Horen’s Calling, 182 S.A 




I, Ser Sterling Whitewood, Duke of Brabant and Patriarch of House Whitewood, bless the engagement of Lorand Korvacz II and my daughter and heiress Arowyn Whitewood.


While Lorand had failed to beat me in the original conditions of the duel, me having stabbed him in the arm, Lorand proved his perseverance by then besting me in a duel in the combat style of PeeVeePee and then besting me in a joust.


With this, his skills have been proven and I as a father can live calmly knowing my daughter is in safe arms.





His Grace, Ser Sterling Blaxton-Whitewood,

Duke of Brabant, Marquis of Lotusgrad, Baron of Blackwell, Lilenburg and Swan’s Keep, Lord of the Peaks, Protector of the Weefolk.




[!] Official Seal of House Whitewood




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Esfir wonders what a PeeVeePee is.

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After a fit of coughing, Miklos took the new missive in his hands, looking it over. A smile formed upon his face "HAH! There moy z! That jest the might of a Korvacz man. Dobry, dobry for Lorand.. Yam glad to see he did will." He mused, snickering before he went into another fit of coughing.

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Xénia Korvacz was hollering in the Seven Skies, "Kurwa! Finally!"

Sifrá Korvacz stared at the missive in silence. There were two Lorands in her family?

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Posted (edited)

Arowyn Whitewood smirked proudly as her father placed the family seal upon the parchment. "I do have good taste after all."

Camilla Falkner wiped a tear from her eye hollering for her husband, "Odrin! Richard's little boy is finally to be wed! His father would be so deeply proud."

Edited by Frank_Dog
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Somewhere in a field of scarlet cornflowers, an aged man by the name of Arisztid Korvacz sat amongst the grass. To his side, a pair of young boys sparred mindlessly. They crushed flower after flower whilst attempting to jab at one another with blunt, wooden swords, all whilst the once-heir read over a missive. No words were given for none were required. Instead, his lips curled, allowing himself a smile before promptly discarding the missive towards a patch of green.

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William read the missive "AAAAAAA I missed it!!!!"  he then struck his palm on his forehead with a smack "How did I forget....."

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Franziska caught a look at the missive and blinks "My brother is getting married?" she paused a moment and glanced at her husband "I don't know if I should care or not, he was never much involved in my life" she sighs, glancing at her two children who happily played a game. "Think we will be invited to go to the wedding? Or should we just not care my love?" she waited for an answer

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