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Audrina Amicia von Theonus

S.A 87 - The First Seed S.A 182



The aged women had trouble deciding what was real or what was a puzzle piece from a previous memory trying to force itself into the present. Although making new memories were rather clouded at times, she would always relive the times she was with her parents, her cousin Alex, and half-brother Godric. It was too much so, she would begin to think the past was the present. 


Raised well in a humble house within the Reinmar settlement outside of Haense. Audrina recalls the times she spent running up and down the docks dodging the Waldenian Walrus that laid in the beaming, hot sun. Her moments where her nose was deep in her journal laying amongst the roses in the Rozenfield. Sometimes even picking them to give them as a gift to her lovely mother, Annette. If she wasn’t studying or gossiping with her kitty, Honey. She would receive defensive training from her father, Karl. Which did wonders for her as she grew older.  Leading her down a path of being recruited into the knight's order within Minitz. Fulfilling most of her duties and trials until a message was sent from GOTT. One she could not ignore. Disappearing for decades on her quest.


However, she couldn’t leave her duties with her family unfinished. As the confused, Waldenian woman made her way back to Petra. Returning to a new home once more, she gave her heirlooms to Therese von Theonus and Konstantin von Theonus, the two members who she saw as children of her own. Living a new day in the peace of retirement as she made her way down the dirt path, following a figure, unknowing that it would lead her to the Seven Skies.


Only a single letter was left behind:


Dear Family,



I hope you find this letter well. Especially for the ones that were like the children I never had and my favorite cousin if she's out there! I will keep this short and sweet since all my life I have talk your ears off! I do not have anymore hidden gems or treasures. What was given to you was given to me by your grandparents. I hope it continues being a tradition of passing it down to your children if deserving of such. But I do leave all of my love and guidance from GOTT to lead you astray from any dark path. 




Audrina von Theonus




AAAA the first human I ever played and had such a wonderful time thanks to @Deetsand @TaytoTot! There has been so many other lovely people involved with the von Theonus and it's been exciting to see how much the story has progress! Just know if you can remember rping with Audrina, I remember rping with you and enjoyed every moment of it! 


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A Waldenian woman waited on the other side, her arms extended towards Audrina as she crossed. "Du are home nov, kinder." Her mother, Annette, spoke in her usual sweet tone, leading her on.

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A dark figure watched as the woman parted ways with the world, a hand held at her chest, watching the body burn away as she gave her a proper resting place. "You suffered so greatly, Im sorry this is all I could do."


Alexandra von Audrick would be sat in her room within that rising tower. Her hands resting upon a stuffed living doll as she was silent. Her red blindfold now stained darkly with tears. "Everyvone ist leaving us arent zhey Cookie?" She muses to the plush who tackled her hand. "Audy, Ich hope vy see oncle und auntie soon, Ich vill miss vy all greatly."

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Nearby Annette rested Karl, his arms crossed over his chest. Though saddened that Audrina's time upon Almaris, and later Aevos, had come to an end, he was happy to be reunited with her once more in the Skies. Within his lifetime, little else had given him such joys and heartache as raising Audrina as if she was his own daughter, though in the end, she truly had been. Karl could not have been prouder of the woman his daughter had become throughout her lifetime. "I bet you've some stories to share with your mother and I, no?" He asked, following alongside the duo.





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