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Scriptum Anno Domini 1978




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I write to you all with a burdened heart. Many may not recognize or know who I am— I am the son of who many know to be Richard and Ottavia of Stassion. My father and mother have passed within this Saint Week, and have left me with no guidance or help but with their sins to carry. As such, I come forth humbly before the realms of humanity, so that my apologies might be heard. Apologies in which my parents and ancestors were too ignorant to state, the apologies and admittance for their crimes against other Kingdoms, its people, and to the Church and GOD. 


I understand my family history is known for its violence and its sins. I wish to express my wish for forgiveness and give my apologies for the sins of my father and my mother. I have been left with a choice that should have been made during my parents time but it seems their arrogance and sinful behavior was too much to expect for them to repent and ask for forgiveness.


With this being said, I wish to begin the righteous path that needs to be taken by myself, by my family that are alive or yet to be born, and by my people.





To His Holiness and his holy subjects—


I apologize on my father, my mother, my family and my people's behalf.


I ask for your forgiveness in that my parents and my ancestors have committed atrocious and sinful actions. I further request for your guidance in bettering my people and my community in asking for forgiveness to GOD. And with your guidance and your knowledgeable Priests who are learned in the faith of Canonism, I ask you to guide my people in the path to ask towards forgiveness, to allow us to apologize for our ancestors actions.


UNTO THE APOSTOLIC KINGDOM OF AAUN (The Heartlander Confederation),


To the royal family and people of the Apostolic Kingdom of Aaun, now known as The Heartlander Confederation—


I apologize on my father, my mother, my family and my people's behalf.


The actions that were committed by my lineage are inexcusable. I am also facing those repercussions and more now being left with no guidance or help to understand. Through my Grandfather's actions, the Apostolic Kingdom of Aaun has lost a King— a holy and just royal who I read stories about as a boy, for wishing for peace.  The hesitance he brought upon waging war was something that should have been admired, and never taken away from the Royal Family, from the Kingdom, and from Humanity.


I apologize as Head of Rhosmark, that my ancestors' actions were outright disgusting, and an affront to the mercy which you have shown us thus far. Furthermore, I admit and accept guilt for the fact that not only did my ancestors commit murder on your King, but also attempt to plot treason against your state. I write as of now to apologize for such sins. I wish to be guided by GOD and the Pontiff itself in the righteous path to understand and continue to ask for forgiveness for my ancestors' crimes onto GOD and to the royal family and people of Aaun.


UNTO THE KINGDOM OF PETRA (The Heartlander Confederation),


To the royal family and people of the Kingdom of the Petra, now known as The Heartlander Confederation—


I apologize on my father, my mother, my family and my people's behalf.


The actions of my parents and ancestors have been countless also to the Kingdom of Petra. Even though they had parted ways from the Kingdom before committing the heathen actions, the actions were committed nonetheless. I apologize for those actions, on the defamation and slander, the murder, the betrayal of trust and countless more.  I ask for your forgiveness. I am only learning through these actions and crimes through my tutors, advisors and the books I read but with every sentence I read, every word I hear, my regret comes even more.



To the royal family and people of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska—


I apologize on my father, my mother, my family and my people's behalf.


Even though my parents' history of crimes are not as countless in comparison to the Kingdom of Petra and the Apostolic Kingdom of Aaun, crimes were still committed in the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. With that, apologies must be stated. The fact that my parents and my ancestors were siding with a heathen nation to justify the murder of your people in an attempt to claim your lands and remove you from your homes is utterly and inexcusably despicable. I apologize for those actions in which myself and my new generation of people could not even comprehend were committed. The fact that my ancestors pitted themselves against a Canonist nation is near too disgusting to put pen to paper about. With this, we therefore do apologize sincerely.




To the sovereigns and citizenry of the various realms of humanity—


I apologize on my father, my mother, my family and my people's behalf.


Though my mother nor father may not been against your peoples directly, the war which they raged against the human realms have nevertheless had a lasting impact upon humanity. There are scantly enough words I can use to justify their sinful behavior nor their petty schemes against the realms of Man. All the same, I offer my sincerest apologies to those human canonist realms which felt the affects of the war. 




These words may only be written on paper. Nevertheless, I ask that you take these words with meaning. My parents and ancestors have left me with their sins and seemed quite eager for their deaths to avoid any repentance and answer to their crimes. I ask for you to consider my apologies, and even though those mentioned above may not wish to see this as a step taken in the direction. I and my people, guided by myself and my path to GOD and repentance will take countless steps to show the direction Rhosmark is wishing to make. We do not wish to do the same actions my parents and ancestors did.






Hey guys, this is my first time really writing a major post. I’m still relatively new to this all and got some help from a friend to help write this so hopefully this is all correct and good. Hope this is in the right steps forward and that it is actually well written!







Margrave of the Rhosmark


Margravine-consort of the Rhosmark


Quartermaster and Scribe of the Rhosmark



Edited by mojanghunter
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The aged Prince of Merryweather had the missive read to him over supper. Abruptly a fist smashed on the table as he heard what was written about Aaun "What?!" he screamed "They killed the King, his advisors, my father! And all the cowards do is send a letter to apologize?" the Prince's supper was furiously cast aside. Supper was ruined.

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Princess Laurene of Merryweather let out a weary sigh as she gazed upon her aging husband. "Those responsible for the crimes against our family will face justice, for the sake of our ancestors and our lineage," she declared resolutely. Summoning a servant, she requested a generous cup of wine for both herself and the Prince.



A gentle smile graced Mathilde Augusta of the Stassion of Old's face as she perused her brother's words. "At long last, my dear brother has come to understand that our parents are the root cause of our family's decline. May the gods guide him through whatever trials lie ahead for our lineage."

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Charles Alstion read the missive as he was eating his breakfast. Suddenly the princely eyelid began to twitch "For Edmund and all those fallen in '52 all we get is a God damned apology? They surely take us for fools. For years the crown has tried. Many times my royal father gave these vipers a chance to apologise, kneel and be forgiven yet at all times they have found a reason to just disobey His will. Oathbreakers, traitors, kingslayers!" The Lord of Alba yelled as he, similarly to Prince of Merryweather, slammed the desk with his fist - once more similarly, his meal was ruined.

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