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*Starts reading in "The Book of Souls", while looking at Seraph*

*his eyes turn red and he keeps staring at Seraph*

(( LOL wut?))

*Seraph's eyes glow red as his face darkens, he tries to hide his face as he turns away and steps outside, sweating.*

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Mc name- BoltofFusion

Ic name-Tempir

Do you have a villain application-Yes

What will you contribute to the guild-Bringing in as much materials as needed. Taking out the corrupt, protecting the innocent, and protecting The White Ravens.

Do you agree to follow and obey the rules?- Yes

What previous Experience do you have?- I have been in the Trisians, and the Templars. Both fairly active, but has since disbanded.

What have you done to promote the ideals of Aeriel?- I pray every elven day, I fought in multiple wars with the undead, and I protect the innocent.

Once in the guild, what branch will you belong to?- The light infantry. I have 47 swords, full Iron armour, and an Iron sword.

What is your level in the skill the branch uses (for merchants write N/A) - 47 swords.

Have you signed our charter?-Do not know what you mean, after I read the whole post.


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Mc name- BoltofFusion

Ic name-Tempir

Do you have a villain application-Yes

What will you contribute to the guild-Bringing in as much materials as needed. Taking out the corrupt, protecting the innocent, and protecting The White Ravens.

Do you agree to follow and obey the rules?- Yes

What previous Experience do you have?- I have been in the Trisians, and the Templars. Both fairly active, but has since disbanded.

What have you done to promote the ideals of Aeriel?- I pray every elven day, I fought in multiple wars with the undead, and I protect the innocent.

Once in the guild, what branch will you belong to?- The light infantry. I have 47 swords, full Iron armour, and an Iron sword.

What is your level in the skill the branch uses (for merchants write N/A) - 47 swords.

Have you signed our charter?-Do not know what you mean, after I read the whole post.



Since you like to protect people so much, I am stationing you in the guard core for now, you will be allowed to join the military once our city is in full swing.

Someone PM him the coords and initiate him. I might be on in a bit :D

EDIT: We might be able to put your villain app to good use :twisted:

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((intense weight workout today. Ill be getting on after i finish my shower. Tell syrio im honored to have a presence before him))

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Well I'm quite pissed off. I was trying to talk to Marius and get permission but he was running around and logged off... soooo need to go cool off somewhere :P.

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Its good that we are starting to have more members in the guild!


((I think they're like robots who hardly cares about anyone and only want to win at all cost.))

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((Lets make this clear, Archangel cant be mindless, because they are supposed to be the commanders of the paladins.

How do you command the paladins if your a mindless angel xD))

They're not completely mindless. They have no emotions, and are physically incapable of disobeying their superiors. They are incredibly good tacticians, and command their Paladins with expertise. They are mindless in terms of emotion and selfishness. All they think about is winning the battle.

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((Seraph that wasnt cool, destroying the book with a few words :(

Me, Striker and Aodran had so much fun and you ruined it.

It wasnt even worth calling RP))

Seraph do you really think the magic disappeared by ripping it into 2 pieces?

Are you trying to let the magic out into our fountain.

You bringing this whole town in danger by doing so.

I will hide the 2 pieces were noone will find them.

((you didnt throw them into the water))

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Yes I did, I destroyed it because the drama was killing me... it was a blank book, and it was getting the whole guild into an uproar. It was too much grief to deal with... and now it's over. Also, if it was as important as you say it was, it was bringing the whole city into danger.

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Yes I did, I destroyed it because the drama was killing me... it was a blank book, and it was getting the whole guild into an uproar. It was too much grief to deal with... and now it's over. Also, if it was as important as you say it was, it was bringing the whole city into danger.

((If you dont mind me and Orex picked up those pieces, looked for some string and paper and fixed the book.))

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((can archangels even laugh? I fear RP may be affected. But, when can my ritual begin?))

(( They're like Star Trek Vulcans, so if Vulcans laugh, I guess they would too.))

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If archangels are mindless drones that only follow orders from superiors, what happens when the superior is in error? Instead, archangels should be loyal to the guild itself.

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