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The Order Of The Panacea


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A Order of Like-minded individuals who will regulate and promote the use of Alchemy for the good of Asulon.

This Order has been created to regulate the usage of "Potions" as called by the people of Asulon. We will control and teach the populace of their usage and consumption, as well as clamping down on the danger of the more volatile potions that are available on the backstreet market.


As the skies of Asulon, as clear as a newly-cut sapphire, arched proudly over a new day in the lands, something else, secreted down below, in the bows of the earth, was becoming clear too.

The woman, arched over a small, wooden table, designed obviously with functionality over looks, frowned as she tapped a small beaker. She stood up, patting down her long robe, and looked over at a man sitting laxly on a nearby bench.

She held up the beaker, which was filled with a rather miserable-looking goo (If goo can look miserable, that is.). She grunted, and called over to the reclining man;

“Catalyst isn’t stabilizing. The mixture isn't reaching equilibrium. Any ideas?”

She put down the beaker, sighing, and leafed through a large book laid on the table. Over on the bench, the man pondered a moment, then replied;

“Have you tried some molybdenum?” He says with a small smirk. The woman look up, adjusting her spectacles, and laughs weakly.

“This is for healing, not lead poisoning. Try harder next time to look clever, you might get somewhere.” She says, leaning onto the desk whilst gazing down at the hand-written tome.

The figure on the bench looks abashed, then suddenly sits up stiffly. He grabs a apple and holds it up proudly. “That’s it!” he shouts. The woman looks over, shocked. “That’s what?” she groans. “I hope this isn’t another self-proclaimed revelation of yours. We had a high enough fatality rate last time.”

Smirking, the man strolled over. Walking into the light, he holds up the apple to her face. Unimpressed, the woman takes the apple. “What?” she groans.

“Don’t you see it?” he says. “No, I do not. Please, enlighten me, royal alchemist of the seven kingdoms, I am but a meek professor.” the woman intones sarcastically.

“We’ve been doing it all wrong. We’re starting with the wrong base material.” the man says, waggling a finger patronizingly.

The woman’s eyes light up. “We’ve been taking neutral ingredients and have been trying to combine them, with no result.” she says, catching on.

“And what we need to do is the opposite... we need to..” here, they say it together - “start with negative ingredients and reverse their properties!”

Rushing over to the stand of phials, they work in a frenzy, gathering corrupted ingredients and mixing them together. Eventually, sweat staining her brow, the woman holds up a phial full of a creamy-golden liquid.

“We’ve done it. We’ve made it! The panacea!” the man laughs with glee.

“Hurry, we must take it to the hospital! They’re relying on this!” The two figures storm out of the room, grabbing hooded coats on the way out, bending over to pick up messenger satchels that clinked with the sound of empty elixirs.

Emerging out into the bright sunshine of eastern Salvus, the two figures move quickly towards the bustling market town of Solace, carrying a pack of alchemical equipment over their shoulders. Briskly running, they head into the centre of the town to where a white tent stood, canopy flapping in the mellow breeze from the nearby coast. They vanish inside, and you hear several raised voices.

“Does it work? Have you tested it?” a studious man asks the duo, his voice full of confusion yet tinted with hope.

“No, but we’re sure this time! We’ve really got it!” They proclaim, moving over to a bed which is inhabited by a wounded soldier.

Uncorking the golden flask, the woman grins. “All of you are about to witness a miracle of human science - the acquia regia - Panacea, we call it.” Tipping it slowly over the man’s mouth, she allows a single drop to fall into the soldier’s open gullet.The drop falls, and trickles into the man’s mouth. They wait. And wait.

“Face it, you’ve failed again. It’s not going to work.” A guard nearby says, looking at his wounded comrade. His voice is draped in sadness. Groaning, the two alchemists sit down, head in hands.

“I thought we’d done it this time. Finally cracked it. Got the Panacea working.” The woman slowly mutters. A young elven medic walks over, and places a hand on each of the two’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry, you’ll get it eventually, friends.”

Looking up, the man grins. “The pointy-ear is right. We CAN do this. We just need more help, better equipment, and more time.”

Standing up slowly, the woman grunts. “It’s always more time with you.” However, she does slightly smile.

The two alchemists walk out of the medical tent, sad yet content. Looking after them, the elvish medic looks over to a man propped up in his bed. “Who were those people?”

The man laughs heartily, and says loudly “They’re the Order of the Panacea. They’re insane, but they just might save us.”

The elf looks out of the tent, smiling without quite knowing why.


Alchemer : Head of the three alchemical wings, and of the practical applications of all created potions and poultices.

Head Phylixist: In charge of the creation and invention of all healing or rejuvenating creations.

Head Toxicist: Handles the designing and perfecting of all damaging and corrosive potions and products.

Head Elixist: Oversees the creation and deployment of all mind or body-altering substances.

> Each has a apprentice or helper. These are a Alchemist or Apprentice who have shown interest in a particular ward of the alchemical studies.

Alchemist : Access to all basic potions and ingredients (Not any upgrade ingredients like redstone.)

Apprentice: Access to basic potions, must be supervised by a higher-ranked member.

Supplier: Supplies the guild with ingredients.


Each nation may send up to TWO members (they must be a resident IN the nation to count.).

These two people will be trained the rudimentary skills of a Alchemist, mostly in the Phylixist wing of the art.

They will be gifted the honourary ranks of “Alchemer-Envoy” upon completion of the training program.

This allows them access to the Order’s stores. However, ingredients will not be free to the Kingdoms, unless they are in a time of need.

Upon return to their respective Kingdoms, of course under the King’s discretion, they will advise the King on the distribution and selling of potions, as well as regulation and control of the more dangerous variants.

Alchemer-Envoys must return to the Order once every Elvish week (IRL week.) to document and relay their findings and actions.

ALL Alchemer-Envoys must submit to truth tests if they are suspect of breaking the Alchemical Trinity, as explained below.



1. I will not disregard any side of the Alchemical Trinity, but will continue to aid all alchemists, even those not of my wing or study.

2. I will not steal any idea or possession for personal gain.

3. I will not disclose secrets to those outside the order without permission of my superior or for the good of Asulon.

4. I will admit that even mixtures that do not explode have a useful application.

Uniforms: Currently being designed. If you are a tailor or seamstress, please contact me with the details below.

Guild Base: Excavation Ixis, near the Dwarven Sentinels. Currently under construction. We require workers. If you wish to help build, contact Alys via messenger bird. Details below.

((If you do not know where the Dwarven Sentinels are, you need to explore Asulon more. Seriously. Please. Do it.))

Here is a visual-transcription of the site, currently under construction.

Interestingly enough, this image was created by shining light onto a solution we had recently deemed useless. It is quite a good invention, I think.


If you are interested in joining the Order, or want to learn more, or wish to aid us with building, research or design, please, contact Alys by sending a messenger bird to;

Nest 136

Solace Aviary


Thank you for your interest in our Order. We are here to help.

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Yes! Alchemist is going to be my next character for sure now! =)

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((I think the guild will be a great success, but one question: Would a elf, dwarf, human, orc be able to join if they are not sent by there nation?))


((It's multi-cultural, although it's biased towards humans due to their proximity and ethics - they are quite liberal with experimentation and things that are on morally-grey areas. They also do a lot of trading with outsiders and can be relied upon to transport rare and necessary goods for the Order to function.))

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Just a question, even if there is 2 from each nation will the guild still have a neutral standing?

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Just a question, even if there is 2 from each nation will the guild still have a neutral standing?

Yes and No. The Order stands for "For the good of Asulon as a whole" and so, will likely stand against morally corrupt individuals and organizations.

The Order is neutral in times of peace, only seeking to educate and aid the nations in the use and misuse of Alchemy.

However, in terms of wars, the Order will help the injured and needy of both sides. This could be considered hypocritical, as healed soldiers may go back out and kill more of the enemy. But the Order is somewhat naive in that respect.

So, as a whole, yes. They will try to be neutral. Members of the Order are not seen as any particular race but rather as a unique individual.

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((Freya, your a god, you know the community has wanted this forever, and now it is here. Good work, looks amazing, and I know it will turn out awesome =D))

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Would this guild be willing to do one or more of the following?:

1. Set up a place for people to purchase these potions?

2. teach people like me who are not 100% associated with a nation and wish to use the knowledge to help those in there community

3. send members of this guild around to the nations towns and cities to sell ingrediants and potions to those unable to make the journey?

(( what i mainly mean is, can anybody join i would like to have Kelasto in Salvus but i would like to be able to make and sell potions with out having to report about it to the guild and such becuase of allegance to a nation. Kelasto will hopefully be on Salvus land but be partly independent and be run by me. if i would be able to take lessons let me know freya 8D ))

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1. Set up a place for people to purchase these potions?

I'm sure that has been addressed in the initial text, but I shall clarify regardless.

That all depends. The mixtures that are beneficial, and as such are under the jurisdiction and watch of the Phylixist and Elixist Wards, will most likely be readily available, especially potions that aid healing and rejuvenation.

However, potions that cause harm and blight will not be for sale in large amounts. They will only be sold by / at the main Order base, and most likely only for specified uses such as monster culling and such. We do not want these toxic mixtures to bleed out into the market, since these will most likely end up in the hands of saboteurs and anarchists.

2. teach people like me who are not 100% associated with a nation and wish to use the knowledge to help those in there community

I'm sure that could be arranged. A meeting in person would be required. I am happy to travel, if you are unable to.

3. send members of this guild around to the nations towns and cities to sell ingrediants and potions to those unable to make the journey?

You may be able to buy raw ingredients from Alchemer-Envoys, depending on what you need. Once again, ingredients known to cause pain and / or suffering will be strictly controlled.

(( what i mainly mean is, can anybody join i would like to have Kelasto in Salvus but i would like to be able to make and sell potions with out having to report about it to the guild and such becuase of allegance to a nation. Kelasto will hopefully be on Salvus land but be partly independent and be run by me. if i would be able to take lessons let me know freya 8D ))

((We will be able to sell potions to vendors and shopkeepers, if you prove you are trustworthy and do not have a criminal clientele. You will need to keep reports of anything large sales. Also, as stated before, potions under the Toxicist Ward will NOT be sold on the market. As for the lessons, we shall see. I need to get some members first hehe.))

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thank you once i am settled into Asulon (( have internet )) ill contact you for leasons until then i wish you the best of luck with this, i see this being a wonderful addition to Asulon

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The code of neutrality is strangely similar to the Arcane Covenant. We even used to have it so that we would have two residences from every nation be a part of our group.

Perhaps, since this Order is also a neutral group, we could come to a sort of close affiliation?

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A few...notes

Traveling merchants that carry valuable reagants and potions? I am not sure that is an good idea, what if they get robbed or killed? Then baam there is potions on the black market.

Negative potions-Let only nation leader be able to purchase them? Im also thinking that there should not be harm or poison ones

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Ah. I'm in Salvus currently I don't own a bird. Could I still find a way to contact ye?

((I'll just assume you managed to send a bird to me, since... I got your message... right? That's a bit like sending a e-mail asking for help on sending e-mails... if you get what i'm saying.))

You can find me occasionally in Solace, as well as the Order's construction at Excavation Ixis. Of course, you can always arrange a place for us to meet.

thank you once i am settled into Asulon (( have internet )) ill contact you for leasons until then i wish you the best of luck with this, i see this being a wonderful addition to Asulon

I thank you for your kind words, stranger. I hope you get settled into this land soon, for I fear it will not be this peaceful for long.

The code of neutrality is strangely similar to the Arcane Covenant. We even used to have it so that we would have two residences from every nation be a part of our group.

Perhaps, since this Order is also a neutral group, we could come to a sort of close affiliation?

I have not heard of said "Arcane Covenant". However, we are always interested in relationships with other organizations. I may contact you further on the matter in due time.

A few...notes

Traveling merchants that carry valuable reagants and potions? I am not sure that is an good idea, what if they get robbed or killed? Then baam there is potions on the black market.

Negative potions-Let only nation leader be able to purchase them? Im also thinking that there should not be harm or poison ones

I promise you, any order of the Panacea WILL be taught how to fight in a way befitting our creed and code. We will make sure that any supplies will make it to where they need to be. Just because we are neutral does not mean we are pacifists.

Also, a warning. We will hunt down any criminal traders with all of our resources. They are a blight upon the land and shall be purged.

Onto your second point. Nation leaders will not be able to purchase goods from us, only the Alchemer-Envoys, or whatever their home nation deems to call them. We do not trust the leaders of the Nations to handle the use and control of substances they know very little about. That is the Alchemer-Envoys job - to advise the Nation's leader's as to the dangers and advantages of said items.

However, it is all early days. We may yet change the rules and laws of our order as needed.

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