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The Frozen Thorns [Guild]


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*A rotting body lies by the side of the road, if one looked closed they might see a sheaf of papers gripped tightly in it’s decaying fist, still in good enough condition regardless of their owners current condition*

*If one took the papers and looked closer you would see a strange emblem on the top, and a long text under it, speckles of blood covering it at moments.*


((For the Sake of clarity the rest will be written on the forums, and no on scrolls like thee above, just imagine it to be like that in RP.))

*Upon the tattered and bloodied paper one can see smooth writing, in black ink. It is tightly written and covers most of the page from top to bottom.*


Born from the mind of their mistress which her followers know only as the Frozen, the Frozen Thorns were created with only the objective of profit in mind. Their mistress had no other thought in making these than fun, power and money. She had always dreamed of controlling a crime syndicate of sorts, even when she was still married she wanted power.

She had attained it for a short while as she helped Skravia eliminate the bandits that harassed it, but felt a great loss once they left that city for new lands, her, her husband and her wife. She missed the power and wanted it back, and why not have a healthy profit with it?

Much time passed and many things happened to her which are mystery and shall be kept as such.

And then she re-appeared once more, with as much will as ever, determined to make her project work, and bring money and power to her and her newfound “Sisters.” So it is that she began the planning for those that she would soon name “Frozen Thorns.”

Many weeks she spent thinking and writing in a place hidden from the eyes of many, and only spoken in legends by most. She wrote her ideas and her plans, everything that came to her mind, she wrote till she had written it all and knew perfectly what to do. And then, she began to spread information about these “Frozen Thorns”. Bringing bandits, masterminds, con-artists and petty criminals to her, and taking them under her grip. The men and women who came to her never knew who she was, for through some dark magic she never looked alike….Those who tried to pierce this secret were found dead, and eaten.

Yet more came, attracted by the power they could have by following this mysterious person...And the loyal were rewarded.

~This is the story of our Mistress and the Frozen Thorns, to whom we owe unending loyalty.~


-All members must obey the Mistress without a moments hesitation. Failing to do so will result in punishment.

-All members must obey their superiors without hesitation. Failing to do so will result in punishment.

-20% of ALL profit must be given to the mistress. Failing to do so will result in the removal of two fingers.

-You may not do any large operation or transaction without the permission of a Haze.

-Hurting any of the Mistresses Sisters will result in immediate and excruciating death. They are to be obeyed as much as the Mistress if they deign speak to you.

-Denouncing any other member of the Frozen Thorns will result in your death ones released from imprisonment.

-You must never reveal to another you are part of the Frozen Thorns, doing so will result in punishment.

-You are entitled to a minimum of 50% of your loot, if the Mistress wishes for more than her 20% she may take it.

-You may not attack another member of the Frozen Thorns unless provoked.


((-Be respectful to the rest of the community, be mature.

((-Value RP over items at all times.

((-You will probably need a VA, varies depending on your position.

((-Try to refrain from PVP’ing unless necessary, I encourage RP fighting.

((-Refrain from stupid trolling

((-you must love Drows. ((I kid))

((-Powergaming and Metagaming are prohibited.

((-You may be removed if you broke the above (OOC) rules, depending on the severity of your acts.


-Here you will find all the ranks of our circle. These are positions of honor and prestige and one must deserve them by blood and sweat.

~Mistress; Their is only one Mistress, all of us must obey her without hesitation and any sign of mutiny towards here results in the death of the beginner of this crime. She controls us, and takes the profit of much of your work. She distributes it back to the unit when she deems it necessary and has absolute power.

~Wolf; Leader and captain, these men and women answer only to the Mistress and may take decisions on their own. Tread lightly, for one mistake might cost you your life in such a position. They can be specialized in one of the many trades done in the Frozen Thorns, but should be able to command any operation.

~Gold; These men are not fighters, but merchants at heart. They deal with the dangerous and risky weapons dealing and running operations. They buy weapons cheap and sell them on the market for higher prices. They also take all stolen weaponry and sell it illegaly in cities or to other bandit groups. Many times they are helped by fighters, or escorted by them but they are the brains. They also sell the drugs made by the Thorns.

~Bronze; Specialized in Human traffic, they are fighters as well as people trained in the arts of breaking a beings will into obediance. They sell and train their “merchandise” by their own ways and must always be ready to give their merchandise to the Mistress, for her own reasons…

~Thorn; The usual grunt, the Thorns are the soldier and bandit of the group. They are sent in to leave a strong message or to plunder, kill and steal. Not the smartest they are also used as bodyguards to the more valuable assets of the group such as the Bronze, Silver and Gold, or even the Wolfs. They are at the same level as the Gold Silver and Bronze unless on a protection missions with them where they must obey them. They fill in the roles of bandits, blackmailers, thugs and thiefs all in one.

~Haze; The stealthy ones, the Hazes are assassins and spies for the cause. They hide under special identities in cities and gather information for the Mistress, but they also creep in the dark of night, assassins ready to strike. Another facette of their job is blackmail of a much more delicate type than the Thorns. They might steal letters from a desk and then threaten the author of these, demanding money in return for the letters. They are higher up in ranks than the Thorns and Silver Gold Bronze but they must obey the Wolves. Yet only the mistress may assign them missions.

~The Frostbites; ((!)) A group of elite saboteurs, men and women who have a profound knowledge of traps, explosives and other such tools of the trade. They follow the wolves and Mistress, and are trained in various arts, such as assassination, ship boarding, etc...

~Informant; Men and women loyal to the Thorns, they do not take any act in the evil deeds of the guild but watch and listen for it. They are the normal peasants who will tell the Thorns what the guards are planning, or when the Baron will attack them. ((You do not need a VA to be an informant, but remember you are not officialy part of the guild, and will never see the base or take part in our actions unless exception. This is just to allow people to have something new in their RP and be part of us in some way. ^^))


-We are here for profit and power, nothing else. We do not seek love nor do we seek to help. Money is our goal.

To those who have found interest in joining us in our power, you may attempt to prove yourself as a Bronze, Silver, Gold, Thorn or Haze. Show yourself worthy and you might progress through the ranks...



-MC name*:

-Do you have a VA, and if no are you willing to make one?*:

-Do you promise to obey to the OOC rules?*:

-Do you have Skype? ((For communications sake))*:


-RP name:

-What do you wish to join as, why?:

-What can you bring to the Frozen Thorns, what are you skilled in?:

-Race and Sex:

-Do you swear to follow the rules of the Frozen Thorns? Refusing to do so will amount in your death.:

-Do you have any previous or current loyalties?:

Situational RP Question ((Choose the one appropriate to the Rank you wish for.))

Thorn---You are given as mission to find and beat up the minister of a small village, for he has refused to pay taxes to you.

Gold---You have just been given a cache of spears to be transported to a group of bandits in a city one day away, how do you proceed?

Bronze---You just spotted 3 teenage girls in a forest, ideal prey. What do you do?

Haze--- You are ordered to go to a certain Arethor noble and get the money he owes you for weapons by any means you deem necessary.

Frostbite --- You are sent on a mission, you must destroy the HMS Syrio's Beard. How do you act?

Informant --- N/A

((Note, I did leave some parts of this in the shade for the sole reason that I wanted to keep this mysterious and make people find out in Game.))

((I'l just add a little additional OOC info:

-I heard this was a bit like the DB, I don't know if it is or not as I've never been involved with them or read their lore, but if it is, I'd rather see some actions taken IC rather than any OOC complaining, which I'm quite sure I won't see anyway.

-This is a Crime Syndicate, meant to be a bit like the Chicago Mob of the Sicilian Mafia.

-Any questions OOC? Just ask me, I'l try to answer unless I'm keeping it secret on purpose ^^.

-For those applying, I didn't say what kind of VA you need because that would vary for each person, if you want to know what kind of evils you might need, just ask me.))



~19/10/12: You may now apply to join as a Haze.

~19/10/12: The app was changed, and shortened.

~17/11/12: Frostbites are now revealed and you may apply as one!

-Gold and Silver were compressed into one rank.

~25/11/12: Informant group was added!

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*picks up a note and puts it in the pocket of his robes, he then wanders off towards his home thinking of what he read. at home he re-reads the document and takes out his pipe. While smoking he realises that this might have been what he has been waiting for all along.*

((application incomming, going to be edited in this post))

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-MC name*: Pheonixpro1

-Time on the server*: 1 year and 1 month.

-Do you have a VA, and if no are you willing to make one?*: Yes and im willing to make a mini-va if need.

-Do you promise to obey to the OOC rules?*: I always do.

-Do you have Skype? ((For communications sake))*: You have my skype.

-RP name: Cailean Baelish [Alias is Cobra]

-Why do you wish to join? ◊: I wish to join so I can earn a little profit for myself. I have been a Hired Sellsword and Assassin for a long time and I even have my links with other people. I believe my services could be of use to your group.

-What do you wish to join as, why? ◊: I think I would be more valuable as a Thorn or Assassin. I have both professional experiences in the jobs and have been hired many times. I would be better as a Thorn however as that is where I first started in the crime business.

-What can you bring to the Frozen Thorns? ((What can you bring IC and OOC?)) ◊: I believe I can bring money and hard work to the Frozen Thorns. My experience with crime has been increased ever since I became wanted in Oren after the Assassinations of many other Nobles. [i hope I could bring great RP and become a greater roleplay from joining another Villain group. I've been in several Villain groups, such as House Flay, House Adelban and the Rogues. I have many links to other Villain RPers in-game who could help out in a situation if needed.]

-Race and Sex: Human, Male.

-Do you swear to follow the rules of the Frozen Thorns? Refusing to do so will amount in your death.: I swear to follow the rules and will even take an Oath is required.

-Do you promise to obey to the OOC rules? [i do indeed]

Situational RP Question ((Choose the one appropriate to the Rank you wish for.))

Thorn---You are given as mission to find and beat up the minister of a small village, for he has refused to pay taxes to you.

[if your wondering im going to be emoting the village around 8 o'clock.]As Cailean sits upon a thick branch outside of the village, he pushes the leaves aside as he observes the town folk. He waits patiently waiting for them to move to the appropriate place. Minutes pass whilst Cailean still examines the village, until a smirk cracks upon his face and he jumps down from the branch. He crouches down to the ground, quickly sprinting over towards a house where he may take cover and observe the village. On the other side from his point in the village lies the Ministers home, the target assigned. Cailean stands up and places his foot into a loose brick deep within a home wall. He grips tight onto the other bricks and climbs up until he can reach the roof ledge and grip his hands onto the edge. Cailean pulls himself up using most of his strength, still attempting to stay unnoticed and crouched on the roof. He glances to the other roof next to him and whilst the villagers don't seem to be looking he makes a quick and hasty leap over. Cailean succesfully lands onto the other roof but feels unbalanced.

As he kneels down amd grips onto a roof tile he pulls himself up and climbs over the other side of the roof where he may gain access to the others roof. He walks over three roofs until he reaches the end and jumps down from the edge. Cailean is now about eighteen metres from the Ministers house, and he silently walks behind the other houses until he finally reaches the back of the Ministers home. He removes a iron crowbar, and taps it gently against the window until he reaches it back and smashes the window. Cailean chips at the glass still attached to the window, and he places the crowbar back into his bag, as he climbs inside the window. A slight rip is heard as a piece of glass catches Cailean's leg [Left leg] and the glass cuts a deep cut on his skin. His face turns from pink to a bright red as he holds in his wince. He must accomplish his mission before seeing his wound, and so as he enters he walks up stairs to see the Minister sleeping within his home.

Cailean grabs his fists to the Ministers shirt and lifts him up from the bed whilst the Minister wakes up unknowingly of Cailean's prescense. Cailean throws him against the wall, raising his fist and hitting him multiple times in the head. The Ministers tries to shout for help but Cailean places his hand over his mouth and kicks him in his private parts [With his right leg]. He releases his grip on the Minister and kicks into his ribs as he falls to the ground. The Ministers falls unconcious whilst Cailean spits on him and sneaks downstairs hoping not to notice. As Cailean slips out the broken window, a knock is heard on the door. When Cailean succesfully gets outside he runs into the woods nearby, almost limping due to his injury.


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Il talk to you on skype when I can get on my Pc, and we can organise some time to meet in rp.

Just remember that this is only the ooc acceptance and I still need to accept you IC.

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-MC name*:


-Time on the server*:

Seven months

-Do you have a VA, and if no are you willing to make one?*:

I am willing to make one.

-Do you promise to obey to the OOC rules?*:


-Do you have Skype? ((For communications sake))*:

You know the answer to that :P

-RP name:

Laku Jaran

-Why do you wish to join? ◊:

For the fun of it.

((It looks like a great way to develop Laku as a character, and should lead to some fun rp ^^ ))

-What do you wish to join as, why? ◊:

A Haze. I will not tell you of my abilities, as it is better for you to see them.

((Laku is extremely agile, silent, and stealthy. I believe he would be best suited to Haze because of this. His way is to sneak, and to surprise attack. However, he has a bizzare code of honor, and believes that using a sword shows weakness, and if the enemy puts up a good fight, one should let him live, unless that proves impossible. However, he will kill if ordered to.))

-What can you bring to the Frozen Thorns? ((What can you bring IC and OOC?)) ◊:

I can bring intelligence, and a silent mouth.

((For one thing, Laku is mute, so that's what a "silent mouth" means. I OOC can bring a happy, cheerful person, with a lot of enthusiasm :) ))

-Race and Sex:

Dark elf, male.

-Do you swear to follow the rules of the Frozen Thorns? Refusing to do so will amount in your death.:


-Do you promise to obey to the OOC rules?


Situational RP Question ((Choose the one appropriate to the Rank you wish for.))

Thorn---You are given as mission to find and beat up the minister of a small village, for he has refused to pay taxes to you.

Silver---You are tasked with selling drugs in Arethor and the Mistress wishes for you to have sold 500 emeralds worth of it by the sunset.

Gold---You have just been given a cache of spears to be transported to a group of bandits in a city one day away, how do you proceed?

Bronze---You just spotted 3 teenage girls in a forest, ideal prey. What do you do?

Haze--- You are ordered to go to a certain Arethor noble and get the money he owes you for weapons by any means you deem necessary.

Laku looks at his belt, noting the usual silver throwing stars. Throwing his light robe around him and pulling it up, he walks around the bend towards the Arethor gate. Smiling slightly, he nods to the guards and walks into the city, the cloak concealing his small weapons. He glides over to a shop, peering inside. It is mid-day, still quite busy. He sits in a quiet corner near the stairs leading to the second floor, as customers come and go. Pretending to fall asleep, Laku goes over the location of the noble’s house in his mind. When the shop is empty, Laku moves suddenly. He whips a rock towards the back of the shop owner’s head, as he is sweeping up. The rock misses, heading even further into the shop and breaking a mirror. Laku winces, and thinks to himself


The shopkeeper, agitated by the noise, heads back into the shop. Laku, taking advantage of the opportunity and shrugging to himself, climbs up the stairs to the second floor. Once there, Laku opens the window and climbs out up onto the roofs. He smiles at the sight of his old grounds. He unclips the fastener to his cloak, letting it slip off, and exposing his usual flexible robes. His throwing stars flash in the darkening twilight. Silently he runs along the rooftops, arms stretched behind him. Laku jumps from roof to roof, catlike, a predator of night. He arrives on the top of the Noble’s home. He takes out a throwing star and cuts a hole in one of the windows, making a slight squeak. He pushes in the circle he cut on one side, flipping half of it out. He then grabs the circle of glass and gently sets it on top of the roof. Then Laku swings over the side of the roof and inside the house. A systematic search ensues. After two hours of searching the house as silently as possilbe, Laku heads up to the Nobleman’s bedroom. His wife and him are sleeping in a fancy bed.

“Most likely bought with the sweat of the weak.”

Laku thinks, scowling.

Laku looks at the woman in the bed, pondering something.

“Hrm, the man, being a noble, most likely does not love her...I couldn’t use her to threaten him...if she wakes up she might be a problem...”

With a small shink he takes out a throwing star, walks to the side of the bed, and casually slits her throat, a red line appearing across her neck. Then he gently shakes the man awake. The man sits up, groggy, stretching out his limbs.

“What is it Martha...this better be good.”

The man sees Laku, and looks at him in a stupor. Then he intakes his breath to scream. Laku suddenly sticks his golden tongue out, clacking it up and down like a madman. The man, in horror, chokes on his scream. Laku rushes over and claps a hand over his mouth. Then he holds one hand in front of the noble’s mouth, rubbing a thumb and a forefinger together. The signal is clear. The noble, regaining some of his pomposity, shakes his head in indignation. Laku holds a throwing star up to the man’s neck, cocking his head to the side and smiling slightly. The man seems to sag as he points to a certain oddly colored panel of floorboards. Laku kicks the floorboards firmly, breaking them in. There was the gold. Laku takes the gold, inserting it into a small leather sack. Then he looks at the man. To kill him, or not to kill him? Laku ponders for a moment, thinking of all the injustices done to him by Arethor and their nobles, and casually and quickly, snaps the man’s neck. He wasn’t honorable anyway. He goes down to the bottom floor of the house and strides out, calmly and without worry. He stops by the shop he started at and picks up his cloak. It is dirtier now, but Laku puts it on anyway, and slips away into the shadows.

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Altariel recieves the two birds as they fly into her abode. She grabs them, both of them squaking in fear and indignation at the touch of her freezing fingers. She rips the notes from their legs, tossing them casually to the side where they hit the wall, struggling up and flying off clumsily.

Altariel walks over to a soft chair, covered in icicles and pushes her light dress under her legs as she sits down, sighing in content. She opens the letters and scans them for a moment, a feral grin appearing on her lips, revealing razor sharp teeth.


She grabs a pot with a thick red substance inside it and writes down two small notes, taking two pigeons from cages next to her bed and attaching the notes to them, sending them out without a word.

The notes read:

"You have been permitted to join by the Mistress's recruiter. You shall be sent a meeting time by the recruiter shortly. Be there."

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*taking little notice of the corpse's smell Vanya crouches down to pry the crisp piece of paper from the fist. Reading it as s she continues on her walk Vanya lips start to curl into a smile*

"Oh my poor Mister Tornleg. These people are just who I could use some help from though..."

*she stops off at the next tavern and starts to write a letter that she hopes will find its way to the Frozen Thorns*

To the Frozen Thorns,

I seemed to have stumbled upon a Rarin Tornleg, or so I guess by the letter clasped in his rotten fingers. I wish to speak with you in the hopes that you may help me in my endeavours to find a certain person. I have minas if that is needed, just leave a letter at the Arethor stables addressed to me if you will help.


Miss Norodiir

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*Altariel walks up to the man charged of giving her the said note, taking it from him with gloved fingers and flicking him away. The man stops, muttering something about payment before recieving a icy stare from her. As small as she might be, he could feel the danger seeping from her and resolves to nod and hurry off.

As the man leaves she walks into the small house she had bought for herself, letting her disguise melt away and flicking her gloves off, opening the missive with icy grey fingers*

*After a brief moment spent reading, she smiles widely and nods to herself, picking up a quill and writing on the other side of the note*

"Your request has been heard, a time to meet shall be arranged by us shortly and you will recieve another note at the Arethor Stables. Be prepared for it when it comes.



*She stamps her seal on the note before focusing for a moment, her disguise covering her once more as she slips out, fitting her gloves on her hands and walking to the Stables of Arethor, putting the note in a small nook and walking off smoothly, a small smile on her soft lips.*

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-MC name*:


-Do you have a VA, and if no are you willing to make one?*:

I do not have a VA as of yet, one will be made later on since this is a new character.

-Do you promise to obey to the OOC rules?*:

Yes I do

-Do you have Skype? ((For communications sake))*:

Yes I do have skype and you are already in my contacts list


-RP name:


-What do you wish to join as, why?:

I want to be a Haze, I am small and fast. Running from evil guards and merchants I have been doing for my entire life. These evil men want to catch me for stealing their food and clothes, they chase me all around but cannot catch me. I can also move silently like a cat.

-What can you bring to the Frozen Thorns, what are you skilled in?:

Like I wrote before, my skill is being fast and sneaky. I learned them by having to take care of myself ever since my parents left me alone in Arethor. I can defend myself as well from animals and guards. I am also quick with my mind and can think of traps and sneak routes easily.

-Race and Sex:

Elf, Male

-Do you swear to follow the rules of the Frozen Thorns? Refusing to do so will amount in your death.:

I swear

-Do you have any previous or current loyalties?:

Nay, I lived alone all my life

Situational RP Question ((Choose the one appropriate to the Rank you wish for.))

Haze--- You are ordered to go to a certain Arethor noble and get the money he owes you for weapons by any means you deem necessary.

The rain clatters on the stone bricks in arethor, creating a curtain of water. It is cold even for this time of year and most peoples are inside their homes. Yet there he stands, a boy, his face hidden in his hood. He is waiting but on what people can only guess. When someone tries to approach him he remains still and quiet. After while the guards don't even notice him anymore. He has become a part of the scenery. Then suddenly he moves, he walks away from the fountain towards The inner city. His walking turns into running as if he is trying to convince his legs that he is going the right way.

The boy is obviously fast for his age but there is also something else that doesn't seem right. someone that would pay attention would realise that his footsteps don't make any noise at all. After running for a while the boy stops and turns towards a house, he has finally arrived.

It took Heril a lot of time to convince himself to come to this house. He knows that if he won't do this he will be punished severly but still. When he looks at the house he can feel the sweat running from his back. It is so cold. Heril realises that he cannot stand there for a long time, maybe someone will notice him. Heril knocks on the door, three short knocks. And then he waits, his hand on his back, cluthing the hilt of a small yet dangerous dagger. When the owner of the house, a wealthy looking man with a large moustache, open the door and sees the boy he is surprised. That moment of surprise is just enough for Heril. He takes out the dagger and motions the man to be queit and go inside. When the door is closed the man looks at Heril and speak; What ta 'ell are ye doing here ye little bastard?! How dare you point that weapon at me? Heril is confused by the man an starts stammering, You..N-need to p-p-pay or else! Or else what hu? You gonna sting me with that little toy of yours? The man replys. Heril is starting to get scared, he had no idea that the man wouldn't coöperate. Heril points the dagger at the man and makes a decision. He storm forward trying to stab the man in his guts. Sadly for him the man is way bigger then him and has the muscles that are normal for an ex guard. The man kicks heril in the stomach and sends him flying accros the room. He then reaches for the large butcher knife lying on the table next to him. Heril realises that the only thing he can do now is try and get away...alive.

Heril reaches for his dagger but before he can reach it he sees the butcher knife comming right at him. He dodges and stands up. He looks around the room and grabs what is closest to him, an iron bucket and smashes it on the mans head as hard as he can. He then dashes towards the front door and screams when he realises that it is locked. He then runs towards the stairs, just dodging the man and his buthcer knife. He runs towards the closest window and jumps trough it. He lands on his feet and runs away from the main city towards the walls. Not looking back, he realises that he has failed his assignement. He slowly walks back, fearing for whatever punishment he might receive

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Altariel frowns as she looks at the new note, and taps her finger on the side of her usual icy chair. This one might show promise in later days, but she wasn't sure about him. He was so young...

Her eyes look off through her window distractedly for a couple moment, the note held in her grey hand. Suddenly, she gives a little start and shakes her head, frowning and beginning to write an answer. She would take the risk, but not as a Haze, he was too young for that. That other recruit, Cail-something would teach him a thing or two about this kind of life.

"The mistress has decided that you may join as a Thorn, a new recruit to be taught by those with more expirience. Failing in our trust shall result in your death. You will be contacted with further information on a later date."

She finishes the note and sends it out with a pigeon, walking back to her chair in a rustle of dresses and cloth, steepling her fingers and resting her chin on them. This was going rather good...

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MC name:


Do you have a VA, and if no are you willing to make one?:

I have a Va,

just not for this character.


"I'm willing."

Do you promise to obey to the OOC rules?*:

Of course, yes.

Do you have Skype? ((For communications sake)):

Ye got it already, mate. ( :3 )


RP name:

My name?

Heh.. I'm Johnny Fredfort, The Gambler.

What do you wish to join as, why?:

Tha' gold one and maybe even Bronze?

Looks pretty.. Intresting… if I must say ma-self.

Why? I've lived in the slums of Oren for years now,

I never got the place and treatment I rightfully deserve..

I deserve to bath in gold.. Diamonds..

Choose the finest “meat” on the market...

And watch the sun rise from a house by the docks, every morning..~

And.. Of course..

I'm ye humble servant, I'm right... Here...

What can you bring to the Frozen Thorns, what are you skilled in?:

Well... Since I am Johnny, and I am the Gambler..

You should know that I've used many hours at all inns around Oren,

doing what I'm best at, drinking professionally playing dice..

I'm a wonder when it comes to gathering infomation, about everything your heart desires..

And at last, but not least, I got a good.. Er.. Yes.. A good understanding, about plants

and other drug.. Related.. "Meds.."

Race and Gender:

I'm Human ye silly, and male.

Do you swear to follow the rules of the Frozen Thorns? Refusing to do so will amount in your death:

Well, well, well, of course. Of course my “Mistress.” I’m here to have fun… Earn Mina… Aren’t we all..?

Do you have any previous or current loyalties?:

Not at all… To be honest, and I guess we all have to be that now. I’ve had very few… I ever trusted. MY loyalty would lie in the hand, belonging to the Frozen Thorns.

Situational RP Question ((Choose the one appropriate to the Rank you wish for.))


As Johnny walked closer to the three young girls, the wind blowing and delicately rustling his hair he adjusted a button on his tailored coat, putting on a cheerful smile.

“Hail! And good-evening ladies!”

He yelled out with a flattering and enthusiastic voice, walking closer towards them,

“Wha’re ye fine ladies doing out here in the wood tonight? It IS dangerous to walk around a place like this, especially in rare times like these!”

He grinned..

Johnny had always enjoyed the life of luxury, money…

He offered them to walk them back to their home, making sure nothing bad would happen to them…

After all it is hard to navigate under star light…

Now knowing where they lived,

Johnny went back to their homes the next evening,

and politely asking if they had any

"exciting plans for tonight?"

… And after that, sneaky, as John now is, he asked them to join him for a trip to the tavern.

“So where are we heading to tonight? I heard the local inn was quite the place, this, lovely evening.”

He smiled charmingly, tipping his hat towards them.

After few hours of partying, making sure they all got drunk… Selling the various meds, pipes and cigars he had brought… He felt like the day was complete… Though… He wasn’t done.

As he helped the girls home, himself slightly drunk, them completely.

He had contacted a few.. Friends.. Before the trip to the inn..

And planned with his fellow Frozen Thorns a fews of the “Grunts.” To pick up the girls… And they did…

Johnny smiled as he walked away, letting the Grunts do the rest, all that violence... Maybe.. He felt slight pity for the poor girls… But not for long.

Their screams, and their vomiting behavior (literally) made him only feel disgust…

And.. Well.

Another successful day of work.

((This is a new character and will (OF COURSE) not be played as he's pictured here,

until I get a villian application going.))

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-MC name*: "huskyboy2k10"

-Do you have a VA, and if no are you willing to make one?*: "Using this Guild as a VA structure"

-Do you promise to obey to the OOC rules?*: "Yes"

-Do you have Skype? ((For communications sake))*: "You already got it :3"


-RP name: "Smoke....."

-What do you wish to join as, why?: Smoke looks at the woman, then looks down to the group "Smoke..Wants...Blood..." he grins under his mask as he starts to laugh wickedly

-What can you bring to the Frozen Thorns, what are you skilled in?: "Making... Blood.."

-Race and Sex: "Male....Smoke is Male.., Human.... Smoke is Human.."

-Do you swear to follow the rules of the Frozen Thorns? Refusing to do so will amount in your death.: Smoke nods, the blank look in his eyes is the same as always

-Do you have any previous or current loyalties?: "No..."

Situational RP Question ((Choose the one appropriate to the Rank you wish for.))

Bronze---You just spotted 3 teenage girls in a forest, ideal prey. What do you do?

Smoke grins under his mask chuckling lightly to himself as the Teenagers walk through the forest, the first teenager seems a bit worried as the other two continue to move through the forest, he silently yet quickly moves through the forest, pacing from tree to tree, hoping not to be spotted. After a good thirty minutes or so, the first teenager stops speaking to the others "Can we turn back now?, my parents are going to be worried if we don't hurry home..", the other two laugh as the second teenager steps forth "Oh come on, you're just scared of the woods!", the first one blushes a bit trying to hide it she defends herself "I am not!, I'm tired of you both picking on me!" she runs back toward Smokes direction. As the first teenager runs on, smoke rushes to keep up with her quickly pulling out his Chain Scythe he slings it at her legs attempting to catch her foot, luckily he did as he watches her fall forward he rushes forward punching her in the face, she screams several times after punching her one last time Smoke managed to make her go unconscious. Smoke could hear footsteps coming from behind as he rushes behind a tree the other two teenagers run toward the unconscious girl, noticing the red marks they could tell it wasn't an accident, quickly Smoke tosses his Scythe at the second girl as he rushes forward, throwing a punch at the third one surprisingly the third girl dodged the hit as she quickly crawled away leaving the other two with Smoke, "Smoke will be back for you later!" he calls out, turning his attention to the second girl, he hadn't realised that he had missed as she had sent a boot to his face, quickly falling backwards the girl attempts to lift up the second girl and escape, Smoke quickly stumbles back up as he shoves his gauntlet on the side of his leg, equipping a claw as he chases the girl, herself not being able to move fast she screams for help as smoke slashes her leg with the claw, she falls the first teenager falling on top of her as Smoke kicks the second one in the face, leaving her unconscious as he pulls out two sets of rope tying them up a he lifts up the first one, leaving the second one there for whoever to find her, "Smoke will give the one in better shape to the Thorns, yes yes...." Smoke laughs as he carries the girl off toward his hut

Haze--- You are ordered to go to a certain Arethor noble and get the money he owes you for weapons by any means you deem necessary. ((Won't do the RP for it quite yet, but eventually I wish to make Smoke one as well but I'll start out with just one))

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Wandering a well-beaten road on a pitch black night, N'guemo happens upon a rotting body, strewn haphazardly in the grass beside the pathway. Pouting a little at it, he kneels down, running his hands over the corpse. Taking a brief yet wary look around behind him, he leans towards the man's arm, widening his jaws as he sinks his teeth in, ripping out a good chunk of flesh and swallowing it with delight.

Continuing similarly for a good portion of the body, he stands back up, wiping blood from his mouth. As he does so, he glances down, noticing a handful of papers in the deathly clutches of the now very dead man. He bends down once more, snatching them up and reading through the top leaflet; What appears to be some sort of flier encouraging the deceased to join a guild, and a violent one at that.

N'guemo mutters to himself, and promptly crumples the papers up, stuffing them one by one into his mouth and swallowing them disdainfully. As he finishes chewing through the documents, he stands back up, dusting his robes down.

"We can't be having competition now, can we?"

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