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Displaying Emotions In Roleplay & Other [Guide]


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Another thread might already have been made about this and I shall not make it long.

This is a short guide with one objective in mind, teaching people to roleplay their characters emotions and expressions in roleplay.

Now this is something I consider vital if you wish to truly enjoy your roleplay and have a dynamic expirience that could change at a moments notice.

Now, you might be wondering why I find this so important, so I shall set up my reasons quickly so you may understand.

-A very important reason is that it’s always easier to continue Roleplay, and feel more immersed into it when you know what the other is doing, how the other is looking and how they are reacting to what is happened, or what you are saying.

-Secondly, if nobody ever displays emotions or any reaction apart from talking when you roleplay, you can’t know how to react yourself to how the other is reacting, or you might not know how to continue your own actions because you don’t know how the character feels!

-Without emotions, RP can feel very bland, I personally have some difficulty continuing RP without them, since I don’t really know what to say sometimes.

-This mostly applies to normal everyday RP, not fighting RP-

So, now that you know that I’m going to give some very simply pointers about how to RP emotions, expressions, and other small things that generally give some taste to RP.

Their isn’t much I can say, since a lot of this depends on the situation, but there are some basics that most people should know, and that I consider to be very helpful!

-React to what people say

Don’t just answer back, maybe crack a smile, or glare, or you might even walk out the door offended! But even small things like this will help roleplay be much funner.

-Don’t be a statue

Nobody sits without moving during a whole conversation, maybe you’re tapping your finger upon your knee, maybe you get up and pace while you talk, or maybe you simply yawn and stretch!

-Allow random happenings

Don’t like spiders? What if one fell on your head from the rafters? Ew, that would be unpleasant, and make for fun RP!

-Don’t react once

Don’t emote once, and then never emote another reaction again! Conversations are filled with smiling, laughter, anger...etc. Even in a serious conversation things happen on a face, with a character.

-Don’t be shy

You don’t want to break roleplay with a random occurrence? Don’t be shy! The other is here to RP after all!

Well, those are the basics, with that, I hope at least some people will learn something new and hopefully make LoTC a funner environment to Roleplay in!

Happy Roleplaying~

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Learnt this by Panda's teaching already~ Hue hue, but this is nice anyway!

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See, now I have something else to think of to make my roleplay better! I always try and give a facial expression, but I never considered the ' Do not be a statue' rule! Thanks Spam!

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Very nice guide. Do you know if you're still allowed to kiss people on the server?

You are. There's a guide which covers what you're allowed to do on LotC, romantically: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/70580-how-to-rp-romance-without-being-creepy/

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Yes indeed!

I always find it a struggle to find meaningful RP with those who do not make use of emotes. I find that I get lost as to the next action like this. Hope people read this~ :D

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I shall attempt to +1 more than once. Good guide, and, I impressed James (Alpine) when I RPed the fear and the shock of being stabbed randomly and being called an agent of the fairies (Don't ask). He was also very impressed, as a few are, by the fact I constantly DO things whilst I am talking to people.

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