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[✓] Geology - Lore On Minerals, Rocks And Ores.


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The study of rocks and minerals.

These are based on real life reactions, but not exact copies. Also, some things might not even exist IRL, and I only thought it could be fun to exist. This is not even near complition yet, but I like it a lot to have not only me, but other people helping on lore, and so if anyone wishes to write about one of the minerals/rocks that exist, go ahead. You can even make up some, as I will, but leaving that for after the end of the MC ones. The other aspects is about their use in not normal situations, like how they react with the person, and how they react with other minerals and plants.


Normal stone

Normal stone is easily breakable, even someone with only a wooden pickaxe can break it, the result being cobble. It is grey and makes up most of the underground.

Easy - The stone dust when mix with water creates a kind of cement, which can be used to glew materials together. Only by wetting the cobble of the stone and compressing it together, would be enough to create something stronger than the stone itself. This is a very easy process to do, and even an amature builder can make a wall of cobble due to the characteristics of stone.

Moderate - Heating up the cobble at high temperatures will make it crack and turn fully into dust. by mixing water with the dust, one can almost create exact duplicate of the stone they first mined, and give it shape quite easily. The furnace used has to hold the heat of the fire enough to crack the cobble. This is fairly normal furnace. Using stone this way is like using only cement in building, so for some, it isn't so good, and sometimes looks bad.

Hard - After heating the cobble into stone dust, one can make it a little stronger. By mixing it with just a little water and shaping it with a brick mold, if heated to the right temperature, the bricks become stronger than the normal stone. If the temperature is too much it will crack, if too little it will be as strong as the stone. With it that way, one can use the stone dust with water as cement and can give quite the forms for the bricks. When removing the bricks, the cement would break first, leaving the bricks still intact.

Other aspects - The stone dust is not very harmful. Someone breading it will cough and spit it out, and if it gets on a wound, the blood will absorve the dust and not let it flow through the body. Because of this, the dusk could be used to stop blood from leaving a wound, but infections are something that is observed if used, not because of the stone, but because illnesses exist between the dust. Mixed with the stone in great depths, are other minerals and ores.



Sandstone is the result of compressed sand. It is yellow and quite easily breakable even more so than stone. Sand exists in great quantity, expecially in deserts, and shores.

Easy - Compacting sand into sandstone is quite easy, as not a lot of force is required. Unlike stone, water is not needed, but you only get small bricks by compressing it. In a mold, normally made of cobble or wood, is placed the sand, and then by using a weight, normally made of cobble or wood, force is applied downwards into it, compacting it. to glue them together, stone dust cement or just weight is used. If left outside, over the years it will start being eroded by the wind, and will turn once more into sand.

Moderate - Small bricks can be easily made by an amature, yet bigger bricks can be made. This is made by using the smaller bricks placing them on a larger mold. The weight used this time for compressing must be a lot bigger, and so a lot harder to move. If the weight is too much the mold might crack, and the mold must be good enough to hold the weight. If the weight is not enough, the small bricks will not glue together. Using sand one can also heat it up immensely and create glass, if heated too much, the glass will not take a form of anything and by heating it too little, an ugly mix of sand and glass will be made.

Hard - The sandstone is very breakable, but this gives chance to great masons to carve on the bricks. If they do not have enough skill, they will break the brick and make it useless. More skill is also required to make other things from glass. Normally using a big chunk of glass, and melting just a part of it, one can create different things, be it panes or bottles.

Other aspects - Intake of sandstone would not be very harmful, and contact of it with a wound would not cause much trouble and not do much, as it does not absorve the blood, and would not even stop the bleeding. The presence of an infection could also exist by using it that way. Sand is a good means as to mix gunpowder with, as it mixes well with it, and then can be compressed onto sticks of TNT.



Clay can be found on rivers, lakes and even on the shores of seas. It is rarer, but still easy to find if one knows where.

Easy - Clay can hold it shape after the water is removed, and so, by applying just a small amount of water anyone can glue together small shovel full of clay into bigger pieces. using wooden supports, even walls can be made from clay, and it is quite good at isolation, yet very ugly to look at.

Moderate - By heating up clay, it hardens quite a lot. For the making of decoration, a person only has to make the shape using the clay, then heat it up. Normally used for making pots, as clay is quite easy to mold while still unheated. Knowing how hot the oven must be still requires a little bit of knowledge.

Hard - Making clay hard requires a little bit of skill, yet making it into something that holds fortifications and buildings is another thing. Clay would be shaped into bricks by molds, and heated up. Unlike the normal decoration methods, for building purposes the amount of water the clay has and the amount of heat and duration in the furnace. Afterwards, the bricks only need gluing together by use of clay or stone cement. The best of ceramic workers, can create incredible pieces of pottery and china.

Other aspects - Clay is in fact harmful if placed over a wound as the particles are quite small and enter part of the bloodstream before stopping, causing immense pain, but normally not enough to kill someone. If eaten, nothing more than vomit should occur.




Gravel is composed of many small difference rocks. It is found in many places even underground.

Easy - Gravel does not have many uses. It is normally used for paving roads, and for filling the inside of walls, as it will make passing through it very hard, since the enemy will have to remove all the gravel to pass through. Anyone can use a shovel to move around gravel.

Moderate - Amongst the many bits of Gravel, sometimes flint is found. Finding the flint can be done by luck or by actually looking for it.

Other aspects - Being hit by gravel might make a small cut or two, as part of it are particles which can be quite sharp.



Normal everyday dirt, also called soil, exists at the surface and one can easily dig it, but as it compresses underground it will start getting harder. Dirt is made of various types of minerals in small particles, resulting from erosion from the wind, rain and the rotes of the trees, but it is also made from dead animals, plants, insects and from the excrements of the animals.

Easy - Dirt can be compressed and that way it will stick together, water also helps glew it together. In building purposes, dirt is only used to fill holes and raise small hills, as even if it can be used with wooden supports for walls, they are easily destroyed by rain. Dirt primary use is for cultivation, as for most plants grow on soil and water mixes quite well with it. Preparing the dirt for planting is fairly easy as it is made of loose particles, even an amature can pass a hoe through the soil, but of course he will take more time than a farmer.

Moderate - The growing of crops is quite well known knowledge throughout the realm, growing grass on the other hand, becomes harder. Normally people let the grass spread by itself, as they have no knowledge on how to create it. Only those knowledgeable of plants like biologists, druids and perhaps some farmers, know how to plant the grass in location where there was none before. Only on grass do other plants grow, some easy, like daisies and roses, some harder like ferns.

Hard - Apart from grass, there is something else that grows on the surface of dirt, and that is Mycelium. Only the very experienced biologists and perhaps druids know how to make it grow in a location where there was none before. It spreads, yet the fungus that creates said surface dies quite quickly, and can not be taken even short distance. Only a few know how.

Other aspects - Dirt is quite dangerous if placed in contact with an open wound, it will cause an infection on account of all the filth mixed in it. Even if made out of numerous types of minerals, searching for individual minerals in it is quite useless, as the particles would be too small to gather them.




Coal is a black mineral, highly flammable. It is quite brittle and easily breakable, giving it many uses. It exists in great quantity in the underground, being the most abundant ore mixed with the stone underground. It exists in all depths and can sometimes even be seen from the surface.

Easy - Coal can have various uses but the most simple one is using it as a tool for writing. Being the Coal brittle it easy breaks and leaves a black trail when it is passed through some paper. The other most common use of coal is for heat. Coal while being highly flammable, also lasts a long time before it's gone, and as such it is very used in all types of uses that involve a flame.

Moderate - With the current furnaces, a skilled blacksmith can bring the coal to great temperatures. The amount of air has to be controlled and the furnace has to be made large enough for it to happen.

Other aspects - Coal dust is highly toxic, and long exposure to it will damage the lungs of the one breathing it. The dust can be used in many other ways, be it in alchemy, potion making, poisons, traps and in drawings.


Added Clay
Added Gravel
Added Dirt

Added Coal

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The monks have lore on lapis, gold, and diamond.

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The monks have lore on lapis, gold, and diamond.

I do not know where to start looking for it, but I thank you for stating it. Is it in the lore of their deities?

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I do not know where to start looking for it, but I thank you for stating it. Is it in the lore of their deities?

Roleplay>Monk Roleplay

Should be somewhere in there.

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Move to Accepted Lore for the next stage. Please hold use till Implemented.

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