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Bog The Behemoth'gorkil


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Bog the Behemoth'Gorkil

Orc Pages

Bog grew up in a poor orcish tribe that had only survived by trading pebbles, and ores to with other orcish tribes. Many young orcs of this small village had to give up their training in combat to feed their families while their parents were at war. Bog was forced into the mines to mine for the War Nation. He spent nine long years mining for food, increasing his strength. Just to get by, Bog would eat the other orcs' rations right out of their hands. Bog was soon exiled from the tribe from eating the entire buffet at a celebration. All the chicken bones were picked clean, the steak was swallowed whole, and the stew was guzzled down. Bog was exiled for putting a major impact in the tribe's food storage.

Bog traveled to a merchant city named Grizzbare, there he tried to trade pebbles, and sticks. Every merchant had denied him, because his wares were obviously worthless. Bog's stomach began to eat Bog inside out. Though, Bog had seen a butcher shop, and had slowly apporoached it; clutching his stomach. The Butcher was not at his stall so Bog had thought the food was free, and began to devour the butcher's entire stock. Bog chewed the dry pig flesh like gum, and stuffed his face with lamb chops. The butcher had returned and was outraged that Bog had stolen all his food. The butcher slaps Bog on the back of the head, and Bog slowly turns around to stare in the face of the angered butcher. A fish in Bog's mouth, and the butcher shouted at Bog, then Bog had realized what the butcher had in his pocket. It was a freshly chopped off Halfling arm. Bog picks up the small butcher, and sticks his hand in the butcher's coat, slowly opening his cavernous jaws to swallow the arm whole. The butcher attempts to take the arm out of Bog's mouth, and gets his hand caught in Bog's monsterous jaws. Bog bites down to chew the halfling arm also snapping the butcher's palm leaving a grizzled nub. The butcher was screaming in pain, and Bog chewed the crunchy bones, and the succulent halfling arm. He drops the man due to his loud shrieks.

Bog is soon chased out of the city, and is known as a monster. He had no choice but to walk the lonely roads, with his fear of starvation standing over him. Bog was nearly driven with madness, nearly every traveler he saw, he would beg for the person for food. If they had refused to give food, Bog would pick them up and shake them to see if they were lying to him. If the speak the truth that they own no food, he would then devour the clothes they wear on their very backs. Soon, Bog had lived like a goat, eating trash many travelers have left behind. He was in a nutshell, crazed by his fear of starvation. After a long ways of traveling, Bog had stumbled upon a sandy area with a small orcish merchant town known as Sanhar. Bog had met with some of the locals accepted him. Bog had joined the Ferox Legio, and had gotten free food for doing tasks, such as killing monsters and savage beasts that lurked during the night. Bog had soon used the money he receieved from his tasks and bought a stall in the marketplace of Sanhar. There Bog had sold his wares from monster slaying, and occasionally took food from other vendors stalls while they weren't looking. Bog had lived happily within his shop, until it was destroyed after the death of Bein'Lur. After that, Bog had decided to follow his best friend Yahgy, and became a Gorkil by having Yahgy adopt Bog into the family.

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