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[✓] The Banius Carnival And Inventions


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The Banius Family Carnival

The Banius family dates back to approximately 800 in Aegis. The first of the Banius was a savvy inventor named Jelius Sabeen, and his wife: A cloth merchant named Maliuna Lieffela who began a roving trade caravan between themselves and another family of wood elves: The Malteaus. Sibbian and Liella.

The trade caravan moved through Aegis selling various wares and inventions made by Jelius. Throughout their travels the group picked up several travellers along the way, mostly minstrels or performers travelling from city to city to make a qiuck mina, in the spirit of making as many mina as possible Jelius, as crafty as he was decided to organize the various “seers”, Acrobats, Jugglers, fools and laborers that were picked up along the way and create a show to go along with their trading. Even going so far as to choreograph events and stunts for the groups while selling admission in whatever town they had set up in at the time. This brought mina in to the group by the barrel, though, it was not to last without it’s problems. Hearing of the carnival’s success, thieves began posing as stage hands and making off with pocket fulls of mina earned by the show. THe clever devil he was, Jelius decided to play into the superstitious nature of Aegian’s and tell a story around the campfire of the carnival’s curse to ward off thieves, though it was a hoax, and due to the ignorance of some, worked extremely well.

Along the road the Maltreas and the Sabeen family each had a child of their own, after coming of elven age. The Sabeen: A son named Dathreun. The Maltreas, a daughter named Lietta. Being the only children around in the troupe and the families connections, the two were arranged in a marriage upon their coming of age at seventy. In tradition the families had simply set for themselves they taught the two children the tricks of the trade, conning, lying, and marketing. The troupe even managed to teach the rising conners carnival tricks and acrobatic feats. Among juggling, dancing and tailoring costumes.

The two children surpassed their parents in short time, growing much more crafty and street-smart than the four “marketing” elves. With such craft the troupe rose to new heights, using the continued production of Jelius’ inventions as souvenirs and their skills of conning to create games which were difficult to win and pay-to-play with the promise of a prize to trick bystanders out of their mina. The Carnival prospered and Upon their coming of age the two young elves were married as planned. And continued these tricks and deception long after their parents settled down to the quiet life of Elandriel.
The problem of naming came to the two newlyweds after their parents retired, they found the name wasn’t ‘catchy’ as it was previously known as The Sabeen and Maltreas Travelling Troup. With this in mind the two quickly decided upon a new name for the carnival, and themselves. Thus creating the “Banius Family Travelling Carnival Spectacular.”

The conning and trickery of the Banius Family travelled throughout Aegis and earned the family plenty of mina and a very comfortable existence for a time. Shortly before the fall of Aegis the two managed a child of their own,, a daughter which they named Poloma. Who was raised among the troupe much like her parents, learning a bit of everything from the cast of the show and the stage-hands.

During the Asulon Plague the trope was hit hard with the sickness, killing all but two members, Poloma and Bamin, the manager of funds and advertisement.. Due to the crucial blow, the two settled in, Poloma not of age yet and Bamin forced to raise her until the end of Asulon, Poloma practicing the skills she had been taught ,and reading through her Mother’s journal to learn more about their past and her lineage. Though Poloma found more useful information in the books, their marketing, skills and the plans for odd rockets that rain light in the air made from odd alchemical plants..

Poloma and Bamin concocted a scheme shortlafter Poloma’s eightieth birthday, And the escape to Elysium. They would gather a new crew for the Carnival and begin the rake of profits anew, the two were skillful enough and Bamin knew most of the troupe’s needs for crew and gave the girl a list of what to find, and that is where we are today.

The Banius Family coined several innovative new products to sell at their shows, from Jelius’ inventions, the items below the moist mentionable (And profitable) of the inventions.

Light rain
Fire rain is basically a tube that is stuck into the ground and filled with dried and crushed alchemical herbs to change the color of the fire and a concentrated oil in the bottom of the tube to send it hurtling in the air before it explodes, the herbs catching fire and exploding in various colors and sparks. ((An explanation to fireworks, ignore if needed))

The Rain stick
This was the most popular toy among children and the most hated among the parents who were tricked into buying it by their children. It is essentially a capped and sealed tree-limb or animal femur that has been filled with small bits of gravel or dried berries and left to move around in the stick as a mock musical instrument.

The Balloon
Another great toy for children, albeit a bit disgusting in creation. Upon being left with the innards of lambs and pigs that were eaten, Jelius got the idea to sew together the stomach into an odd, ball-like shape and blow air into it, he would tie the end with a bit of long string. And hold them over a fire, so the leftover gasses and air would rise within the object and cause it to float for a short time. though he would usually paint over the object with a fun design to mask the fact it was a stomach or liver.



Ball toss
Jelius happened upon this idea when playing a game with his son involved of catching a pinecone that got stuck in a stump. He designed a booth to be set up at their stops, cutting holes in it that were only /just/ bigger than the ball provided and spaced apart making them harder to hit.

Ring toss
While designing the Ball toss, Julius accidentally got his ale bottle stuck in one of the holes he was cutting, trying to yank it out he he slipped, his wedding ring being pried off  by the bottle and landing upon it’s nozzle flatly before falling off.. Jelius got an ingenious idea to ling the bottles up in another booth, placing them away from the thrower and providing them with small rings to toss onto the nozzles at the promise of prizes, though making them just far away enough for the toss to be a challenge.

The strength test
A favorite among drunkards looking to satisfy their ego’s, or young men courting women they wished to impress, the strength test was designed by Jelius’ son, who fell back on a plank,  that sent rock at a crier’s bell. This inspired the young con man to make a game in similarity, providing his contestants with a mallet, faced with a large slotted weight upon t
he end of a balanced plank, which they had to slam the mallet into the plank to send the weight flying up through an aligned stand with a bell at the top.  And several notches with motivation along the rise to challenge the patron further.

Palm reading.
A hoax thought up by Poloma’s mother in which the ‘seer’ looks over the customers hand and based upon the shape of the lines in the person’s palm gives a bogus fortune regarding their life or love. She kept a small book of lines and what to tell the person corresponding with their hand shape and the lines seen upon them

The Curses
The curses were thought up by Jelius to discourage thieves from stealing from the carnival, and were told each time the carnival picked up a new recruit or needed a reminder and are completely false.

The Theft Curse
The troupe was often tricked and schemed by newer ‘laborers’ that were really just thieves and liars attempting to make off with a share of the troupes mina in the night. Jelius grew tired of this and decided to tell a story of a curse each night in order to scare off would-be thieves.
“Fire and pain, anguish in vain, so you have taken without consent, then eternal suffering lest ye repent.”

The Suffering Curse
In his usual nature of fueled greed and cunning Jelius’ son created another curse in order to bother those who had wronged him in some way, to make them think that every bit of bad luck or mishap they have is caused by this curse.
“So you have wronged the family so must you now see. One thousand suns, one thousand moons, Suffering until your doom. In the name of the Family, I cast this curse upon thee.”

The Hate Curse.
THe hate curse was one of Jelius’ curses and was mainly to warn others of the consequence of betraying the troupe’s secrets.

“Secrets you have spilt, and pain must be dealt, No more shall you see the smile of love, the light of peace, nor it’s heat. Only  the fires of hate, darkness of war and and the claw of the beast.”

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This all seems reasonable, and fun. :3


I could see the inventions easily implemented without much of a rough-go, Tentacles.

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Very creative,  I think you'll have a lot of fun with this and would be fun role play.

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This is a fantastic lire suggestion, I see no reason why it wouldn't be implimented

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Accepted on these conditions:


Balloons are not accepted in lore, I do however offer you the alternative of paper Lanterns, or Chineese laterns, as they have been used in the past in Asulon.


The Curses for now are fake.


If you would like to persue with making the curses real, please do feel free to post a seperate thread to do with magic curses.


Message either me or one of the other lore team once you see this, and we shall move it to the implimented section.

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Move to Accepted Lore for the next stage. Please hold use till Implemented.

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