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[Creature Lore] Nethermane


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Description:  The Nethermane is a grusome looking creature that had looked like it had been spewed from the Nether, therefore the unlucky traveler to first spot this beast had given it the Name Nethermane. The Nethermane is a 5 inch tall, and 6 inch long, devilish creature with incredibly sharp teeth, they are known to have the quality of a piranha's teeth. They are adapting creatures and can live in almost any climate, though they can not handle extreme colds. The Nethermane is a quick creature with the max sprinting speed of 5 mph though these come in short bursts and it will tire quickly due to it's small legs. The Nethermane can jump backwards due to it's powerful front legs and can become incredibly dangerous because of this. These creatures are not tamable and tend to live alone, a family of Nethermane will be together until their young can fend for themselves then they will all separate. Some Nethermane travel around together in packs, Nethermane judge each other by skill and capability. Certain packs will be formed based on their skills. Particularly fast Nethermane will form a pack if they all get along well with each other  and one female will follow them, to be the breeder; the faster Nethermane will get to breed with her to make a stronger generation. The same for strong, high jumping, poisonous, good hunting Nethermane's they all will find a pack eventually.  They are vicious creatures and will attack if someone gets too close. They kill too eat, but they do not kill for fun, they kill to defend if need be.  As of now the Nethermane have not been in contact with many humans, or any of the other races. So the Nethermane tend to ignore any human, however once the Nethermane gets an impression of the races they will act as they do to all animals, aggressive and territorial.


Hunting : The Nethermane mainly hunt animals high in protein with much meat on them, they prefer to hunt horses, cows, donkeys, chickens; the average farm animal. This makes them pests for farm owners that have livestock. Some Nethermane find that hunting is more of a sport and can hunt for animals that can defend themselves, or try. Some hunt for Oxen, wolves and bears.


Hunted? : The Nethermane has had a bad reputation for being eaten raw by animals. Some animals have tried to eat the Nethermane alive and have had cracked teeth from their shells, have been poisoned by their tail. ((See Age section for more details.)

The only type of animal or creature that has ever successfully caught and eaten a Nethermane, are sea mammals. The Nethermane can not swim, and so when put in water it will squirm around like a bug into a sea mammal will sense it and come up to eat it.


Mating cycle: They are seasonal breeders, they breed in the fall, when the length of daylight shortens, however the female Nethermane only breed every 10 years, they start breeding at the age of 25. Due to the average size of litters being 2-5 and the litter following it's mother for 7 years until it is able to fend for itself. the mother is forced to skip another breeding season until it is ready once more..


Age: The Nethermane can live up to 70-75 years, as they grow they become stronger and when they hit the age of 50, they go into an evolution stage where they grow into three different types of Nethermane.


Type One :  Hardened Shell, the Nethermane develops a shell that hardens over it's life time. These shells can just about handle a strike of a iron sword before shattering, though the hard shell can handle small daggers and knifes.


Type Two : Poison tail, the Nethermane develops a poisonous tail, that can carry enough poison to weaken a man, making him vomit and feel nausea after a few hours of being poisoned, though it would not kill the man. There are many ways of curing the poison, such as vitamins and  caffeine, these cures are unknown as to how they work, and counter the poison. and it is only effective to the Nethermane by slowing their prey, this poison if effective on animals.However if the Nethermane is to take the Poison tail evolution then it's life will be shortened by 25 years.


Type Three : Third legs, the Nethermane takes on a new pair of legs that grow between it's previous pair. These legs allow them to cling onto buildings and onto their prey, they a short legs which do not affect its running or jumping. This evolution takes 3 days to complete and is incredibly painful for the Nethermane.


Uses: Incredibly good hunters, Nethermane are picky creatures and if they kill a small cow, then see a bigger cow, they will leave the cow they had just slain and go after the stronger one. They are destructive creatures. They have sacks on their cheeks, which can be used as bag. Strangely they have delicious tasting meats, which can be used in some catering stores. Their hardened shell can make some good studded armor, if made correctly.


(Feed back?

I'm not a great writer, that is noted,

though I tried and that is all that counts.)

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The lore behind could use some work, but  not bad...

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The lore behind could use some work, but  not bad...


I think its just a creature that originates from Anthos and seems to be rare.


Reading it all, it seems like a really good description of these creatures, though I do wonder. Do they hunt in packs or alone? How aggressive are they to other beings?

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I think its just a creature that originates from Anthos and seems to be rare.


Reading it all, it seems like a really good description of these creatures, though I do wonder. Do they hunt in packs or alone? How aggressive are they to other beings?


They tend to live alone, a family of Nethermane would live together until their young can fend for themselves, then they all separate. 


Hardly any of them have even had any human contact so, most will completely ignore human's and the other races, though to animals they are violent and territorial. 

As soon as they get an impression on humans they will act in the same way as they do to animals.

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They tend to live alone, a family of Nethermane would live together until their young can fend for themselves, then they all separate. 


Hardly any of them have even had any human contact so, most will completely ignore human's and the other races, though to animals they are violent and territorial. 

As soon as they get an impression on humans they will act in the same way as they do to animals.


Makes sense. One last question though. In what climate/biome do they live? Mountains? Forests? Swamps?


Seems like a very terrifying creature, one that poets and bards could speak of. I think this creature deserves a place in LotC as one of the most original creatures and one the ET could have fun with.

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Makes sense. One last question though. In what climate/biome do they live? Mountains? Forests? Swamps?


Seems like a very terrifying creature, one that poets and bards could speak of. I think this creature deserves a place in LotC as one of the most original creatures and one the ET could have fun with.


They are adapting creatures and can live in almost any climate, though they can not handle extreme colds.

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I'm curious, if one where to capture, and feed a few of these guys, would someone be able to breed them for a reliable food source?

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I'm curious, if one where to capture, and feed a few of these guys, would someone be able to breed them for a reliable food source?

It could happen, you never know, until you try! :P

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Jesus, how horrifying.

All together, sure why not. I love post likes these, introducing violent new creatures. 


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Jesus, how horrifying.

All together, sure why not. I love post likes these, introducing violent new creatures. 



Thank You!

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It'd be cool to see an event with these

Broadcast: A hundred nethermanes swarm abresi, attacking violently at all they see

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Very good idea, I love the concept and the possibilities for events that can stem from these guys.

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It could happen, you never know, until you try! :P


*Has an EVIL plot for a nethermane farm.

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An interesting creature but this is creature that needs an overhaul to make it more workable. 


These creatures are long-lived, breed yearly, and can live anywhere as long as it doesn't snow.  This is creature that sounds to be as common as you average rat is about the same size as one as well.  It would help to know the average litter a female can breed per year.  You should reconsider things like its lifespan and/or breeding frequency as something that breeds that quickly is going to overrun most of Anthos.  Also consider predator and prey relationships.  What would hunt nethermanes to keep its population in check and what does it hunt to sustain itself?  Insects and other small animals or does it bite the ankles off of large animals?


The fact they tend to be solitary is also an odd choice.  You should elaborate more what would happen if these creatures happen to each other and they are not part of a family group.  For example, if two solitary nethermanes meet each other... what will happen?  Will they fight to the death or will the larger one scare off the smaller one? 


Also, the nethermane has too much going for it.  Not only are they small, nimble but they can run at a greater speed of the fastest Olympic sprinter, your average household rat can at best scurry at 2 miles per hour which is quite fast given its size.  To get an idea of how fast 25 mph is relative to the creatures size, watch this video of an RC car that roughly of similar size of a nethrmane going 25 mph




They can also sport a durable protective shell when that can shrug off a direct blow by an iron blade (something that is difficult to do give the size of the nethermane), a poisonous tail that can kill a man if untreated (and what would a proper treatment be if poisoned?), or additional legs that can help climb walls once this deadly thing reach the ripe old age of 60?  The nethermane is already dangerous with its sharp teeth and incredible speed... the additional morphs are unneeded as you already something dangerous at that speed.


To make this creature more balanced and better suited for the community, I suggest you nerf the speed to a more reasonable 2-5 mph max speed (this is still quite fast relative to the creature's size), shorten its life-span somewhere between 5- 10 years, and either do away with morphs or have the morphs be a harden carapace and/or additional legs.  Poisonous tails are overkill I think.


Also I recommend you include more information about its predator/prey relationship (what hunts it and what does it eat), go a bit more in-depth with their social interactions (like how solitary individuals interact with each other), go over how many nethermanes per litter and maybe discuss their preferred habitat?  I understand that they have a wide range but perhaps they are more likely found in old abandoned homes and ruins than out in the meadows.  Also, do they have any notable weaknesses?  I noticed that they breed only in the fall (may have to edit that to be winter as according to the votes on the calendar system there is only summer and winter) because of the shorter daylight hours which suggest that they might have an aversion to light.  If this is true, then you should discuss how sunlight effects them (e.i. does it burn them or just blind them?).


I know I might come off as a bit tough in my criticisms but I just trying to offer suggestions to help improve this lore in order to not make the nethermare come off as an overpowered land-piranha.  I hope you find these suggestions useful and I wish you the best of luck with your lore.

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I've edited quite a few things, taking a lot of your ideas and feedback into account.

Thank You.

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