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[Event Creature] Ollphéist Craiceann - The Flesh Worm

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Ollphéist Craiceann   

The Flesh Worm - Introduction.


A large, slimy, snake-like worm that hails deep from the Frozen Hearts of the North. The Ollphéist, or more commonly known as, the Flesh Worm, is a legless, armless, eyeless cold-blooded beast. It dwells within large, moist caves deep within the Earth, surviving off of underground critters, small mammals, and off of florescent fungus and minerals in the North.

Adaptation and Survival.

How it survives is, of course, through eating. Whenever it finds something small (perhaps a rabbit has accidentally burrowed into one of its tunnels?) dwelling its tunnels, it hunts off of reverberations in the tunnel. It forms a ribbed tunnel, with grooves in it so it might squirm about between them, its skin acting like a writhing muscle in order to propel itself forward, or backward, or to turn as it needs. It would proceed to hunt said creature through its movements, and with its maw (a folding, four segmented, tooth lined mouth), consume it whole.



Its skin, is this worms most marvelous tool. It acts as, again, its primary mode of movement, but as well as a secondary way to obtain food. Occasionally said worms will find themselves in caverns, which allow for exponential growth. Caverns often held bio-luminescent fungi or luminescent quartz. The feint lighting and the space would allow the worm to both widen and to grow in length. The worm's skin basically conducts photosynthesis, like plants do. It forms food from the light from the fungi and crystals.



The worms are asexual, allowing them to produce a clutch of eggs, which are roughly a foot tall and slender. They're usually a deep yellow, and are incredibly hard, like rocks. A pickaxe can be used to destroy them, as well as a war hammer, or any blunt smashing weapon. Swords can break on them, in retrospect. These clutches usually vary in number depending on the size of the worm, and are almost always, laid in the cavern. They take roughly one year to mature inside of the egg and hatch, producing larva, roughly two feet long, with a four inch radius.

   A fully matured Flesh Worm will stop growing (without lighting) at five feet long, roughly, with a foot radius. With lighting, their length explodes, while their radius gradually increases. Their insides however never grow- they will always remain roughly four to six inches in radius, meaning that a larva is incredibly easy to kill- you could burst one like a balloon. However, one that has been growing, could have up to an extra two feet of fat and skin, making them neigh impervious to nothing short of magic, cavalry, or siege weapons. Have no fear though, no worm has gotten so large in millenniums, and they're more fabled then real.

   Contrary to popular belief, the worms do not lay eggs in the corpses of children. They are called Flesh Worms due to the interesting characteristics of their skin, which were stated before.


Relevance and Variants. 


In legend, these Worms were used as a Children's story to ward children the dangers of going into the Night or the Dark Forests. It was believed these worms were nocturnal, however, its more realized they rarely sleep, and rather hibernate until sensing disturbances in their tunnels. Additionally, it is known that in the North, a variant of Worm, not too distant to its cousin, dwelling under forests rather then plains. Its believed it used the tree branches to detect when larger creatures were wandering too far off and could get bigger game this way. Northern Worms were, naturally, more hostile and found humans to be easier pray than their Adunian Cousins. An overview goes as follows.

   Northern Worms - Hostile, usually just smaller than their Adunian Cousins (they relied more on meat then light, and as such, didn't become as big as frequently). They would kill small dogs especially, children, and if some could, adults. Parties would occasionally gather and hunt for caverns to slay the Worms and destroy the clutches.

   Adunian Worms - Hostile, but only to things that entered their tunnels (miners would have the biggest problems with these things, as well as adventurers and explorers). They were commonly incredibly large, but were lesser seen,  lesser heard, and not a large worry of many's life.

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I reckon riding it would be difficult to say the least, considering that it's a slimy beast which writhes it's skin to move. Perhaps you could put it on a leash and take it for walks however.

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Well, they sort of move thanks to the carved tunnels they've made. Think of it like a train- once its of the rails, what good is it? It can sprout from the ground and wiggle about menacingly, but stationary, trying to maneuver to bite people. But surface walks couldn't happen.

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(( *starts carving worm tunnels*))


Actually, I was thinking of perhaps in an event people could stumble into a tunnel of the worms and be chased / hunted by the worm on their way to a goal. Who would be an event team member charging around blindly and killing whoever he/she finds.

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The spice must flow.

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