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[Creature Lore] The Mighty Snow Wolf


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Snow Wolves




Benjamin Seamus had been in the dwarven mountains on a logging expedition. Foolishly, he decided that he could go on his own, to earn a few extra coins for his family. However, his family was against it and forbid him for leaving, for he wished to go to enemy territory. Empowered by the recklessness of his youth and his eagerness to show his worth, he snuck out at night and took a carriage to the dwarven mountains by a friend. With axe in hand, he ventured out into the woods, and began his work.


After three days, his cart was full of timber. A good 200 minas worth, he thought to himself. His family would be proud. After recording his work in his journal, he slipped into his tent and dozed off. Ten minutes later, his dreams were interrupted. His eyes shot open as a lone howl pierced through the calm of the night forest like an arrow through an unarmored soldier. He muttered a silent curse and wrote in his journal, ‘Wolves... I’ve to brighten the fire...’ and headed out, axe in hand.


There was no wolf to greet him outside. Only the whistling of the cold wind  on the icy mountains. Swearing the whole time, Benjamin put some fresh firewood in the flame, and sat on a log he had used as a stool. “Damn wolves,” he muttered, “Stealin’ my sleep.” But little did he know, sleep stealing was amongst the most benign things they were to do to him. After a few minutes of nothing, Benjamin dozed off, still on the log. A sudden rustling of the shrubbery awoke him. He silently swore as he hefted up his woodcutter's axe and yelled in exasperation and frustration, “Come out, ye bloodied wolves!” He was responded to by silence. Suddenly, the silence broke, as a wolf sprang out of the bushes. But this wolf was like no other. The wolf was at least six feet long, and three foot tall at the shoulder. Under its skin was muscle and sinew, built for strength and speed. But its most striking feature was its coat. A pelt of pure white fur coated the beast’s body, and appeared thick and dense. In fear and desperation, Benjamin lunged at the beast, axe in hand. As he struck down, the wolf reflexively dodged the lunge. It bore its teeth and snarled at its attacker. It issued a growl. Suddenly, two wolves that were sneaking up behind Benjamin leapt behind him. Their each 180lb mass brought Benjamin down painfully, and his axe was knocked out of his hand. He did not even have time to catch his breath before the first wolf sank its fangs into his flesh. Benjamin’s cries of pain and agony were audible for five minutes, only to be replaced with the sound of meat being ripped from bone.

The following morning, a hunter followed the dying smoke signal left from Benjamin’s fire. The sight that greeted him was not in the very least pleasing. Benjamin’s mangled corpse, a skeleton with almost no flesh left on it, was frozen, and preserved. The hunter noted the scene, and quickly understood the gist of what happened. He then walked into the tent, and saw the journal. After reading its contents, he stood there, shocked. He muttered, “What am I to tell his family?” In the distance, a howl could be heard, piercing the calm of dawn.


The Biology of the Snow Wolf


The Snow Wolf is a fearsome beast to be both respected and feared. Their reputation for being smart, cunning, resourceful, strong, and fast has long preceded them throughout the realm of Anthos. Their fearsome and respectable behavior has earned them places in stories, legends, and bard songs everywhere, such as the campfire tale above.



The Snow Wolf is known for its massive physique. Its well built musculature allows for impressive strength and speed. Although the average Snow Wolf weighs about 180 lbs, they are still quick on their feet and are very stealthy. Another important characteristic of Snow Wolves is their impressive size. These beasts are usually 6 feet long, and 3 feet at the shoulder.  This, coupled with their bulk, allows for their incredible perseverance, and they can take many blows before going down. This impressive stature is an evolutionary adaptation to their harsh and unforgiving climate. With a bite force of almost 2000 lbs, they can snap bones in combat. Due to their mass, however, they cannot run as fast as their leaner cousins, but can still sprint an impressive 30 mph. Although known for their pure white coats, some Snow Wolves occasionally have streaks of gray, brown, or black in their pelts.



One of the most profound behaviors of the Snow Wolf is its cunning intelligence and ability to work as a team with its pack mates. To overcome their proportionally slow speed, the Snow Wolf plans its attacks, and works in coordination with its team. Usually, they will stage an ambush, when the prey is in an isolated and vulnerable spot. Although mighty, the Snow Wolves know their limits. A pack of about four snow wolves would never attack an entire herd of Elk head on. Likewise, they would not attack a hunting party of over five. In addition, the Snow Wolf does not usually engage humans unless provoked, but when provoked, will fight until they deem it a waste. The alpha male is the patriarch of the group, and he is distinguishable through his special streak of gray, located on the ridge of his back. He is also noticeably larger than the others. He is the one to coordinate the attacks through a complex system of growls, yips, yelps, and howls. A pack usually consists of about four to five wolves. At around the age of two, the male pups leave the pack to start a new one, or join another one. This ensures genetic diversity. Mating season of the snow wolves occurs in late winter, so the pups are born in early summer. The pups are at a hunt able age at one and a half, but won't leave until 3 years of age. 


Range & Habitat

The Snow Wolves range in the Southern Mountains and the Boreal Southern Forests. Many packs live in the Cold North. These two groups of Snow Wolves are genetically isolated, but retain most of the same characteristics in tandem. Theoretically, they could interbreed, but such a feat would be difficult, as they are so isolated. The Snow Wolves are a hardy species, and can survive in icy mountains. Their prime habitat is boreal forest, but they thrive in the rugged mountains as well. They can survive in any climate, but unless domesticated or forced out of their home, they will never have a reason to leave the snowy lands from which they came. 


The Snow Wolves prefer to consume wild Elk, Moose, or Mule/White Tail Deer. In tough time, when this preferable game is unavailable, the Snow Wolves would resort to eating vermin such as mice, rats, squirrels, and beavers. If these are also scarce, they would resort to live-stock. This is rarely done. Eating people is even rarer, as Snow Wolves do not prefer the taste.



If done from birth, a Snow Wolf can become a domestic beast. It would take a large amount of skill and a fair bit of luck, but it has historically been done. If tamed successfully, these animals can be incredibly useful, versatile, and good companions. But if not properly trained, the animal can become a danger to yourself and all around. 

Have any suggestions? Think it's unfinished? Anything to add? Reply below!!!


Thank you for reading,



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I really like this Lore. It seems well fleshed out and would be fun for hunter RP.

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Something like this surely does not need lore. They are already in MC and in LOTC. In fact, the Lur clan of the orcs focuses greatly on Wolves. 


It was well fleshed out, but you don't really need lore for it, as far as I know.

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I was making this because in Telanir's blog post, he stated that Custom mobs with names and custom health could come. I thought this would fit well with that update.

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This explains where snow dogs come from.

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