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The King's Rangers

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The King’s Rangers



A pamphlet is pinned to a tree as you walk by. You take it down and read it.


A Common Misconception / Introduction

A common misconception regarding the King’s Rangers is that we are a guild. In a way, we are. But we are more. We are a tactical essential to the Oren military, and a part of the Oren military. We are used as spies among the Nations all under the command of our higher rankings or the King/Emperor himself. At times we do work for other Nations allied to that of Oren, we stay loyal to our creed and we honor our brothers. If you are searching for a high tier of challenge then we will provide you with it.


Who are the King’s Rangers?

The King’s Rangers, formerly known as the Pheonix Rangers of the Kingdom of Renatus are one of the two elite forces of the old Renatus military, and are thought of highly among the Nation. They are often chosen as scouts or infiltrators and they never disobey their orders, by creed, they are forced to serve their terms. The King’s Rangers rely on Stealth and Accuracy to fulfill their most frequent assignments.


Not only are they infiltrators, but they are trained highly with Archery and can shoot a bird in midair 100 paces away [148 meters, one meter = one block]. We spend countless years training our Apprentices how to use a bow and several other weapons as well. We are known well in the use of Combat for our: Archery, Throwing, Duel Wielding [[RP]], and Speed. It is optional for Members of the Order to train in additional skills but it must be done in spare time.


What do we look for?

We are looking for fighters that are willing to give their lives in times of War to gather information, to infiltrate nations, cities, homes, and to scout ahead our marching armies for dangers. You must be willing to discreetly break the laws of other Nations, to kill for political assassinations or if someone knows to much, to steal back items of value, to do anything to aid Oren and her allies. You must be willing to give your life to the benefit of the Empire.


What can we grant you?

You will receive free shelter within our base, free armor [[iron]] during times of War if needed, and free food. This includes access to our farms, base, and watch-posts. [[We will also help you develop more lore to your Character as we train you and interact with you in RP.]]



A ranger's everyday duty is to watch the roads of Oren, scout for enemy encampments, and attempt to locate notorious thieves/outlaws. Because of the small number rangers travel in, they usually don't engage the bandits by themselves. Rangers remember where the bandits or enemy was, and report it to the Knights of Oren, accompanying the Knights to the fight. Along with their normal duties, rangers must also keep a tab on things that happen in the nation.




The Fall and Rise of the Rangers

In the beginning, the rangers were a noble force. They guarded the poor and innocent, and rid the world of the evil and wicked. They were hailed as protectors and loved. But as time went on, they began to grow full of themselves. The first few generations of rangers had left, and their successors were not the protectors whom the old ones were known as. They began to do things for glory and wealth, not for honor and vigilance. They finally grew so arrogant, they challenged the crown itself. They rebelled, but were crushed by the Oren Guards. The last ranger left alive, Nord, was finally defeated at the hands of the Wandering Wizard himself. The noble rangers were no more.


The Kings Rangers

After several decades of the absence of the rangers, the High Constable, Lady Atriana Tarus, decided to bring the Ranger back. Rio Coconuts became the commander, and Hawk, along with Ranger Luke, managed to find a suitable location for the base. After several years of construction, the base was finished. For his work on the base, Hawk was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, and the rangers expanded to several members. After the resignation of Rio and the resignation of Jack, Hawk was handed the reigns of power and continued to lead the Rangers. Although he was hesitant at first, later on in the Phoenix Rebellion Hawk gave the full support of the Rangers to the rebellion. The rebellion succeeded, and the rangers phased into the next phase of its history.


The Second Fall of the Rangers

As Renatus gained a new leader and eventually grew into an Empire, Hawk began to distance himself from the Rangers. He recruited a new Lieutenant by the nick name of Silence and began to give him more and more responsibility among the Rangers until he all but named him Commander. Over the years and then decades of the fledgling Empire of Oren, the Rangers were considered obsolete and forgotten. Without the need to serve, the Rangers began to dwindle, then one day Silence disappeared and the Rangers finally collapsed without a strong leader to head the group.


Rebirth Under a New Empire

The Remnants of the old Pheonix Rangers had all but died off, most of them had either retired due to age or had reintegrated themselves into Oren. As the Empire grew, so did it’s armies, groups such as the Flays, Teutons, and White Roses joined the old Armies of Renatus and helped the Empire thrive even more, but as wars continued to occur in Oren, the first Emperor grew ill and died, leaving his son, Horen V to lead the Empire. Over the years the war hungry Horen V yearned for more and more power as he took the Elves of Malinor under his borders and then even went as far to try and take the Dwarves as well. One day, however, Horen V decided to leave the Empire into the hands of William Horen the Third, a young and naive Emperor. During his new ascension to the Throne, William knew that he would need to rebuild his armies, to strengthen Oren once more and consolidate his hold in Oren, so he decided to bring back forces of Old and called forth the recommissioning of the Rangers of Renatus, as well as the Teutonic Order.


Rangers Creed, Ranks, and Other


The Creed:

The Ranger Creed is our base foundation, this is what we live and learn from and this is what guides our existence within Anthos. The defile of this creed leads to the prompt execution. [[Note that if you join the Rangers, and you defy the Creed, your execution will make you forget all of your experiences in the Ranger Corps]]

  • All Fellow Rangers will never be insulted, harmed, or abandoned by you.

  • Any Citizens of Renatus or allying Nations/Cities will never be harmed unless proper reason.

  • You will never give sensitive information to anyone else, nor will you give information to another Ranger in a public location.

  • You will never reveal being a Ranger whilst off duty.

  • You will always wear proper uniform while on duty, please do not wear it while off duty.

  • You may always question orders, but you will never disobey them.

  • You are entitled to your own opinion, just do not do something stupid.

  • You will never betray the creed unless you have served your term, been dismissed, or have been executed for other reasons.


The order runs on by Ranks and Specialties, Ranks provide what authority you own within the Order, Specialties will provide what you are known best for within the order, what you have studied in most. All Ranks above you can order you to do something, if you find as if someone of higher rank then you is abusing their power then contact either the Commander or a Lieutenant.



The Head of the Ranger Corps, the main one in charge and only responds to the King. He leads the Rangers in the highest position possible, and has mastered the ways of the ranger.



They are the the Second in Command of the Rangers, When the Commander is not there to run the Rangers they are the ones put in charge.



They are the elite Rangers, the seasoned rangers of the Ranger Corps, they command a group of three Rangers assigned to them and are respected among the corps.



The Initial Rank received when becoming an official Ranger, you have studied within the ways of the Rangers and have finally become to be a full fledged and initiated Ranger. You receive your Silver Badge


Ranger Apprentice(s)

The lowest of the Rangers, you are beginning your training in the Rangers and learning our ways. You are required to show to us that you can truly uphold the position. Only now does one learn the ways of leading a double-life. You receive the Bronze Badge.


Ranger Initiate(s)

A person who is still undergoing assessment. All that apply are automatically this rank. You are to show that you have the mental and physical condition to begin training as a ranger. Has no badge. [[What I'm going to do is RP with you as an initiate, and make sure your RP is up to par.]]



The Retired Rangers, You have stayed among our corps for a while and have finally left us to live your life in peace. You finally receive your Golden Badge of retirement to keep if you ever wish to reunite.



As said above, Specialties are chosen groups that a Ranger may become, this tells us what you've are studying most and what you can do best to help the order. Only sergeants or higher may learn three, otherwise you may only learn two once you become a full fledged ranger. The first Specialty, Ranger, is a required specialty and you have no choice but to learn this one first. [[Note: You should choose the two/three that best fits your CURRENT skills. If you wish to switch specialties, there must be an RP reason, not "I want to try cooking stuff now".]]



Stealthy, quick, and wise of their actions, these men think twice before taking a simple step. You rely on the bow, throwing knifes [[RP throwing knifes]], and deadly accuracy to get out of tight spots and even then they are never safe.



Many Rangers do not chose this path, but you have privately trained among the Knights of Renatus and learned their way with the Sword. You rely on the sword and brute force to get out of tight spots.Now you are thrice as Deadly but Twice as slow.



You have learned the arts of Crafting and Repairing Weapons and Armor, you are needed among the Rangers to keep our security safe. You rely on the fire and anvil to maintain your fellow brother's lethalness.


Hunter and Cook

All though all Rangers are suppose to hunt when necessary, one of your main jobs is to hunt for food and gather resources, this involves gathering wood, collecting wheat to grind into bred, and to hunt game. You rely on the land's animals and the oven's fire to keep your fellow rangers feed.


Pay is only supplied by the Commander. Each member of the order is paid certain amounts, based on their rank. There is a base pay, and bonuses for duties done, which is 10% of each rank's base pay. Each member is paid per elven week. Pay can be withheld if the Commander deems necessary, such as being too inactive. It is up to the ranger him or her self to request pay. If a ranger forgets to ask for pay, they will not be paid. Bonuses are given out when a ranger completes a given task. It can be either paid cumulatively on pay day, or immediately after task completion. Amount of minas in a bonus is based on rank.



The Commander is paid 500 minas weekly, however, most choose not to accept pay in order to fully fund the Order.



Base Pay: 200 minas


Base Pay: 150 minas



Base pay: 100 minas


Ranger Apprentice(s)



Ranger Initiate(s)






Housing is provided free of charge, and the type of housing it decided upon Rank in the Order.



Lives in the Commander’s Quarters.



Lives in the Officer’s Quarters.



Lives in a slightly larger room just outside of the Ranger’s Hall.



Lives in the Ranger’s Hall, a long hallway with bunks on both sides, each Ranger is provided a footlocker.


Ranger Apprentice(s)

Lives in the Ranger’s Hall, a long hallway with bunks on both sides, each Ranger Apprentice is provided a footlocker.

Ranger Initiate(s)

Lives in the Ranger’s Hall, a long hallway with bunks on both sides, each Ranger Intiate is provided a footlocker.


The Initiation

You are now learned in the Lore of the Rangers, and you now have what is needed to become one. Below is our Application Form. We give you your final warning here though, Living a Ranger is hard, you will be captured at times, tortured, but to never give in to Death is the way of life for us. If you have any old grudges against the legitimate Emperor of Oren or any other officials we advise for you to turn back now, after joining the only way out is to serve your time as a Ranger, or die either by execution from Oren, or murder by other Nations. You also hereby give your full and undying loyalty to Oren.

Let the Initiation begin.




Below the informational pamphlet, you find the application form. Underneath the application form is a cooing pigeon, ready to take your application to the rangers



[b][u][i]Application For The Rangers:[/i][/u][/b]
[i][b]Out of Character information[/b][/i]




[b][How much time you can be online per day]:[/b]

[b][How long have you been playing on the server?]:[/b]

[b][Why do you, as a player, want to be a Ranger?][/b]:

[b][Do you have TS?][/b]:

[b][How did you hear of us OOCly]?:[/b]

[i][b]In Character Information[/b][/i]


[b]Ranger Name / Alias [Your "other" name. Think Peter Parker / Spiderman.]:[/b]

[b]Have you read, and understood, the Creed?:[/b]





[b]Why do you wish to join?:[/b]

[b]Describe your personality:[/b]

[b]Describe your personal attributes:[/b]

[b]Will you be one hundred percent loyal to Oren and to the rangers? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?:[/b]

[b]Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?:[/b]

[b]How did you hear of us [[RPly]]? The recruiter at Abresi?:[/b]

[b]Do you understand you, as a ranger, will be fighting for Oren?[/b]

[i][b]Some Additional Out of Character Questions[/b][/i]

[b][Show me you know how to talk in OOC:][/b]

[b][Will you, both ICly and OOCly, commit yourself to being a ranger?][/b]:

[b][Link to VA for applying character if you have a VA:][/b]

[i][When applying, grammar and capitalization matter!][/i]



[[Note: You may get your application accepted, but still get the boot later on due to unsatisfactory RP skills.]]

What to do after acceptance:

Report to the Commander or one of the Lieutenants in Abresi for initiation.

[[What to do OOCly after acceptance:


Figure out ICly how to get to Abresi and meet the Recruiter.

Add the Commander or one of the Lieutenants as a Buddy In-game].

Silence's MC name: Rurikk

Fletcher's MC name: Vekrus

Also, do note that only Silence, and the other Lieutenants can see applications. Don't meta.]]

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[b][u][i]Application For The Rangers:[/i][/u][/b]
[i][b]Out of Character information[/b]

[MCname]: covcath

[Age]: 17

[Time-Zone]: EST
[How much time you can be online per day]: 3-5 hours

[How long have you been playing on the server?]: 721 days. I command you to do that math!

[Why do you, as a player, want to be a Ranger?]: Cuz I like being sneaky. In all seriousness it's because I've been trying to find a military faction to join and this one seems to be the right one.

[Do you have TS?]: Yep

[How did you hear of us OOCly]?: Told by Recon and saw it in the Recent Topics thingy.

In Character Information

Name: Servius Flay

Ranger Name /
Alias [Your "other" name. Think Peter Parker / Spiderman.]:[/b] Red

[b]Have you read, and understood, the Creed?:[/b] Yes

[b]Race:[/b] Human

[b]Age:[/b] 19

[b]Experience:[/b] Servius is a Flay, so he was born and raised to fight. He also works along side with the Flay bannermen.

[b]Skills:[/b] Agile and quick with a sword. Not great with a bow.

[b]Why do you wish to join?:[/b] Furthering my allegiance to the Emperor is all I desire. I wish to protect our great Empire with all my soul. I shall do anything to do so.

[b]Describe your personality:[/b] I am not afraid to kill anyone and believe me, I don't give two donkey shits for other Nation's 'laws'. The only ones that matter are the Emperor's.

[b]Describe your personal attributes:[/b] Well... since you're asking, I think I'm one hell of a specimen of a man. I'm cut, I'm strong, and I'm damn sexy. I think that pretty much sums it up.

[b]Will you be one hundred percent loyal to Oren and to the rangers? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?:[/b] What kind of question is that?! Of course I'm fecking loyal to my Empire, and don't you dare think otherwise.

[b]Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?:[/b] I'm a Flay and Flays are loyal to our family and the Emperor. Both will come before all else for me. I'll always stay loyal.

[b]How did you hear of us [[RPly]]? The recruiter at Abresi?:[/b] I heard some others talking about these 'King's Rangers' and you lot don't seem half bad, so might as well join.

[b]Do you understand you, as a ranger, will be fighting for Oren?[/b] Even if I wasn't a ranger, I'd still be fighting for Oren.

[i][b]Some Additional Out of Character Questions[/b][/i]

[b][Show me you know how to talk in OOC:][/b] I'm not sure who you think you are, but if I hear one more peep come out of the wormy lil' mouth of your's then I'll be cookin' up both your legs and feedin' them to my dogs! You understand?!

[b][Will you, both ICly and OOCly, commit yourself to being a ranger?][/b]: Yesh, sir.

[b][Link to VA for applying character if you have a VA:][/b] Getting a Minor VA soon. I'll make a full VA soon also.

[i][When applying, grammar and capitalization matter!][/i]

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((And just a side note... wouldn't they be "The Emperor's Rangers". There's probably a reason they're the King's Rangers, but I just wanted to point that out.))

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Commander Silence receives a letter from a courier and reads it, he sits back in his chair and strokes his beard. Once finished he stamps the word 'PASS' in red ink upon the application and sets it in the acceptance tray. He whistles and signals for a Ranger to go out and retrieve Servius, so that they may bring him in for more detailed questioning.


((Accepted, and welcome to the Rangers!))



EDIT: ((Good question about the name, we decided to keep their original name as they were originally an Order of Renatus and not of the Empire, so they are basically being recommissioned under the name they once held.))

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*This parchment holds Wolf's sign of approval*


[Also once the Ranger headquarters are finished we will post a picture for you all.]

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((I see...

Sneaky sneaky...

Ranger apprentice, huh?
I see...

very sneaky indeed...

Now kill it with fire.

Heh, just kidding. Good luck!))

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((Still got nothin of Rangers of the Forest yet :P))

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((Still got nothin of Rangers of the Forest yet :P))

((The rangers are inactive :( ))

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[b][u][i]Application For The Rangers:[/i][/u][/b]
[i][b]Out of Character information[/b]

[How much time you can be online per day]:
1 hr
[How long have you been playing on the server?]:
[Why do you, as a player, want to be a Ranger?]:
Because my character is a wanderer and All my characters have been independant rangers.
[Do you have TS?]:
[How did you hear of us OOCly]?:
My bro Vekrus is helping you
In Character Information

Alexander "Brooks" Tarus
Ranger Name /
Alias [Your "other" name. Think Peter Parker / Spiderman.]:[/b]
Strider (Means Wanderer)
[b]Have you read, and understood, the Creed?:[/b]
Over his childhood he learned much from his father Talon Tarus
skilled with both sword and bow but has much room to improve
[b]Why do you wish to join?:[/b]
I am not a war monger and that is why I do not strive to be a knight. I also seek adventure.
[b]Describe your personality:[/b]
I am a gentle young man, I love nature and would rather listen than speak.  Being the oldest of 3 brothers, I would do anything to protect my brothers and now widowed mother. I am not afraid to kill, for my father taught me not to fear, but also not to kill mercilessly.
[b]Describe your personal attributes:[/b]
Discerning, Gentle, Loyal, strong willed, and Hard Working, for I know that I am young and have alot to learn.
[b]Will you be one hundred percent loyal to Oren and to the rangers? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?:[/b]
Yes I will, and Yes I do consider myself a loyal person.
[b]Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?:[/b]
I am loyal to my family house Tarus, I have had not other oppertunities.
[b]How did you hear of us [[RPly]]? The recruiter at Abresi?:[/b]
I was in Abresi and over heard some men talking of 'Kings Rangers' and felt I should join them.
[b]Do you understand you, as a ranger, will be fighting for Oren?[/b]

[i][b]Some Additional Out of Character Questions[/b][/i]

[b][Show me you know how to talk in OOC:][/b]
[[What is talking in OOC? :P]]
[b][Will you, both ICly and OOCly, commit yourself to being a ranger?][/b]:
[b][Link to VA for applying character if you have a VA:][/b]
None yet but was going to apply for one.
[i][When applying, grammar and capitalization matter!][/i]

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Commander Silence receives the new application and reads it over, after finishing the letter he stamps a red 'PASS' and places it in the accepted tray. He calls in a Ranger and sends him out to retrieve Erendhil and bring him back in for further questioning.


((Accepted and welcome to the King's Rangers!))

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((Hell ya. So glad you took over. Ill make an Rp post when I get home.))

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((The rangers are inactive :( ))

  ((shhhhh they don't know that))

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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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