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The Northern Protectors

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"The North grows progressively worse as the days go on, I fear we have not reached the climax of this...this curse. Whatever these things are, they are relentless, without fear, without morals, they were human, but they are they too far gone, what little they have left of their former selves is gone."

~Letter in Oren, origin unknown.


The Northern Proctectors have no history, and in all honesty, nobody knows who they are. However, their signs seem to have appeared all over, crumpled up, clinging onto billboards messily, and even some of them hanging in taverns and under tables. The more people tore down, the more seemed to go up. So, what was with this new 'proctector' appearing out of nowhere?


The signs read as follows, they seem to have been written by dozens of people.


The North Is Upon Us

Are you a man looking to protect your family, but not strong enough to be a guard? Have you heard the shrill cries of the beasts from the North, but unable to do anything about it? Look no further, the Northern Protectors wish to recruit you, to do what others do not.


Who are We?

The Northern Protectors seek nothing more than to aim short jabs, and slow, even destroy these beasts. We look to keep them back where they came; this could be by storming their gates, plundering their bases, and even fighting. Be prepared though, armor is short, and many will have to supply their own. However, repairs will be free so long as they are brought to the smithy.




Ice Lord-

Head of the guild, he is rarely seen by anyone but the Northern commanders


Northern Commander-

The right hand men of the Ice Lord, they are one of the few who will see the face of the Ice Lord, they will be giving the orders during raids, and battles.


Frost Guard-

The basic rank, there is none below, only above. This is the rank that most, save for a select few will have.


Free armor and weapon repair will be provided to all, free food as well will be provided.


Joining and the Oath-

To join, send a message by bird to The Frost Lord ((urtrollingbuddy or Dr_Dovahkiin)), we will arrange a meeting place to be picked up, and you will be asked to recite the oath


I ______, promise to put others before myself, and pledge to protect them from the North. I shall do as my leaders say without question, through life and death, I will serve  to protect those who are unable to do so themselves. I am, a Northern Protector.



((credit to Lanader, one of the best people I know, for the picture.))

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Hanrahan raises an eyebrow at this. "Might they wish to stay at Ildicia then.."

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Lark Steelwall chuckles, wondering why so many people try to make their own organizations against the North when it would be more beneficial for everyone if they joined the defense in Kralta.

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Beneton laughs at the inferiority of the Kralta compared to Ildicia, still thinking that our smithy is far better, and our kilts far more attractive.

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Beneton laughs at the inferiority of the Kralta compared to Ildicia, still thinking that our smithy is far better, and our kilts far more attractive.


Lark Steelwall looks at Ildicia from the Dreadfort, wondering what cactus green they are smoking to compare Kralta to Illdicia.

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Vuln reads over the poster quickly. Then the thought occurs to him. If you are not strong enough to be a guard, then how are you strong enough to defeat monsters of unspeakable horror? Sounds like a suicide order, and he has actually debated starting one of those. Vuln shakes his head in confusion, as his train of thought derails momentarily. Until he starts questioning what a train is... This continues for the course of three days before he finally gives up. He moves up the hill from the location of his future Toy Store and stares off in the distance at Greywynn.

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This current Guild has been deemed inactive and has hereby been moved.

If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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