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The Merchants Guild


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The Grand Merchant Guild


The Merchant Guild of the Dwarves is as ancient as they are themselves, it's history goes all the way from the ancient times when Urguan himself walked the earth until now, when we took over in his honor.




  • To fortify and further the great Dwarven economy.
  • Establish trade both in and outside of the kingdom.
  • Collect taxes on shops and housing in the kingdom.
  • Monitor the flow of the kingdom's wealth and assets. 
  • Secure Dwarven interest in other lands.
  • Protect interests in neighboring kingdoms



- The Grand Merchant -


This is the leader of the Merchant guild, he oversees the economy and is responsible to maintain a balance in the Dwarven kingdom, and make sure that everyone pays their taxes. It is the Grand Merchants job to arrange trade caravans and policies with others in the kingdom. He is responsible for the economical Dwarven interests in other all over the kingdom and outside it. The Grand Merchant has the authority to define the pricing of all the kingdom's goods, services of the kingdom, homes, mining permits, wages, taxes and tariffs if implemented.


- The High Treasurer -


The job of the Treasurer is much like the job of the Grand Merchant, he assists the Grand Merchant and is the second in command of the merchant guild. He is often tasked with the selling of houses, leading of caravans, and other interests of the kingdom. The Grand Merchant and the Grand King are the two with the final say though.


- Treasurers of the guild 


The treasurers verify all of the accounts that the guild house is responsible for, they are the ones that do most of the paperwork. They keep track of who is supposed to pay what, when and where. They are the ones that keep track of the other kingdoms and match Urugan's prices accordingly.


- Master Merchants of the guild 


These are the richest and the some of the more trusted merchants of the guild, as they have given much to the Kingdom. They are respected, and their shops are often the best in the kingdom. Their name is spread across the land, and they gain many special rights. These merchants are often part of caravans, and trade will be directed towards them. Some of them are also often other Guild leaders in the Kingdom


- Merchants of the guild - 


All merchants under the kingdom of Urguan are in this category, if they are not signed up in the guild then they lose their rights to sell in the kingdom, and their shops are taken from them. This is to keep track of all those who sell in Dwarven land. They are given special rights.


Rights of the Guidmembers


  • The right to sell your merchandise in the kingdom, and it's vassals, and all establishments in nearby kingdoms.
  • The right of protection. You and your interests are in the protection of the kingdom in the kingdom.
  • The right to own a shop in Kal'Azgoth, and it's vassals.
  • The right to sponsorship.
  • The right to deflated prices and discounted property and material.



Member cost

Members and merchants alike are required to pay a bi-weekly fee to the guild, payed directly to The Grand Merchant. This fee is a flat fee of 10% of the shop's earnings per week. If this is not payed a notice will be issued, and payment will be doubled the following week. If not payed then the property under question will be revoked, and they will be fined for the amount owed. The payment may be minas, or directly payed in items of equal value.




 If you wish to buy something, but cannot afford it you may ask for sponsorship. If you are of the guild, and trusted and have a good proposal then you will be given the minas required or the location required for a shop. A sponsored business must give 40% of their profits to the Guild, until they are able to pay back what they owe the guild. This may be done for all from farmland, housing and shops. It matters not as long as the is profit in it for the guild and yourself. If failed to pay the 40% rate per week the property will be taken from you and resold. The payment may be minas, or directly payed in items of equal value.



Along with these there are a few other benefits such as:


Reduced pricing on a personal trade with the kingdom.

Ability to direct certain finds and deals.

Leverage in bartering and outbidding.

May call upon help from the merchant guild, may it be militarily or economically.


Insurance on products.

A Network of Merchants at your disposal.

The right to sell more than one type of good.





The guild offers to everyone the ability to hold your minas, items and other sensitive items for a very small weekly fee in total security. Our of of the like vaults protect your assets, and out overdone insurance policy protects it even further.




- Enrollment -




Mc Name:


Position Wanted:


Current Affiliation:


Personal Wealth: 


Shops Owned: 


Type of wares:

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Lark Steelwall grins lightly as he reads over the poster, making note of it and walks over to his shelf of documents to find a black peice of parchement to contact the Dwarven merchant.

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This current Guild has been deemed inactive and has hereby been moved.

If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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