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Everything posted by ronin_champloo

  1. "My student invented a new smithing technique, to say that I'm impressed is an understatement." The dark man commented, dipping his head in respect. "May you find some students, and it seems that I've a trip to make.."
  2. Allow me to be serious for once when talking about this but stuff like standing completely still, not blinking or staring at your target is not a tell lmao -- the latter is a necessity for most casting and is incredibly hidden. Standing still is not a tell, as it's something completely normal that can easily be hidden IRP, especially as this isn't stated to be a combative spell. Emoting not blinking twice is not a tell either, that's something that can be easily hidden IRP. It can be chalked up as a character being weird or whatever. Staring at a target is something already required of most magics as you need to see where you're going to cast. None of these are tells. A tell is used to indicate or showcase that something is happening, and hidden tells used to be abused heavily to charge up spells and blast some unfortunate human before he could reasonably react to it IRP. However, this is the case for combat. A tell is something used to indicate casting, like glowing eyes for Voidal Magics, fire and smoke for Nephilim, etc. They're something different that isn't the norm and they're used to indicate when something is amiss. That's not to say that the spell is genuinely harmful, I'd say it's something used to affect RP rather than CRP. Looking through all of this, I don't really believe the spell SHOULD be removed entirely, as it's a vital part of Blood Magic, but rather an increase on noticeable tells while perhaps buffing its range and the amount of people it can affect. I tend to balance spells, in my and other Lore, by seeing the counterplay against it. For this spell, there's little-to-no counterplay against it at all. There's no ways to prevent it. No way to go detect or deter it from happening to one's self, which is FINE. Genuinely. But when it's used to disrupt or mess with events, it just tends to feel like someone's trolling a playerbase or group just for the sake of it. If you're in the middle of an event, using magic to affect others around you, there should be some method to know that something's amiss -- or even something to force it to be more cultlike and secretive, forcing them to cast and do these spells from a safe distance. Just my thoughts!
  3. This is so powerful that I'm unable to do anything but upvote. I don't care if it's right or wrong, right now, her balls far dwarf anyones on ST
  4. Just woke up so I'll answer the questions for you. 1 - Only Red or Black as it's historically been that, other colours would be indicative of other Dragaar/Drakaar and a Darasvira situation is something that I really don't want to approach. 2 - This is something that was requested, though I can see why some would find it wary. I'll make an edit to it, and I'm sure that the whole 'body checking' RP shouldn't be allowed on the server anyways if it proceeds to a FTB. 3 - I'm probably just going to remove the self-stun portion of it, while adding in that the attack has to be substantial and cannot be minor like a pebble being thrown at you. Cheers for catching that!
  5. Azdrazi are by far the weakest CA right now, I hope you do know that. All their previous abilities could be blocked by wearing armor, having an Athin cloak or even just a shield to ward away fire. All the while having rather fatal weaknesses to some stuff if they're ever caught lacking ? Also, have you ever heard of this vital weakness to most CAs? It's not locked behind a rare lore material, nor is it a magic. . .
  6. I'd say that it should be able to corrupt them the same way, yeah. Otherwise everything else, I'll add it on! And I'll edit the last redline, cheers for the feed back : ) Erm, I don't know what you've been reading but I only changed one thing from the weaknesses lol. All I changed from the previous lore was making it so Magical Frost doesn't disable their use of Dragonsflame for the entirety of a combative encounter. Otherwise, it needs to make an injury (etc, draw into blood or carve into their flesh). Thanhium's unchanged. Like you said, it wasn't broke so I didn't fix it :) Alchemical Frost doesn't affect them as in the prior write-up, so for this write-up, mundane frost doesn't affect them either lol. Before, Nephilim couldn't benefit from Alchemical Potions. . . yet still could be affected by Frost Oil?? That's changed now. The reason why I'm buffing Polymorph -- if they chose the specific -- is that it's inane how weak it is. Furthermore, there have been numerous instances where people have metagamed people being their Nephilim due to their OOC username. It's come to the point where people just assume that any character of Azdrazi players are their Azdrazi, leading to them pointing it out to players through discord or PMs just to hunt them down. Or worse, situations where an Azdrazi player (could be on their Azdrazi or another character) go to a settlement/nation and players OOCly tell someone in Discord that they're able to tell that they're an Azdrazi due to their 'shit' polymorphing so they could be either barred, murdered or sent away. To see the lack of good faith around conflict concerning this genuinely makes me disgusted and it's one of the reasons why I believe some buffs to Polymorphing is needed. Something that I've seen numerous times, myself -- someone in Oren captured my Dark Elf and interrogated them for several hours since they thought it was my Azdrazi :). Nonetheless, there's a cooldown for it where they're effectively 'locked' in that polymorph to prevent people from switching them around. Nations/Settlements already bar players from going in their town due to who they are, just because they have a different skin/face doesn't mean that's going to change. As for the strength buff, I really don't know where you're getting that from lol. It only applies the strength-buff for [4] emotes and it's not enough 'Orc-Level'. It's not permanent. With stuff like Olog strength Golems, Eidolas or even Orc-Strength mutations in Tawkins. There's a clear tell if someone's using the ability, and injuring that grants them substantial pain. This was probably my weakest area since I really didn't know what to do with Corrupted Nephilim. If you've any tips and ideas, I'd be happy to do it along with removing the redline that bars them from other enrapturements. I think you know my discord ? -- if not, let me know and I'll send it to you; I'm the one with the city PFP.
  7. Nephilim Lesser Dragonkin (Amendment + Addition) Draconic Physiology “In retrospect, the frailty of the Human form becomes exceptionally apparent.” When not assuming a disguise, Nephilim appear much alike to their father Azdromoth, bearing rigid red or black skin riddled with scales. Their eyes are nigh serpentine, made as slits rather than pupils; irises and scleras replaced by fiery tones of red and orange. Whatever flesh or scales they bear will feel somewhat warm, though not at all harmful to mortals. Fully fledged Nephilim, upon their transformation, will find themselves to be up to a foot higher than they had been as a descendant, though this caps at 7’6” — meaning that an individual already of that height, or just below, would not be any higher upon being transformed. All Nephilim also possess a set of horns which are crowned upon their head, varying widely in appearance. These horns, though unique to each Nephilim, may only manifest in shades of red, shades of black and gray, or a horn-exclusive bone-white. - Revival: they are resurrected upon being slain through the alternative method of regeneration. Death & revival rules still apply (where applicable). They’ve long lives, and cannot die of natural causes. However, Event-PKs are still liable for them (where applicable); see more in Weaknesses. - They are immune to all forms of heat except Malflame and 'true' Dragonsflame. - Nephilim are immune to mundane poisons and diseases, this doesn’t include poisons such as Azhl, and Thanhic Poisoning. - Nephilim possess a draconic soul after the Transference is complete. They're considered full draconic creatures. - Nephilim are sterile and are therefore incapable of spawning children. - They have the gift of lesser Polymorphing, as a base, to disguise their true forms. - Nephilim do not garner more strength from their transformation. Should one wish to be at the peak of their strength, they must walk to that area alone without the aid of Magic. - Nephilim still benefit from alchemical concoctions, and the like. - Nephilim Scales are no tougher than mortal flesh, they are purely aesthetic in combative scenarios. Otherwise, they act like leather for non-combative encounters. - Upon being made, Nephilim lose any sort of sexual organs; penis, and ******. The Inner Flame Fickle yet formidable, the Inner Flame is a tricky thing, consisting of a metaphysical network of dragonfire that spans the body in its entirety, thus manifesting the Nephilim’s powers. The core of this essence is supposedly housed within the very heart of the creature, intrinsically tied with their lifeforce and wellbeing. When drawing upon their draconic powers, this flame will swell, flowing its essence to wherever it is channeled. Overexerting this flame can prove to be deadly, exhausting not only the Nephilim’s corporeal body, but also their soul. It is thus critical that the Nephilim take great care to guard and foster this flame, as they are otherwise nothing without it. Polymorphing Lastly, Nephilim are capable of Polymorphing, a unique capability granted to Azdromoth’s favor. With this, the Nephilim are able to change their hair color and skin tone and eye color - however, this is an imperfect form as this ability is only meant to conceal their Draconic Form and provide a design. As such, while similar, they’re able to change some aspects of their facial structure and body-type, becoming skinnier or more muscular. Another ability is that they’re able to grow and shift their hair, either making it more messy, thin or lucious, and they can shape their ears otherwise. During this form, they’re still able to cast the base spells of their Inner Flame. Even so, this is a form of Lesser Polymorphing; they’ll have specific ‘tells’ that they have to often do; this can be exhales of smoke, cinders and embers clawing at the edges of their form, infernal coloured eyes - small details that denote their real identity. They may also adorn a ‘half-form’ where they look like a descendant, while donning draconic aspects; donning horns, scales, talons, etc. To break away from their Polymorph, they’d have to begin morphing back to their Draconic form. They require [2] uninterrupted emotes; one where cracks and flames dance on their forms, and another for their skins to break away to reveal the Nephilim within. - Polymorphing requires [2] emotes to shift, and revert. - Possible and alternative ‘tells’ can be discussed with ST if there are any ‘tells’ that don’t fall within this region. - All of a Nephilim’s Polymorphs would bear similarities in facial structure and body type, unless stated otherwise. - Polymorphing does not heal/create/hide any wounds nor change the height by more than one foot. This does not exceed the Nephilim’s maximum height of seven-foot-six. - Polymorphing cannot be used to appear as other existing characters. - Nephilim flesh/scales/bones are only as strong as regular mortal skin. - Polymorphing is not a way of "disguising" oneself. It is intended to be a way for Nephilim to pass as a regular descendant, rather than try and fit into different kinds of societies, groups, and RP ecosystems. Enrapturement Once Transference is complete, a Nephilim are wholly incapable of casting mana-based magic or magic that alters an existing mana-pool, instead relying solely upon their innate Inner Flame. This fire possesses many unique traits, the most predominant of which is its ability to inflict combustive damage upon phantom creatures and other undead, even should they be rendered incorporeal. The means by which it may be shaped are listed below. - Nephilim keep the Ordained Heraldry Spells if they were one in their prior life. All redlines and guidelines still apply from that lore piece. - Nephilim's Dragonsflame is not a true Dragonsflame, but rather a lesser variant of it. - Nephilim's Dragonsflame has the same effect of Aurum upon an Undead, be it a Ghost and whatnot. - These are base spells that every Nephilim has regardless of what path they take. Enwreathe [1 connect + 1 cast] The most notable ability of the Nephilim, by which they may summon Dragonsfire around their weapon over the course of two emotes, the effects lasting for up to [10] emotes after ignition or is forcibly quelled by some other means. Curiously, due to the powers of their Inner Flame, this ability does not corrode the weapon as normal fire would, assuming the weapon is not made out of flammable materials such as wood or is covered in oil. - Upon contact with descendant flesh, Enwreathe will instantly offer a second degree burn upon the applied area, the damage worsening the longer the flame is exposed to its target. - Ranged armaments such as javelins, crossbolts, etc, also have this effect. - One act of Enwreathement lasts [10] emotes. - No movement restrictions, save for current CRP rules. Flamebreath [1 connect + 2 cast] An offensive technique by which a Nephilim can channel flame from their mouth and spew it out for up to [6] meters following three emotes of charging, with varying results based upon range. This torrent can be sustained at max range for [3] emotes. However, as this is a volatile spell, Nephilim will find themselves unable to cast Flamebreath once more after two emotes as a cooldown of sorts, attempting to cast it once more will drain their Dragonsflame only to spew out splutters of useless smoke until two non-charging emotes have passed. - Upon contact with descendant flesh, Flamebreath will instantly offer a second-degree burn upon the applied area, the damage worsening the longer the flame is exposed to its target. - The attack itself only has a maximum range of [6] blocks and a radius of [1]. The shape of this is rather volatile, however, the shape and detail of the projectile can be fitted onto what a Nephilim wishes, as an example; one can opt to manipulate it onto a serpent that thrashes from their maw. This takes [1] unit of Dragonsflame. - Channeling fire from the mouth/maw requires that the Nephilim be able to breathe. In this regard, they cannot project fire through the armor that obstructs one's mouth. - No movement restrictions, save for current CRP rules. - Once it is cast, it cannot be cast again until [1] emote turns have passed. Flamespew [1 connect + 2 cast] An ability where the Nephilim to project a direct baseball-sized fireball from their maw, or throw from their hand, over the course of casting and drawing upon their Inner Flame for three emotes, It’d travel for up to [35] meters at the speed of an a baseball, and where it lands - it'll expand in a radius of [3] meters. The size of this is rather limited, the shape and detail of the projectile can be fitted onto what a Nephilim wishes, as example; one can opt to manipulate it onto a spear of flame rather than a fireball. - Upon contact, Flame Projectile will be stopped by any surface it touches, leaving several smaller flames left burning in the area. Over time it will slowly burn away the skin or any thin and flammable materials such as cloth, leather, etc. - Should the Fireball make contact with any person or object, they will give them second-degree burns upon touch, worsening should the area be struck once more. - Costs [1] unit of Dragonsflame to cast. - There is no impact from this, it is not concussive. - Once used will go on a cooldown for [2] emotes, unable to be cast once more. - The flames, if not tended to, will go away after [3] emotes. Otherwise, it can be put out by water, no oxygen or stamping on it. - Sustaining for a singular emote costs a [1] unit of Dragonsflame. - No movement restrictions, save for current CRP rules. Immolation [1 emote per specific part of the body] The last of the primary techniques by which the Nephilim conjures flame around a single appendage (i.e. an arm) over the course of [1] emote. They may use this to deliver searing punches no stronger than that of their regular attacks. This may prove effective against magical creatures who may experience a heavy searing pain which may compromise balance. - Upon contact with descendant flesh, Immolation will instantly offer a second-degree burn upon the applied area, the damage worsening the longer the flame is exposed to its target. - One act of immolation lasts [5] emotes. Casting it further in spite of such draws an additional unit of Dragonsflame. (The cost turns from One to Two, and so forth), etc. - No movement restrictions, save for current CRP rules. - Lasts for [1] combative encounter. Cleansing [3 turn casting (freeform) - N/A] The Nephilim may cleanse the corruption of their fellow Dragonkin with the aid of their inner flame. They must temporarily give up their own Dragonsflame to burn and extinguish the corruption that dwells within their kin, during this time - they’ll find themselves unable to call upon those units for the duration of 4 OOC days as their Inner Flame slowly builds it up once more. Should they be unable to cleanse the Nephilim by any means, they’ve the option of splitting apart the corruption and bearing it alongside their kin to lessen the effects. - A Nephilim must give up their own Dragonsflame in correspondence to the amount that they wish to cleanse. Etc, [3] Units of Dragonsflame must be sacrificed to cleanse [3] Units of corrupted Dragonsflame. This can be done with the aid of other Nephilim to split apart the cost. - If a Nephilim chooses to bear the Corruption with their kin, the units are effectively halved. Etc. [4] Units of Corruption become 2 Units for both the Nephilim. - You cannot use this on yourself. - No movement restrictions, save for current CRP rules. NEW: Flame-Singing [Freeform] The first ability that a Nephilim will find they’re capable of doing is the act of Flame-Singing; effectively allowing them to engrain stories, tales, and poems into fire, from the sheer might of their voice. From speech alone, they’re able to spring forth illusions with flame, appearing as fire always does. The sound of crackling fire will always reside in these illusions, and while somewhat harmless, should one touch the flames – bewildered and entranced by it – they’d also don the emotions associated with it. Etc, a tale of Betrayal will fester the seed of doubt within a listener’s heart, growing more vehement if not tended to. Each, and every word, draws forth a unique image to it which makes the act of Flame-Singing a precise and methodical art, requiring the mastery of their words and voice. Some words, by random, can perhaps cause the manifestation of a long-forgotten sight – foreign and unable to be comprehended; sights and images that the worshippers and followers of this age may not be able to understand. The Nephilim can also use this ability to char surfaces or objects, maybe even setting alight flora in flames, yet not ultimately killing it, as a form of placing stories within objects for the next generation. Should it affect a rotting or rusted item, they’d find that their flames would burn away at the decay, purifying it for as long as their fire lingers on the surface of whatever it may. This effect, however, only stays when the Nephilim is holding the object – and the rot returns once their hand leaves it. For the interaction with the Descendants, the Nephilim may focus and place their gaze upon them, incanting the song or words of their choosing, before a flood of information falls to their mind; allowing words, voices, and images to fester within the target of their choosing. - The flames bear little effect within Combat, meaning that while one could conjure it amidst a fight, they’d find that it does not singe, nor burn their opponent. - The flames aren’t opaque which means that the Nephilim cannot ‘blind’ someone with it. Furthermore, identity is unable to be noticed within this if it contains players, unless the player offers OOC-Consent. - Conveyed emotions and images are not overpowering, but tempting. They can be easily resisted. - All illusions must be connected to and obviously composed of a fire. They are not intended for subversion, but storytelling and mystique. NEW: The Red-Flower Charm [2 Emotes: 1 Connect + 1 Cast] A draconic charm invented discovered by the draconic prince An-Gho as he blew burning petals into a black gate, heralding the crossing of worlds by his disciples during a holy um’ei “holy voyage” in the firelands. The name of the spell suggests it has been taken from an old story, where a cunning girl stole the “red flower” (fire) from a dragon, and so mankind learned to use fire. The spell exists as an ability to briefly manifest the draconic presence to those about, imbibing their senses in brief, though weak aura. The spell takes the form of a gesture or movement creating a small burning symbol or imagery proper to every Nephilim that creates a spectacle of a soft gliding, burning wind filled with slow floating harmless petal-like embers that propagate in a [3x8] area in front of the nephilim. All things caught in the blowing ash-wind would be taken by a sudden feeling of awe, as the charm itself manifests the draconic imposition of the Nephilim, as characterized by them. A carefree nephilim might be able to induce a feeling of wonder that might momentarily stall a foe, distracting them if but for a moment, while an ever-angry and highly territorial azdrazi could be able to instill a moment of fear or rejection to those caught in the spell. The effects last [1] emote. As the spell is crafted of Dragonsflame, creatures both living and dead, physical and meta-physical find themselves affected by the spell. - The red-flower charm cannot be used to manipulate an individual, hence a character may be briefly surprised by the feeling, but will not find their minds affected except for a brief outburst of emotions. - The red-flower charm cannot interrupt a cast or connection. - The red-flower charm cannot interrupt an attack, such as the swing of a sword. NEW: The Augmented Flame From the moment that a Nephilim is made – the prior self is burnt away and scarred, and from the remnants of that person, Dragonsflame is shaped to reform what was lost in Azdromoth’s image. Thus, the Nephilim is a pretender; they are constructs of Azdromoth’s will set within a corpse, emboldened by his flame and the memories of the descendant that was once there. This, of course, means that they’ve some recollection of who they used to be in the form of dreams bearing instances of their prior life. With this, the Nephilim can focus on either augmenting their Draconic Magicks or harnessing the strength that they once had before, bolstering their usage of Dragonsflame to a specific type. - After being a Nephilim for [2] weeks, they may opt to chose to bolster themselves either with Draconic Magicks or Draconic Strength. This is listed on their CA, and they may self-teach themselves these abilities. Example of note on CA: This Nephilim has chosen the path of Draconic Strength. Draconic Strength Flame-Lit Forms (Non-Combative) When a Nephilim embraces the Draconic Self, they begin to don more pronounced draconic features; be it the addition of horns, extra eyes, talons, growing stubs for wings, etc. The transformation that comes from this form tends to be different from Nephilim to Nephilim, and all cases are different from one another. - This is purely a free-form system to allow people to shape their Nephilim to what they wish to. If there’s something not discussed here, please ask an LT or the current Loreholder. - These grant no combative advantage. Forgotten Heritage (Non-Combative) In this state, they’ll be unable of polymorphing into a different form save from what they originally were, albeit with more tells; either be it by the shifting of scales when they find themselves induced by bouts of rage or emotion, etc. They may be plagued by dreams of a long-lost Descendant or Nephilim, allowing the ability to shift through the past and see what has occurred long before. Furthemore, they are bestowed with the ability of the awakened eye. This effectively allows one to see within the dark, and the temperatures of their being, as a passive. Most importantly, they will delve and peer into prophecies albeit in flame as their eyes begin to leak cinders. Another ability of theirs is to translate any descendant language, barring ones created by Aenguldaemonica. - In moments of extreme emotion, the Nephilim’s polymorph will temporarily break, revealing tells such as fire, ash, horns or scales. Should they even wish to, it may transcend that to showcase a bestial, draconic form. Emboldened Strength [ 3 Emotes: 1 Connect + 2 Cast] (Combative) Should a Nephilim wish to use their new-found heritage for combative purposes, they may harness the power of their long-forgotten forms to conjure forth abilities that they had not before. When used, they’d begin to have flames festering in their specific body part, harnessing it for [2] emotes before that specific body-part’s strength is effectively doubled, bolstered. The effect lasts for [4] emotes, and at the end of it, the Nephilim will find a vein of ravenous fire exposed on their chest – glowing and burning bright in their body, as it recovers, effectively taking [2] emotes to recover. If they choose to target their legs, they’d find themselves able to undergo a ‘charge’ for their sprinting or movement, where they effectively give up their ability to move per turn, to use it in the next turn. Etc, a Nephilim chooses to ‘charge’ their movement in the first emote, not able to move. On the second emote, they release it, allowing them to traverse [8] blocks in a single turn. - This lasts for [4] emotes and has a cooldown of [2] emotes where the Nephilim’s Inner Flame is recovering, effectively making them unable to conjure forth spells. - This cannot exceed the strength of an Olog. - The tell for this spell can be different from the various Nephilim; one can be a limb bolstered and woven out of flame, while another can be their limb covered in scales and donning talons. - While there is aesthetic freedom for their spell, they are unable to conjure it into a refined shape; etc, a weapon, tool or item. It is tied to being something draconic. - This costs [2] units of Dragonsflame. Cindered Shadow [ 3 Emotes: 1 Connect + 2 Cast] (Non-Combative/Combative) Following the growing expertise of Draconic Strength, they can manifest as a being of smoke and brimstone, bound to the individual, manifesting as a ‘shadow’ of sorts. These creations, however, are fragments of the Nephilim’s prior life; of their memories when they were descendants. As such, they may speak or talk about what they once more, providing guidance and aid to the wielder like mortal agents – or lost souls, forgotten long ago. They, however, do not grant aid in any combative purpose save for advice or even scathing remarks. In a combative scenario, these Shadows can morph into a gigantic hand which acts as makeshift shield for the Nephilim, acting as a body that shrouds and protects them. This manifests in two distinct ways, where the Nephilim can call out their shadow within [4] blocks of them, able to take [3] hits before returning back to the Nephilim’s body. Another method used for it is that it covers the body of the Nephilim, capable of taking the brunt of [3] specific hits. Over-all, it has the duration of [5] emotes when cast before finally dissipating. - The wielder’s ‘Shadow’ cannot grant any metagamed information or specific segments of their life. If anything, they are like a companion that always stalks the Nephilim, or Herald, that take up the appearance of brimstone or ash, any other aesthetic can be conferred to by the Loreholder or the LT. - They may be shadows, or more discreetly hidden as ash-like segments that take up parts of their skin. - The Shadows, as stated prior, are fragments of the Nephilim’s old psyche, and may talk or give advice about what they once more, perhaps even disillusioned at times following the transcendence of their mortal coil. - While there is aesthetic freedom for their spell, they are unable to conjure it into a refined shape; etc, a weapon, tool or item. It is tied to being something draconic. - This costs [2] units of Dragonsflame. NEW: Draconic Magicks Mind’s Construct (Non-Combative) From the Nephilim’s will to reject their draconic form, they’d find themselves more in tune with who they are, granting them a greater ability to shift and polymorph to their will; they can shape their facial structure, scars, features, etc. to a precise degree. Alas, the ability to construct a form is incredibly tiresome, and upon creating one, they are unable to think of another ‘identity’ for [2] weeks, meaning that they are stuck with their chosen form for that time. Their draconic forms become more subtle, lacking the heritage and features that they had prior. This is mostly freeform, and differs from Nephilim to Nephilim, but will range from smaller horns, less scales, over-all the draconic features that they once had become less prevalent while unpolymorphed. - One cannot polymorph to appear like other characters, be it their own or other players. - All prior redlines and guidelines of Polymorphing apply. - Draconic features cannot be entirely hidden. - Upon having a ‘new’ polymorph, they are unable to shift or change any aspects of it; be it eye colour, hair colour and skin colour. Fervent Flames ‘By Asioth is every world created.’ [2 emotes: 1 connect + 1 cast] Seen in the advent of their creeds, and worship, the Nephilim have found ways to bestow maddening effects upon mortal ken; these benefit their worshippers, but at what cost? – the damning of their mortal body, the awakening of their sight of the end that’d soon occur. This is an extremely personal act to do for a Nephilim, as in essence, they are granting a part of themselves to another; trusting them to wield it with honour. - There is no limit to how many flames a Herald or a Nephilim can be granted. However, remember should a Nephilim have [0] units of Dragonsflame, they are effectively PK’d. This is listed on their CA, FA or MA. Duplicates of a 'Flame' counts as another. - Placement of the 'Flames' cannot be vague. Etc, their arms, it has to be specific, like a forearm. - These can only be granted by a Nephilim. - Granting a Flame upon a Descendant, or a Nephilim takes away [1] unit of dragonsflame permanently until it is willingly returned. In a sense, one can give as many as they want, but they’ll slowly begin to wither away due to the decreased amounts of dragonsflame within them. - RP should be documented should the ST ever wish to see the validity of a blessing. - While there is aesthetic freedom for their spell, they are unable to conjure it into a more primal shape; etc, draconic limbs. It has to be tied to being an item woven out of cinders and fire. - This costs [1] units of Dragonsflame per blessing. Listed Blessings: Draconic Remembrance [ 2 Emotes: 1 Connect + 1 Cast] (Combative) While the Nephilim may attempt to reject their draconic half as much as they wish to, it is inherently a part of them; something that cannot be completely cast aside, for what use is a dragon who pretends to be a mortal. The story of this came from the tale of old Knights, who in their allegiance and aid to Dragons, partook in its blood to garner strength and vitality in the partnership of man and beast. Nonetheless this remains a tale, not proven false or true. Using this comes from the Nephilim’s mind, allowing the memories and experiences of yore to come to fruition, bolstering and strengthening the caster’s power to enact their form of ‘justice’. Overall, it has a [4] meter range, and can manifest in a variety of ways, though the most common is a gigantic, incorporeal fist – set aflame with either fire or ash – that comes to slam down at its target. It can be held and retained for [2] emotes before ultimately dispersing out into vapors of steam. Alternatively, they may conjure forth their flames and paint their fists in that same volatile Dragonsflame, allowing for their strikes to be combustive, having the same strength and impact as a warhammer for [4] strikes. An intended effect of this, however, is that there is some truth in the tale spoken and recited. By casting and tapping into this remembrance, the Nephilim is therein plagued by the memories of old knights and draconic worshippers; the thoughts, ambitions and dreams clinging onto their minds as they use this spell. Their own mind can be invaded by these thoughts, and it grows stronger, perhaps alluding to something. - The Nephilim’s movement is cut in half while casting this spell. - No information can be ‘metagamed’ from the memories and dreams granted, though one can create a ‘knight’ from eld from which the thoughts come from. - The conjured creation has the strength of a Warhammer. - While there is aesthetic freedom for their spell, they are unable to conjure it into a more primal shape; etc, draconic limbs. It has to be tied to being an item woven out of cinders and fire. - This costs [2] units of Dragonsflame. - The conjured fist lacks any form of defense, it cannot be used to block attacks, nor can it be used in conjunction with any other spell that buffs the physical self and Kani. Weaknesses The alteration which Nephilim undergo is just as much physical as it is spiritual, thus subjecting the creature to a myriad of weaknesses and detriments of both magical and mundane nature. Though certainly potent creatures in their own right, encountering any of these detriments is certainly a disheartening, if not worrisome experience for the Nephilim. Weakness Mechanics - Though Nephilim are immune to mundane poison and disease, they may still be afflicted by magical ones. Necromantic pestilences would manifest significantly quicker (immediately onset) upon an Azdrazi, and other similar magical-disease effects would yield similar results - these would last at maximum, three days. Azhl would as well effectively harm a Nephilim in a normal manner as it would a descendant. - Being flame-based creatures, Nephilim are weak to their respective antithesis: cold and frost. Nephilim will find it difficult to traverse inherently cold regions, such temperatures weakening their inner flame. Though Nephilim may bundle themselves to avoid more severe detriments of the cold, freezing temperatures will oftentimes inhibit their dragonflame abilities. Additionally, any potent form of frost-based magic, such as ice evocation, will have them succumb from its bitter cold at a hastened rate than most mortals. Being surrounded by a storm of conjured cold will cause them great harm and prevent them from drawing upon their fire; crumbling and cracking their afflicted spot onto a state of disrepair with continual attacks. Should they be stricken with magical projectile frost, they’d find their body failing over the course of five attacks upon their body; With one emote, they’d find themselves being unable to call upon their Dragonsflame for [2] emotes. On the second, they’d find themselves unable to call upon Dragonsflame for [3] emotes. On the third attack, their skin tone slowly turns into a stone-like colour as it’d be unable to draw forth their Inner Flame. The fourth emote deteriorates their limb into a fragile state, as it’d be able to be broken and crumbled away with blunt trauma. The fifth deteriorates their affected injury as if it was quick-sand, crumbling away at the faintest touch. Furthermore, If the bite of Thanhic-Steel finds itself upon a Nephilim, they’d find themselves unable to call upon their Dragonsflame, instantly breaking their Polymorph to reveal their true identity. Should they call upon their magicks while they suffer from Thanhic-Poisoning, they’d find their bodies slowly cracking and fading away onto ash as their ichor soon turns to droplets of soot. Should they continue to draw upon their Dragonsflame, they’d find their body crumbling; With one emote, their limb begins to crack and dry as their skin tone slowly turns into a stone-like colour. The second emote removes all feeling from their limb, hard strikes may crumble their afflicted spot as if it was brittle stone. The third deteriorates their entire limb as if it was quick-sand, crumbling away at the faintest touch. - The cold grants a Nephilim discomfort at most, this is for flavour and can be extended further should the player wish for it. Furthermore, only supernatural frost can injure them, normal cold will just be unsettling to one. - The magic of a Frost Witch or an ice mage is severe for a Nephilim. Not only does it harm them, but it also siphons a unit of Dragonsflame per successful attack should the wound inflicted be deep. This effect stops when there is a single unit of Dragonsflame remain. - The Stone Effect is external at first, come the end of the five emotes; there, the Nephilim would find their body failing and slowly dying as they’d become a stone statue. - Thanhium, more commonly Thanhic-Steel is detrimental to a Nephilim. It siphons a unit of Dragonsflame, however stops when the Nephilim has only one unit of Dragonsflame left. And unlike its effect on a regular descendant; spreads to the rest of the Nephilim’s body. Cracking and crumbling it into ash over the course of five emotes of constant exposure to an open wound. - These weaknesses can be mitigated if a Nephilim devises a magical means to keep their body temperature up. (i.e The spell of Bharoh from a Herald, or Voidal Enchantments.). - For ET events, it is up to ET discretion if the cold is too much for a Nephilim. - As draconic beasts, the Nephilim are among the sworn enemies of Xan and his own progeny, thus subjecting them to heavy weakness under Xannic Magic. Should a Nephilim be at all wounded or otherwise come into direct contact with Xannic mist or another Paladin-based artifice, they’d feel cold, wintry scorn. Nephilim exposed to such mist or artifice by wounding or other means find the chill getting worse; suffocating and enveloping them from the warmth that they’ve grown accustomed to, forcing a state of anxiety and fear upon their souls. In effect, this is their Inner Flame slowly getting siphoned out of their body, making them weaker and during the duration of their injuries - until it is healed, those units of Inner Flame are unable to be used. - Nephilim who are affected by Xannic magic would find themselves unable to call upon their Inner Flame during, nor shift into their Polymorph, should it penetrate their body. - Until the injury has fully healed, their unit of Dragonsflame stays lost. - Per successful attack or injury, upon a Nephilim’s flesh; a unit of Dragonsflame is siphoned out and the Xannic Magic prohibits the return of that unit. This effect stops when there is a single unit of Dragonsflame remain. - This weakness cannot be used in Metagaming ways, etc. Random Mist Casting. If it’s suspected, ST can be contacted. - The final weakness, one that’s served as perhaps fate for these ill-fated creatures, is stagnation. - Following two months of inactivity, Nephilim are forced into a state of comatose, where they turn to stone. If a character has been inactive for too long - three months at most - they are liable to undergo a forced PK by the Story Team. If players are caught abusing this system (by briefly logging, for example), then they are also liable for a forced PK. - To reawaken them, three Nephilim must breathe their Dragonsflame onto them to grant life onto the stone once more or you may use any way approved by the ST. - If a Nephilim abuses the opportunity to play one of these creatures via inadequate RP, they will be subjected to an everlasting PK via the Immaculate Blade by the Story Team Management or Admin. Drakeshrine Rituals Ritual of Strength In moments of rage and disagreements, a Nephilim can challenge their kin or a Herald to a one-on-one duel. In this state, any outsiders are barred from interfering, instead forced back with a volatile fire, as if they were struck by an Uruk’s punch. The Nephilim will find that all spells and abilities can be done in as little as [1] emote, bolstered by their demands and means to claim superiority. They are barred from speaking at all, nothing more than ash and fire spewing from their maw. Victory is decided in two ways, either the losing Nephilim speaks in High Draconic to state that they have lost, or they are slain and killed. Either way, any damage – be it the severing of limbs, decapitation, or even death – is undone, only scars remaining that’ll last for [1] OOC week, permanently if they wish to. Afterward, as they fall and begin to regenerate their body, the Nephilim can brand the defeated as if they were a whelping. This stays for [3] OOC days, though can be kept for longer if wished for. Ritual of Death The most graceful act for a Nephilim, or a Herald is the gift of Rebirth. However, this is not permanent and can only have [5] uses per unit of Dragonsflame; in this state, once per day, they may commune and talk to the dead draconic beings of time’s past for advice, guidance or aid by grasping their Inner Flame and setting it within the stone-clad statue of a fallen Nephilim. This requires two Nephilim and [5] emotes. - To commune with a specific Nephilim, the player – of such – must give OOC consent, and they’ll play their character. - Otherwise, to talk to a non-distinct Nephilim, the characters are played by an ET. - Should it be perceived as a greater dragonkin, etc. Dragon/Drake, or even Dragaar and Drakaar, firstly ST/ST Management permission is required, and the cost of doing so multiplies. Ritual of Speech Within their own blood, three Nephilim may harness their reflection to commune and talk with others in a one-sided manner about nearby sources of flame or in their eyes themselves. This lasts for only a few moments, around [5] emotes at their maximum. During this time, the Nephilim is entirely incapacitated as they are unable to do anything other than dedicate themselves to the vision. Their voices will be affected by their emotion, becoming exaggerated in the vision; If they are stricken with fear, their voice would be shrill, loud and high-pitched. For anger, they’d be more fuming, guttural and deep. Sights are also able to be ingrained in the vision, though the Nephilim must be at the area itself, and any people will be omitted in the sight, only showcasing the building or area. Example: A Nephilim could use the pool of flames conjured from a fire. As the fire leaked out onto the floor, he used it to depict a grave warning along with the reflection of their kingdom within the cinders. - This is a one-sided message that cannot be replied to in any way. Furthermore, this cannot be communicated in #w or #q – or even /w – as the receiver must RP out the vision in #rp in a nearby source of blood or water. - The voice of the Nephilim is undecipherable, instead of coming off as a distant, echoed haze. - The Nephilim may opt to use any sight they wish, though they must be there. Should they wish to, one could even have their veiled face as a disguise to deliver this message. Ritual of Commandment With the many rites and doctrines of the Nephilim, they found it hard to meet on even ground without the stench of distrust plaguing their wits. To this, they’ve made a ritual wherein they can enforce a commandment within a distinct area. By inscribing and burning a stone tablet, the Nephilim may grant it the aura of Azdromoth – making those within its vicinity follow the rule, else they’d begin to falter and kneel over the course of [3] emotes, however people can damage the tablet, smashing it easily – either by a mace, warhammer, weapon or even throwing it on the floor. However, the Stone Tablet can only enforce basic commandments rather than anything too specific, donning only a limit of [5] words. Once made, the Tablet can be held and carried, though it only covers a radius of [10] blocks. Furthermore when one is holding it on their person or in their inventory, they are unable to attack. - This cannot force one to injure or kill. - This cannot force one to do something unrealistic or out of character. - Disobeying the Commandment forces one to feel as if they’re staring at Azdromoth, lowering them to kneel over the course of the aforementioned emotes. - The item should be ST-Signed after it is made, and only two can be held near a Drakeshrine. Corruption “Two shall be united as one. Woven by these strands of ash." Corruption Mechanics Once a Nephilim has become corrupted, they no longer follow the same exhaustion systems as a normal Nephilim. They now hold two units of dragonsflame; their normal dragonsflame as listed above, and their corrupted dragonsflame. Units of corruption are preceded by specific abilities and spells casted on a Nephilim by either a Necromancer or a Naztherak. Rather than being PK’d, the points of corruption tie into the amount of time that it takes for the body to reknit itself with [1] unit being [1] day. Example; bearing [2] units of corruption mean that the Nephilim is soft PK’d – as the body reforms itself – for [2] days. Necromancy Maledictions - Darkening will corrupt 1 unit per 2 emotes that it is sustained. - Cauterization will corrupt 1 unit per 2 emotes that it is sustained. - Bursting’s tainted gore will corrupt 1 unit if it makes contact. - All Pestilence plagues will corrupt 2 units for their duration, but will never last beyond 2 OOC weeks unless they OOCly wish to. Naztherak Malflame - Kriviir will corrupt 1 unit per application, regardless of emote count. - Vhiit will corrupt 1 unit per strike which makes contact. - Rok-Dhurz will corrupt 1 unit per hit. A direct hit from a large-sized projectile will cause 1 point of corruption instead. - Rok-Heedz will corrupt 1 unit per hit. - Rok-Kirluk will corrupt 1 unit per emote of contact. - Rok-Ladom will corrupt 1 unit per hit. - Rok-Argal will corrupt 1 unit per emote of contact. - Rok-Norrvut will corrupt 1 unit per emote of contact. - Rok-Niirk will inflict no corruption. - Rok-Krimth will corrupt 1 unit per 1 emotes of contact. - Rok-Zevik will corrupt 1 unit per hit. Cursed Idols - The presence of any Cursed Idol will corrupt 2 units that cannot be cleansed until the Idol’s effective radius is escaped but disappear immediately once it is. Boons & Banes - Any Boon or Bane will corrupt 2 units that cannot be cleansed until it is removed. Zar’akal Abilities - Areas affected by Ra’Ilkgarokk will corrupt 2 units. After departure, these points need to be cleansed. - Being subject to a ritual of Kehrlagashk will result in complete corruption, inflicting 8 corruption points and the OOC choice of being turned into an Inferi for an event resource. Infernal Alchemy and Black Alchemy - Any potion or concoction utilizing inferic or necrotic reagents will, alongside its regular effects, corrupt 0.5 units. These can only be cleansed once the effects of the potion have passed. - A Nephilim will take four points (half of their current inner-flame which is set to eight) in order to have the physical attributes of corruption set into play (i.e the aesthetical skeletal appearance). - Infernal Alchemy may only corrupt 7/8 units of an Azdrazi's inner flame, always leaving them with 1 unit un-corrupted - unable to induce a PK on its own. - Should a Nephilim exhaust their normal Dragonsflame entirely, they are subject to a Hard-PK. Corrupted Enrapturement Though now corrupted, the prominent Nephilim are still able to cast spells using their corrupted dragonsflame units, holding a new arsenal of devious, insidious abilities. However, they are still unable to use mana; the corrupted Nephilim are incapable of casting magics based with mana. The flames of a corrupted Nephilim hold similar properties to their old self, though seem to have a more destructive property against their own kin, which makes them machinations of corruption. - Upon being corrupted, a Nephilim is barred from using their ordinary spells but isn’t affected by the aforementioned units due to the simplicity of the spells. Fake Death [Combative] [2 turn casting - 1 Corrupted Unit] The fallen dragonkin is able to temporarily subdue their inner-flame. Through this, their bodies will collapse into a pile of bones (with whatever they were wearing left on the ground). Of course, the corrupted Nephilim will be able to eventually ignite their inner-flame once more. Once this is done, their bones and attire (or armour) will form back into one. - Fake Death takes two turns to activate. On the first turn, their innerflame shrinks; the second turn is their body collapsing into a pile of bones. - Fake Death will last until the inner-flame of the corrupted is reactivated. Once their innerflame is ignited once more, it takes two turns again to reform. - They can only move 2 blocks during this, and are able to attack during this. However, the spell of rotting ash will be included as a tell. - The user will be unable to attack as they are reforming, leaving them open to strikes. Thanhium, Frost-Oil and such is able to break the illusion. - There is a time limit of 4 emotes until the effects of Fake Death disperse. Fear Inducement [Freeform] (Non-Combative) The fallen dragonkin is able to morph their appearance to be perceived as an assortment of other monsters. Their innerflame will escape and cast their bones (or grow flesh) to appear more frightening. This ability is more free-form, though the Corrupted does not grow in height. An extremely weak illusionary spell casted through their corrupted flames. - Fear Inducement lasts ten turns. However, it can last for longer should they be given OOC permission. - Fear Inducement is an illusionary spell that changes the appearance of the corrupted to appear more frightening. For example, they may grow numerous teeth, flaming red eyes, large claws, mouths across their bones, and so on. However, their height remains the same. - Fear Inducement can only be used outside of combat. If the corrupted is attacked during fear inducement, their illusion will instantly break and they will return to their normal appearance. Corruption Instillment [ 3 Emotes: 1 Connect + 2 Cast] (Combative) The corrupted dragonkin is able to slowly build up a miasma of violet or black flames. Once these flames have built up, it can be thrown and directed at another nephilim. On impact, the Nephilim will be corrupted for four points of their dragonsflame. - Corruption Instillment takes two turns to build up. The first turn is building up black or violet flames into their hand, the second turn is slowly expanding the flames into their palm, and the third turn is casting said flames at the directed nephilim. - The range at which their flames can be thrown is four blocks. - This ability only works on Nephilim; it will be unable to corrupt anything else. If these corrupted flames hit any other target, they will feel like nothing, nor will they burn. - The nephilim who is hit by said flames will be corrupted for 2 units. - This can only be done once per 24 OOC hours. Shaving (Combative/Non-Combative) The fallen dragonkin is able to give rideable mounts the aesthetic of undead creatures. For example, the corrupted Nephilim may mount a horse and cause it to look skeletal wrought with flames of black. Of course, these flames will purely be aesthetic and hold no benefit in combat. This spell is purely for aesthetics and to enrich the experience of players with more immersive appearances. - Shaving takes one turn to cast. This first turn should be a detailed emote of the mount / creature's transformation. - Shaving does not work on players. - Shaving is purely an aesthetic spell for mounts. It does not reap any combat benefits. - Shaving will not work on creatures any larger than a bear. Chains of the Undying [ 2 Emotes: 1 Connect + 1 Cast] (Combative/Non-Combative) The corrupted dragonkin is able to muster flames into their palms. These flames slowly grow in those three turns, eventually turning into a chain wrought of their innerflame. Through these chains, a Nephilim may utilise it in many ways: as rope, to drag items or people, or to act as a whip. This chain is no larger than four blocks. - Chains of the Undying takes one turns to build up, the second action being their cast. - Chains of the Undying will last for five turns, their maximum block distance being four. - Chains of the Undying will use one slot from the Corrupted Nephilim’s innerflame, as per the exhaustion system above. - Chains of the Undying can be used as a whip in combat. Though not holding the same weight as a metal chain, the impacted area is left in excruciating pain. As per usual, the impacted area will only have a visible aesthetic of black veins, though all limbs will work as normal. - The effects of Chains of the Undying may be cleansed by a Paladin, a Necromancer, Druid Blight Healing, Farseer and Witchdoctor or Lutauman - The effects of Chains of the Undying will stop after combat. However, the targeted individuals are free to roleplay its effects for a longer period of time. The Nephilim should explain this to targeted players in case they see it as a permanent effect. PXY, Gamma_Byte, Jentos, Agentkhov (Collaborated Work). 2022. Nephilim - Nephilim; Lesser Dragonkin (Amendment + Addition)
  8. ((Interact and find the sign to schedule an event with The Bold Blue!)) On one fateful day, amidst a time of silence and peace, a deafening and roaring growl echoes throughout Almaris -- heralding a creature that resided in the center of the continent. OOC:
  9. Looking to get into pixel art, are there any programs that people use for it?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Traveller


      aseprite is a program that's cheap on steam that's entirely built for creating pixel art so all the features are tailored towards it, includes animation tools as well

    3. Reckless Banzai Screamer
    4. Latelle


      Photoshop or whatever equivalents can work. Aseprite is my preference, it's like 20 bucks on steam, but I'm pretty sure you can grab the source code and build it yourself for free (dont quote me on that tho i may be wrong)

  10. Due to having a keyboard modding addiction, I'm opening commissions again : )



    1. ScreamingDingo


      dude i'd rather you had a crippling mdma addiction dont tell people this

    2. ronin_champloo
  11. formatting's kinda nice compared to other submissions tbh
  12. oh all good, ill wait for someone who can actually respond then since thats smth i dont know
  13. afaik the estimate for it differs and ranges as it's something that they'd have to plan, build and prepare for. from what i can see, the reason why they cant give an precise estimate is because they genuinely don't know since either people leave or join the team -- hindering or aiding progress. furthermore, once they give a specific estimate, they'll be held to it which can grant a bunch of stress. what id recommend is to stop building anything since you dont even know the current layout of the next map nor the tiles since it sounds like you're giving yourself burnout over a problem that isn't rly there. once they're close to being finished, they'll probably talk with the nations to figure out a release that allows the builders enough time to build a suitable nation/settlement, and go from there
  14. thought that's what you wanted in your prior post, but now it's removed :) furthermore, like I said before -- this is the issue. If there's something broken or abuseable within lore, why doesn't the community try to amend or fix it? That's an issue, I suggest you push something out to try and sort out the problem rather than waiting for someone to do so the best part abt lotc lore is that anyone within the community can add to it
  15. riddle me this, batman; why do voidal mages always admit there's a problem with their magic, yet do nothing abt it while actively benefiting from it
  16. [Amendment] Transfiguration; Lesser, Potent and Grand Enchantments Lesser Enchantment: Non-Combative A mostly aesthetic enchantment that has no major effects or combative potential. This is done with incredible ease and will likely be the first step in the Transfigurationist’s path to Enchanting. - Lesser Enchantments can be activated in as little as [1] emote, and can have more aesthetic freedom should they not infringe in combat or out of their redlines. Potent Enchantment: Non-Combative The Alterationist imbues a mundane item with an artificial mana pool, oftentimes no bigger than a handheld object. These enchantments are on the less powerful spectrum of magic, spells limited to the range of a novice to adept mage. - If the Enchantment is not used by a Voidal Mage, and is instead used by someone lacking ability in the Voidal Arts, the spell will take [1] extra emotes to cast. - When casting or activating an enchantment, the user -- should they not be a voidal mage -- will find their movement halved. (etc. [4] blocks -> [2] blocks). - Enchantments that apply an effect on a weapon, etc enwreathing it in flames will find their casting requirement lowered to [1] emote. - Should the enchantment be a projectile-based enchantment, the object has to be pointed at its target during the entirety of the casting. If it's something small, akin to jewelry, the user has to either hold it within their hand or continuously face their target. Grand Enchantment: Non-Combative An experienced Transfigurationist implements magegold onto an object, allowing more room for mana to flow and more powerful spells to be cast, ranging from an Expert to Master mage. These enchantments are very taxing to the Transfigurationist and the participants involved. - If the Enchantment is not used by a Voidal Mage, and is instead used by someone lacking ability in the Voidal Arts, the spell will take [2] extra emotes to cast. - When casting or activating an enchantment, the user -- should they not be a voidal mage -- can only move [1] block per emote. - Enchantments that apply an effect on a weapon, etc enwreathing it in flames will find their casting requirement lowered to [1] emote. - Should the enchantment be a projectile-based enchantment, the object has to be pointed at its target during the entirety of the casting. If it's something small, akin to jewelry, the user has to either hold it within their hand or continuously face their target. Credit:
  17. a lore approved guide for the skin/art prompts! Screowl - furry owl Frost Witch - woman in a dress but skin them blue Ratiki - skin a musin but evil Musin - skin a musin but annoying Phantoms - a normal skin but white Sirens - actually dont know Varig - a furry but make them look like theyre diseased Sprites - this one's actually cool Golems - cobblestone but give it eyes Atronachs - cobblestone but give it glowing eyes Siliti - do a human skin but with deep eyebags Epiphytes - do an elf skin but put flowers in their head Darkstalkers - search up dark souls skins
  18. Rel returns home, after a fishing trip, to find some of his stuff stolen...
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