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Creative Wizard
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Status Replies posted by riorr

  1. please help, i'm locked out of my persona slot since I lost my pex so all my items/details are locked away on the third persona

    1. riorr


      That's strange, those are what Admin told me to do when I had the same issue and that one worked. I didn't try the other

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. please help, i'm locked out of my persona slot since I lost my pex so all my items/details are locked away on the third persona

    1. riorr


      You should be able to re-gain access to the persona by perma-killing another one of them
      Otherwise if you delete the locked persona, all your items should move to your itemcache, BUT your minas will be lost
      The first option worked nicely for me

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. Anyone interested in high elven rp, two family slots open, one female one can be male/female, pm me here or on Discord RIO#8249 :)

  4. happy tuesday!

    1. riorr


      Do you wish me a happy Tuesday, or mean that it is a happy Tuesday whether I want it or not; or that you feel happy this Tuesday; or that it is a Tuesday to be happy on?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Are gnomes really the criminals here? Vote now on your phones!

    1. riorr


      Gnomes are my sworn enemy

  6. halflings are kinda like minions if you think about it

  7. I am trying to transition from a morning coffee ritual to tea. Please recommend me flavors, brands, etc. as I am a filthy uncultured American will little familiarity.

  8. ca creature races like wonks, musins, hou-zi, khas, etc will never work

    1. riorr


      I think we should let them exist without removing them each after some months of low activity, I would like the jazzy races about this fantasy roleplay server

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. halflings please be more active, im begging, im on my knees praying that yall will get back on

  10. Have a berry. 

    1. riorr


      Thank you for this berry! I hope it's not poisonous :) 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. Can any admin put into white list please, becouse im still not white listed.

    1. riorr


      Your application has not yet been reviewed! A staff member will review it and once that is done you may be whitelisted :) Hope this helps

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. I've crawled out of hiding for the first time in like 4 years, I'll actually be back here and there. Changed my profile and IGN, and am in the discord so if we've RP'd in the past and you'd like to again, hit me up while I study!

  13. how is everyone doing?

    i'm losing my mind in quarantine and i have 5 days more to go, hope my test results negative so i can hang out.


    1. riorr


      alright myself :)

      I hope you test negative! stay healthy🤘

  14. Hello! I am new to LotC server and I just made my character

    I am in a bit of a pickle though, as I am not entirely sure if they should live in the Silver City of the Elves or in another elf nation that is less 'xenophobic' to the other races

    I have good arguments for both, but I guess I would rather get a community opinion rather then try to make it my own due to others having more experience here.

    The High Elf in question is named Maehir, and is a scholar/mage(?)/studier of history, magic, and all things unknown. He, like other high elves does believe in the idea of purity. However he is not a super purist at heart. He has a fondness for the 'lesser' races of the realms (mainly humans), and seeks to mimic them in the ways they peruse goals in their short lives and isn't a bigot towards them, nor is one to look down at their inherit 'inferiority'. Due to this conflicting ideal he has, I have been rather stuck on where he should live. Should he have home in the Silver City? Or should he live in a different elven realm (do know he was born in the Silver City to begin with, and does follow many High Elf customs depending on what they are)

    1. riorr


      I'd say The Silver City is not a bad place at all for your character to live. The high elves there, for the most part, do not hate/dislike other races, they just view them as lesser than themselves. Maybe your high elf does not share this belief, but going off his other characteristics/interests (scholarly, magic), Haelun'or is the best place for these things.


      Elvenesse is another elven settlement, full of all different kinds of elves. As far as I've witnessed, any high elf that lives there is impure. Quite a lot also have a distaste for pure high elves/high elves from The Silver City.


      Both are strong playerbases and nations. In your case I recommend The Silver City :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. oh I'm sorry guys I forgot to add my skin I thought it was just a pic





    1. riorr


      There should be three dots somewhere on your application where you can click to make edits if you need to :)

  16. I hope that everyone has a fantastic day!

  17. daily reminder: I hope you all are having a great day! Remember to take breaks and drink water!

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