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Status Replies posted by MRCHENN

  1. 1322931952_ScreenShot2023-12-31at15_25_17.thumb.png.42337d9a38c1fa3a39085db9ff90d1a6.png

    1. MRCHENN


      @Andustar The whole reason why I responded to this thread is because its very naive (especially as an NL) to think that the only reason people dislike Balian is because of some marginal RP claim to Oren. It may be cited as some RP justification but we all know most RP justifications for war aggressions are just fabrications. For example, using the church as a means to war Veletz

      I actually agree with Erik Azog here. I think the main reason people are excited to war Balian is their playerbase is despised

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  2. 1322931952_ScreenShot2023-12-31at15_25_17.thumb.png.42337d9a38c1fa3a39085db9ff90d1a6.png

    1. MRCHENN


      Nobody actually thinks your nation is an Orenian successor state. People just don’t like your nation itself

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  3. Gonna reform Oren rq brb guys

    1. MRCHENN


      4 hours ago, MaltaMoss said:

      you claiming some kind of orenian status has me in stitches 


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. I have been taken hostage by chenn and now exist only to upvote posts he has told me to

    Doing a lot better now, Hope everyone is alright.


  6. This guy actually sucks

  7. gonna be logging on for a day (ill), if you wanted to rp pm me

  8. I guess this is what Nectorist meant when he said 'reverting oren to the way it was'. Pathetic.

  9. Can we stop humoring petty reports from people who do the same stuff they complain about someone else doing just because their nations are beefing? Thanks

  10. I guess this is what Nectorist meant when he said 'reverting oren to the way it was'. Pathetic.

    1. MRCHENN


      2 minutes ago, Maur said:

      glad to see the fantasy knights of oren coming out in full fighting force. wish i would've seen it in game.
      Cavalry Knights by ArtNotHearts on DeviantArt


      too bad u don’t play.


      feel free to continue shitposting from ur gaming pc mister azog 🤓

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  11. If anyone wants to play a high elven noble dm me. t.#7018

  12. born amidst salt and smoke - the prince that was promised

  13. RIP OREN 2011-2022

    1. MRCHENN


      its dissolved and reformed between those years bruv

  14. why are azdrazi ******* everywhere 

    if you're gonna make a literal gary stu undetectable, immortal and ultra strong e-boy race, can you at least make them somewhat rare cheers


    ******* mailman is secretly an azdrazi

  15. Snakes say “Minecraft”. 

    Also imagine not pking and complaining about ooc coups after conducting one yourself on two different nations literally a few months ago…

  16. Are you okay Oren?

    1. MRCHENN


      Your brain is not big enough to comprehend

  17. woe is me I can longer contribute to vast political upheavals as a comical peasant type goon

    1. MRCHENN


      1 hour ago, argonian said:

      have you ever played a character that wasnt some immortal monster


      maybe ppl would enjoy crp more if it didnt mean having to put up with mary sue monster-of-the-week chars one-shotting them


      You'd be surprised how many times Azdromoth has one-shotted players this map

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  18. Why is staff intervening on an affair that has been substantiated by an RP narrative. Every substantial or game-changing RP interaction nowadays inevitably contains a piece of OOC interaction (not everyday RP interactions ofc) and despite that, this Haelun'or takeover has been something rp'ed out if not weeks ago with their current government and Kiwi's character for however long more. 


    This isn't an excuse, but almost every war or attempt at a coup for the past 2+ years has been something motivated even by more OOC organization. Staff didn't care to intervene then, so where's the standard. If a majority of people are dissatisfied with an NL, they will rp it as so - there's no avoiding that it's how the server works. Why are they killing fun

    Let's not pretend to ignore either that previous regimes of Haelun'or are equally if not more guilty of ooc orchestration and blacklists lol

    1. MRCHENN


      I think ur reading too much into the Kiwi splurge. Think she just wanted her moment. If ur NL (or series of them) are wholly hated by the majority of the server, people are going to be dissatisfied in RP and OOC because they don't run a good ship.


      If we're going to invalidate this exchange because someone framed their character in a similar matter and were dissatisfied in both realms, and thus aided in placing a new person in power -- then let's do the same for every war and coup for the past 2+ years LMAO @ScreamingDingo Where was the staff intervention in these conflicts? People have done more for less, and rn, administration isn't establishing a standard, they're bending it to their will and punishing players when it's not their place. Why are we acting like every exchange of power has been some pure RP motive? It's not, nor is it a reasonable interpretation of staff. But they never intervened, even when a 100th incel coup was tried on almost any nation you name and was motivated by only discord.


      Yes let's call it a slump but this conflict has probability amassed the most activity elves have seen in a while. Let players have their fun, man.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  19. Why is staff intervening on an affair that has been substantiated by an RP narrative. Every substantial or game-changing RP interaction nowadays inevitably contains a piece of OOC interaction (not everyday RP interactions ofc) and despite that, this Haelun'or takeover has been something rp'ed out if not weeks ago with their current government and Kiwi's character for however long more. 


    This isn't an excuse, but almost every war or attempt at a coup for the past 2+ years has been something motivated even by more OOC organization. Staff didn't care to intervene then, so where's the standard. If a majority of people are dissatisfied with an NL, they will rp it as so - there's no avoiding that it's how the server works. Why are they killing fun

    Let's not pretend to ignore either that previous regimes of Haelun'or are equally if not more guilty of ooc orchestration and blacklists lol

    1. MRCHENN


      4 minutes ago, ScreamingDingo said:

      we shouldn't have to grasp at straws and say roleplay must be done poorly and with ooc spite because of the predecessors on the server


      I hate the unionist. abolish player rights


      I don't disagree that ooc spite should be an excuse for poor roleplay, but I just don't think that's the case here. Staff rn is pursuing a policy of pull the trigger, explain later (one which I've only noticed or is acceptable for cases of banning players, etc) but why is it being done to valid roleplay in a transfer of power by players LOL

      I'm sure if matta, staff or whoever wished to have dialogue with twi or ryan they'd find that while there is some level of out of character organization (as is necessary to achieve ANY takeover of power), they'd find that they have actually done valid roleplay with whomever, be it the Sohaerate, or even Kiwii's character larping as some sleeping agent. Just sounds like excuses tbh and it doesn't justify gassing the RO list, making doors public, and taking PRO

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  20. im having a panic attack

  21. we'll get there one day

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