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153 Brilliant


About Ofrider

  • Birthday 07/20/1871

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  • Character Name
    Jorg Iron'Heartz
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  1. Hey! Welcome back! I don't know you but looking forward to rping with you!
  2. Want to thank everyone who I've gotten to RP with thus far. You are awesome, amazing people that deserve the best.

    I wanna thank everyone part of Iron'Heartz, or on good terms with Iron'Heartz as well. Without you guys, the Clan would not be where it is today, Nor even have a lair application post up. All of the encouragement, advice, and tips given I'm thankful for.

    I wanna thank Willistertheking2 for being one of the best dwarves around, Mervel Frostbeard himself for being just as epic. I wanna thank Panshea for being cool...besides for constantly trying to get me to come back to Krug. I wanna thank PrinceJose and Bethinwonderland for being cool people, despite the fact I rarely get to rp with them anymore. I wanna thank Giambro for being a chill dude, and for most of Haense as epic as a nuclear bomb about to go off. I wanna thank Limo_Man for being an amazing ST and Mae for basiclly one man army doing the the interior of Clan Iron'Heartz Lair. I wanna thank both Lizzy, Pintape, And Audry for being some cool people I can talk to when I'm down, for helping out with the build and making me smile. I wanna thank 28idle and useless6 for being two cool peeps who always have my back. For Kumoko600 for bringing me to some cool events and giving me some cool personal events. For Anime-wolf for helping me secure a temporary clan base, and being an aweasome friend.

    Thank you Xerma for being there when I'm upset and down, even though I rarely see you now days. Thank you Elbowcamo for being incredibly slippery, but making me laugh when ever I actually get a chance to rp with you.Thank you Unwillingly and Treesmoothie for always pestering you and putting up with my world team questions. Thank you JustGrim for making me fight that stupid ass Wyvern, was 10/10. Thanks Xarkly for all the troll events, thank you Aiden for that aweasome Naga event. Thanks LionHeart for always pushing me to pursue my dreams no matter how ridiuculous they are. Thanks Fenor for knighting me (and totally not going to bother you about that to put it on the forums so I can shove it in some snobby High elf faces). Thanks Fiil'Yar for teaching me some things when I first started on the server. Thank you Demon_Lilly for the cookie, Thank you Vangroth for the cool ass ******* sword, thank you AdmrialB for the other smaller, and slightly less historically cool, but COOLER  metal sword, thank you Sheepmicus for being the person who helped make my first skin just so I could play on LOTC when I first joined, thank you to CT team which is my favorite staff team by far on the server and helped me through a ton of stuff. Thank you Mega-Husky for being super happy and excited all the time! Thanks Disky for keeping a light attitude and for Tetho for being an amazing, if not silly dude thanks Liverose and Freya for being cool people to hang out when anxious. Thanks Azura for that aweasome Anime you made on Jorg, for being me fall out of my chair laughing hard at your antics. Thanks Fionn for being an ORC CT member (POOOOG) Thanks Rudy for allowing me in Haense in server in some kickass events under Coolest Cod and the Biggest don, both super cool guys, Thanks Drasanee for giving me some tips on getting my clan started. Thanks OddOllie for having one of the coolest orc concepts around. Thanks Adriann for offering the occasional amazing wisdom of someone beyond his years before goign back to your usual antics. Thanks Julius666 for also offering tid-bits of wisdom. Thanks MOON for making me smile even when I can't some days. Thanks Tentoa for having a psychotic crazy mouse man. Thank you Trekwars for being my favorite elf in Fenn, thanks Cezel_ for being a great person to RP with.

    Thank you to all that I didn't get to say thank you to for your own uniqueness that made my day brighter. I hope you all have a good day/good night when you are reading this. Spending time on this server with cool people, running events that make me feel like a badass when it seems like my life is falling apart, and for making other people laugh in my own personal events that I run, is such a rush that I actually feel like an orc hero somedays, and sometimes thats all I need to make my day absolutely amazing.


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 28idle


      we're always here for you, rider. i'm so glad i get to be a part of your clan and see it grow, and that you're having a great time on the server. you're an amazing friend and you bring some really cool rp! <3

    3. Ramon


      every interaction we've had irp was based

    4. mmat


      Wholesome af


  3. Jorg would read the missive, frowning, but taking it, jaw moving left and right in thought, war in Haense against the arrogance of the high elves, mysterious letters in the mail, Rebellion in Talon, Krugmar trying to call him back? What does this mean? Why is the world turning upside down? There was only one thing to do, protect his clan and stand for his friends if called upon, and Klan Iron'Heartz, in either case, would answer
  4. https://imgur.com/a/wgFTyyE (This contains all the Photos for the build, more can be taken and the build can be found on the Haense build server as well as the planned location! :D) Lair PRO MC Name: Ofrider Lair Name: Kharzi Iron-Hold Proposed Lair Locations (Highlight 3 on the map): (Please refer to the Imgur link, the first three areas are posted within the link along with the exact areas from my perspective in game) Lair Lore (could link to an existing creature or other lore) (1000 words minimum): There was an Orc called Jorg, viewed as an unusual one, considering today's standards. An orc that used to live in Krugmar, along with his brothers and sisters. One that represented what an Orc should be - honorable, brave, and strong. However, he was unlike his people; he was tender-hearted and gentle. He was eager to acquire knowledge and experience outside of his homeland, in the vast nations of the elves, dwarves, and humans, amongst other strange and fantastical things amid his countless journeys and deeds. Although, in doing so, he discovered that not all things are quite what they seem to be. He was unlike his kind, for they raided like bandits; they pillaged cities and villages of the helpless, just for the coin, for food and things that shone, rather than something challenging to face. They enslaved the weak and vulnerable, lying would make them stronger, but instead, it only weakened them more and more. The orcs spoke of honor, but acted against their own words, backstabbing, lying, cheating… Whatever this was, it was far from the way Jorg had been taught. In his eyes, it was not what orcs should truly be. His efforts to change the crude ways of his kind proved to be futile; Jorg attempted to set an example for the Orcs, but upon the dwarves' declaration of war, his kin eagerly took the opportunity. Despite the dishonor behind the Orcs’ actions, Jorg was the one reprimanded, for trying to stand for Rex. He tried to stop his kin from taking the Goldhand, and ultimately saved her life… but not that of his kingdom. They came like a hammer upon a poorly wrought anvil - Krugmar cracked. Jorg witnessed his brothers wither away right in his arms. He sought out the friends they made, but everyone simply shook their heads… In the end, he was all alone. Too wounded to continue defending his kin, he had to watch his mother, and his six siblings die, tortured in front of him before a dwarf, a Grandaxe, saved him for what should have been his death. Much to his dismay, the Orcs were bloodthirsty. They sought revenge. But how could they? Their women were murdered, their cubs were butchered, and the elders slaughtered...what revenge? They had to build, bury their dead. But instead of mourning, his skin sought more bloodshed, more violence, and more decay. He alone was left to bury the dead, and he did, over many days, grave by grave. He eventually lost count of them, but he remembered their faces, each one, and how they died, and to this day, it still haunts him. He sought death, and when he couldn’t find it, he left. Krug was no longer his home, but a place of violent thieves and murderers. No longer was it a place for what it means to be an Orc; the spirits did not smile there, and in the case that they did, they were not spirits with righteous intentions. He left in search of a purpose, of anything, what was he without Krug? He had no more family, his clan was so besmirched with dirt that to say it with pride brought only pain and sorrow… this needed to change, and so he decided to make the change himself. Iron’Heartz was then created - a new clan, a new family for him. To teach the ways he knew, the ways he thought were best. A new path for what it meant to be an orc, something he felt was true, something he felt Krug had long abandoned. He started recruiting, no longer there to take, but to teach and guide; to be strong one must learn it, so he sought members. One by one he tested them, putting them through trials until he was proud of them enough to call them kin, family. They were orcs despite their race, what honorary should be, and the clan welcomed them as family. Some may call this shame, where are the blood orcs? Like himself, they would come, slowly but surely, and even if he were to die, the rest would carry on Jorg’s legacy of what being a true orc means, so that when Krug does fall, those seeking the path of the Orc would find it. Even if it took forever, he would make sure his clan would last just as long. And to have a clan meant that one needed a place to stay, to grow the people, to store food, to smith armor, to have a home! So he sought one, in the mountains beyond where he worked as a mercenary, in Haense, amongst strange trees on high mountain tops, where most would never reach, he finally found traces of an old stronghold, an old dwarven fortress, hidden deep in the mountains. It was perfect, it was the orc way, to take over what was once lost and make it one’s own. Orcs were like weeds, sprouting up in expected spots, even old and forgotten ones. He led his clan towards the mountains, where they fought against rogue dwarves, those that deserted from Urugan, as well as animals, well-fed by the bountiful green mountain, tribes of creatures from the deep that rose to raid food from the animals they hunted. And even groups of minotaurs, snorting at the welcomed challenge that was the clan moving into scout for a place to call home. Then they found it after an earthquake, revealing the entrance to the old dwarven keep. This particular hold was archaic, more olden than any living dwarf. It dated back generations, back when the deep roads of the dwarves were still strong and well used. It was held by an old clan, now forgotten by time itself in rotten books that held nothing but dust and decay. The hold was supposed to be for scouting, gradually developing into the fort, the deep roads expanding at this point to involve more of the land into what some might eventually call a settlement… Then something came. They dug too deep, the caverns too long, the roads too wide, they awakened something, something terrible, and it came up to attack the unprepared and surprised dwarves. Whatever it was, it was winning, and they didn't have any forces from within... it was supposed to be their domain. In the end, they collapsed the mountain and ran out, refusing to let what dark horror awaited below to come to the surface. It has been many years, and a recent earthquake revealed what was hidden, the dwarven hold, one empty, overgrown from deep cavern plants, one ripe for harvest for orcs...and something waited for them in there...something deep, forgotten, powerful. They would reclaim it, building massive shrines in the name of their spirits, calling it home, a place that would one day become a legend in Orc history, as the grand home, of Klan Iron’Heartz. And when it would get taken over, everything would change. From the library filled with orc history, to teachings on blacksmithing, about spirits, a great collection of books of all races, to learn, replacing old dank books, too soaked in humidity to be read, other recovered that could be recovered The forge was remade, what was once cold was re-born. The strength of dwarven forges combined with orcish might as technologies mixed in weird ways. Seeds and gardens were planted for there to be life...something that orcs rarely did, so new life could grow and feed the ever-growing clan. A great throne room was re-done, a great fighting pit, of the ancient art of those blessed by Arwa was made, called a Sumo pit, a place for those to train was made. Rooms made for all arts and crafts. A hold truely fit for generations of Klan leads to come. (That is the link to the Clan lore page! Please enjoy, this contains more lore about the clan in general) Lair Build and Infrastructure (photos required): (Please refer to the Imgur link) Why can you not accomplish the niche of this lair’s roleplay in an existing settlement or nation? (We expect a substantial answer for this, not just ‘I don’t like them’). It is a perspective on Orc culture that would not be allowed in Krugmar. Additionally, due to roleplay events, Jorg is no longer part of Krugmar, but continues to view himself as an honorable Orc and desires to instill Orcish values in his own derivative way, and perhaps even have his own family. This lair would allow for a welcoming and controlled environment, where casual and friendly roleplay may exist without political or violent (unless necessary) interference. It aims to cultivate Orcish culture amongst players of other nations and races, integrate honoraries into an Orc clan and experience Orc roleplay, which tends to be limited to Krugmar. Our lair provides a unique setting for both those part of the clan, as well as those who simply wish to visit. What does this lair add to the greater world around them?: Clan Iron'heartz is one of the largest Orc clans outside of Krugmar, demonstrating a neutral environment for many, if not all, races and nations. Our laid build has considered its members and has allowed access to the deep roads for its dwarven participants, which in turn may open roleplay opportunities and is also a strategically built area with events in mind. The deep roads are highly connected to spiritual lore and thus expand possibilities of religious roleplay, and intends to share the beautiful orcish lore that is otherwise confined to Krugmar. The location in question is in tile 143 I think
  5. Jorg chuckled, reading his armor, they finally got what they deserved, and he would be ready for when war was declared.
  6. Noticed alot of new players recently, first of all, welcome to the server! Second, if any are interested in some cool Orc stuff, check out Klan Iron'Heartz if you want a different experience outside of Krug, there are alot of cool nations so don't be afraid to look around at nations, alot of people are real cool, so don't be afraid to ask for help! Once again, welcome to the server and hope you guys have a great time :D

  7. Unwillingly is doing one of these? Oh sweet! What was one of your favorite moments when I Rp'ed with you What little thing has caused utter chaos within the serve RP wise server wide Whats your current opinions on the Orc player base? (Not including Me, I don't count)
  8. Jorg laughs, he was in the desert, around a small fire marked in paint , dancing around, shaking gord rattles, he would need all the help from the spirits he could get. The night around would be filled with laughter, chanting, and rattling amongst the fire as the spirits were praised
  9. LOTC too me is an escape. A place where I can stuff my worries and be in a different reality where I can slay dragons and go on grand adventures with friends along the way. It may not be the MOST fun sometimes with its own issues, but I don't need to worry about my own issues. I can pretend that I don't have to worry about my own issues and live in a fantastical world where I can wash my frustrations in dragon slaying, silly rp to cause a laugh, or even something somber so it feels like I'm writing an epic story. Something I wanna do sometime, even though I'm not very good at writing. To me this is a place where I can bring joy, as I find I have more fun when I rp with people who are having fun, so if I can bring fun too people, they'll bring fun too me, and the story continues, as not only do you brighten your day, you brighten other peoples day. So really, this is to me is like a wardrobe to Narnia, All I have to do is sit now, and I'm some where else having an epic adventure, my worries left behind.
  10. I think I missed a day, but I wanna thank Animewolf, BethinWonderland, and PrinceJones (who's name I never remember). When I first started to play, they were one of the only people that I had fun rping with on a daily basis due to their association with Krug, Thanks once again for being awesome guys.

    1. Bethinwonderland


      We love you lots! (and it's PrinceJose270). You are an amazing person and I love rping with you still. You are such a gem, it's an honor to call you friend

  11. Through smoke and haze, Jorg steps forwards to mark upon a stone "Mi, Wargoth of Klan Iron'Heartz welcomes Ighaz 'Brave kub' to the path of Uruk They have proven themselves through trials, deeds, and honor And Mi iz proud to mark them as brudda His full name: Karl Amador, first of honorary of Klan Iron'Heartz" ((This post and others will be continuation of those part of Klan Iron'Heartz, or so close they might as well be part of the Klan, Congratz Giambro))
  12. Third day of doing this, Today I'm thanking Drasanee and Limo-man. Both cool people, Drasanee was one of the first people to welcome me to Hanese, And Limo is an apprentice ST running a super cool event line right now. Both have given me both very cool opportunities and RP experiences thus far 

    1. Limo_man


      <3 much love my brother

  13. So, second day of doing this, I wanna thank Pintape and Exolaltyl0305 for being super cool rpers, giving me a fascinating to dive into, and in return, a fascinating story for them. Thanks for being super great to rp with and very cool people OOCly as well

    1. BDanecker


      Pintape is based

    2. Urahra


      you seem like a nice person. I've been seeing your statuses! 


      reach out if you're ever interested in Oren RP! 

  14. Right, first Status update, thingi want to thank everyone that I currently rp with for being awesome, to those who I haven't rped with yet, I'm sure you are also awesome as well and look forward to rping with you mysterious folk, cheers.

    1. Panashea


      Definitely need our orcs to cross paths. Really happy you're having a good time on the server c:

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