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Status Updates posted by Asutto

  1. "a strong offense is the best defense" - Probably Sun Tzu, The Art of War

    1. Valannor


      "Just like, throw some bullshit at em dude, they'll never expect it."

      - Also probably (maybe, likely not) Sun Tzu, The Art of War

    2. QliphothicCorvid


      "Just **** in their water supply lol."

      - Also likely Sun Tzu, The Art of War

  2. bros halloween is ten months away, can't be giving forum warnings out like candy

  3. busy day on the forums

  4. can't wait for siege ammo to be added!!

    1. Hunnic


      I'm not even joking that's a good idea. Why should an army have infinite ammo to batter a fortress to dust anyway? 
      Adding siege ammo forces armies to spend on their munition and be smarter on how they spend it.

    2. FlemishSupremacy


      As it stands, siege engines have a chance to malfunction every shot, thus limiting their shots. Think this isn't a bad system necessarily.

  5. cant believe acre played themselves lmfao

  6. crazy week and it's only Wednesday 

    1. Timer


      wednesday be like
      Best Clash Of Clans GIFs | Gfycat

  7. Elf Empire Elf Empire Elf Empire 

  8. glad i spent my sunday w/ the family

  9. I for one welcome our new Chinese overlords.

  10. I love when my phone fucks up and posts the same status multiple times.


  11. I too, am going to comment on your profile to farm rep and assert my dominance on clicky block game

    1. seannie


      redpilled af bro!! keep it up!!

  12. I'd love for CT to display new player statistics again at the end of the month given the massive increase in applications.

  13. imagine deleting comments and locking a post because you don't like the responses. wish i could do that when someone starts a thread that i dont like

  14. it feels weird to be free


    gg acre



    1. JoshBright


      Welcome to the other side fren

  15. It's over. Long live the King.

  16. Just woke up and saw four new nations got accepted...


    When will it end?

    1. Laeonathan


      just delete the dead ones

  17. lot of people throwing out fighting words but they afraid to back it up

    1. MRCHENN


      pack the punches mate

    2. Nug


      expose them

  18. mid universities tbh, besides UCDavis and asu

    1. K_rusader


      I'm about to apply to college what's a good uni to apply to

  19. Minecraft btw



  20. Norland is the new Oren

    1. JoshBright


      Think you got balian and norland mixed 

    2. rukio


      No Josh, he has it 100% right. 

  21. not even an hour since new rules dropped and we already got our first 30 man CRP battle

    1. ReveredOwl
    2. Orlanth


      And it's already voided too.

  22. not the trans community deciding the best way to promote themselves is dunking on other community.... talk about /tolerance/.... jeez guys

    1. Traveller


      conveniently ignoring the death threats slung (and thankfully removed) before any of that

    2. Asutto


      @Travellerim not gonna make excuses for what some wackos did but if we're talking about conveniently ignoring uncouth behavior, perhaps u need to check urself my guy

  23. points for honesty and being straight to the point ig

  24. saints sweep, calling it now

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