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Status Replies posted by Gandhi

  1. It is rare for someone to play a character of intentional low intelligence. Which player-character do you think did it best?

  2. The Canonist Church is like one big clown show that never ends fr. 

    1. Gandhi


      negative 500 heaven points cuz this AINT it…

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. Happy Easter everyone!

    One of my favorite holidays, getting together with my queer friends celebrating what easter is really about, candy!

  4. Quebec deserves to be its own country, that's facts.

  5. these are the people entrusted with stewarding communities full of impressionable children btw

    1. Gandhi


      agree 100% w grnappa that they shld be banned from staff

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. gandhi_2k? more like gunk_2k gahahhahaha

    1. Gandhi


      eat mulch ***** goober

  7. i cant believe they let you run a nation

    1. Gandhi


      im very good at this very very very very good you can trust me and i do NOT smell farts

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)


  9. i hope madone plays the princess consort of reinmar

  10. A Barclay has fallen...


  11. confirming someone is built like a door is crazy 

    1. Gandhi


      i can confirm she's built like a door

  12. Imagine being so absolutely inept at your job that you permanently ban someone for "being an alt" using purely conjecture and no evidence whatsoever. 💀

  13. nobody talks about how @MaltaMosssilenced Kazamir Jumbo and Bipip Bopoli. Riftenflour-junkerville was never the same after it.

    People just need to GROW UP and accept he is A BAD PERSON. 



    1. Gandhi


      dude I am the ORIGINAL KASIMIR JUMBO and have come out to say that @MaltaMossis ENTIRELY INNOCENT !!

  14. sorry bud didn't see that you followed me

  15. sorry bud didn't see that you followed me

  16. I WANNA BE A Avalon Glennmaer of Númenost SO BAD..  it wa smy biggest goal on LotC like months ago.  I was so close.  Never happened.  50 is alot too damn.  How did you get so many? Wait we can talk afterr.  How long has ur crp been anyways.  I saw ur ooc on dah stream.  if ur stressed take a deep breath.   Hey how it going. U there?  i just wanted to check in.  aaa i feel bad sorry.  hi.  u alr?🤬

  17. Hi Greehn. I'd like a formal apology for how you've been acting towards me recently. It is not right to make fun of me, it is actually pretty hurtful. I'd like a public apology, either by thread or discord announcement. Thanks.

    1. Gandhi


      it's me irl u dont wanna ask that question again. @argonian


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. Hi Greehn. I'd like a formal apology for how you've been acting towards me recently. It is not right to make fun of me, it is actually pretty hurtful. I'd like a public apology, either by thread or discord announcement. Thanks.

    1. Gandhi


      frankly i think hes pushing it over the line, greehn is a notorious bully n should be BANNEDRonnie-Dean-Coleman-4.jpg

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. Hi Gandhi_2k. I'd like a formal apology for how you've been acting towards me recently. It is not right to make fun of me, it is actually pretty hurtful. I'd like a public apology, either by thread or discord announcement. Thanks.

    1. Gandhi


      plz stop harassing me over the forums its getting really trirign and im tired of u following me around like this, we are NOT friends :3333

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)


    1. Gandhi


      gloob glob. (in basque)

  21. ICE COLD 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶

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