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Tatsu Chisuke

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Everything posted by Tatsu Chisuke

  1. Someone raised a good point: Perhaps if you want plate armor, you need to buy a token with mina, then Iraq, and make the token expensive, meaning 1k mina or perhaps more. Then, you make an item, put it in a chest, and seek to have it signed.
  2. Take this suggestion with a pinch of salt, but perhaps we should make the first emote when it comes to ranged combat such as bows and etc only need to be done once, for instance Emote 1: Takes out bow, Emote 2: loads arrow Emote 3: shoot Emote 4: reload arrow Emote 5: shoot Emote 6: reload arrow Emote 7: shoot (Any more arrows shoot and the arm will go numb, unless on a 3 emote cooldown) WARNING, this is just from the back of my head, this can be improved, if even considered
  3. With great disappointment, a specific jawless skeleton merchant reads this as he rubs his skull, opens a book, and rips off a page market contracts with the VIcar. "Now I need to find someone else to do it... This is gonna hurt my end-of-year quota..." he then goes back to check into his storage to see how he could compensate from this unforeseen inconvenience
  4. In the north Volkov, the merchant sharpens his Anti-Opp weapons outside of Norland, not entirely understanding what is happening but feeling that a new inconvenience will arise soon. "Hmm, now would the Seax.... or the Greatsword hurt more?" he pondered in his thoughts, imagining all the gore he would release from their guts
  5. As all this hapend, Volkov was unaware of any of this, he was just sharpening his new sword from one of the chosen, thinking for himself how fun it will be when he gets to use it on the harrovers chosen "Hmmm, i wounder what hes planning right now...." he said outloud as he keept the sword on the grinding stone, as he looked at his seax at his side still stained from the blood of the followers of the Harrover
  6. removed message bc somone made a point of this being a private letter
  7. Tatsu Chisuke raises his head as he hears of the great news "Hai, it is a great day for the cherry blossom village, praised be the wise shugo that led us to a great dawn" raises a glass within his clan hall filled with sake to celebrate
  8. It is amid a sewer located in Commerce City, State of Kaethul. I will await. I offer a generous sum of mina for anyone can bring me a piece of Azhel, also known as blight steel. I promise you who read this will be satisfied with my trade if you bring me this ingot. [Directions lay written here] [Location, Commerce City-State of Kaethul, ss hub stone from Heal'nor, but to the right close to the waters] and at the bottom it reads, "we will discuss all on the spot, face to face" The poster was sent to every major city and set stands with three brands of a bleeding Ryu's head.
  9. A blind man gets read this, then he speaks "Good, its good that they know, Now that we know their name, we can burn down everything they hold dear" as he spoke he put on a metal mask to cover his eyless scokets, and pressed a button on a clock that gave out war drum like ticks loudly and clearly....
  10. [A missive is hanging here, Written in ink and signed with a stamp of a image of a dripping dragons head] Greetings, My name is Chisuke, i am seeking to purchase the metal known as Blightsteel, may it be in any form, such as ingot, blade, or raw form. The budget is around 900 mina, this can increase in negotiation and items can also be traded depending on the sellers wishes. Ask for me in the village known as Sagurkagura, close to the darkforest, by the road to Nor'sath the city of dark elfs. Contact info: [Disc: melke4675] [Mc name: XxXRiderXxX]
  11. The olog known as kannon'Ungri would be shocked "LAt could Read ANd Write?"
  12. In the lands of Aevos close to the depth of the dark forest in a village known as Sagurakagura, theres a man that at a young age lost his eyes to bandits, being poor he never was able to aford prostetics, so he had to live with it in a struggle, never to see the world, and in turn the world felt like it was falling apart, he managed even trough his hardships to survive and even learned destilery from his family. But that was never enough, the Young man had a dream of one day become a great warrior, he tried and tried but failed, untill one day he encountered a demonic creature, that by touch of its scaly hand felt how powerless he was, the demon felt pitty and let the man unharmed, in exchange for his liquer. the man was never the same, for days he wept and wailed, to the skye and gods to pleas restore his sight and let hime have a chans to be a warrior. but no voice could be heard...... Eventually the man fell asleep and in his dream he was in a open landscape but he could not see anything, embraced in darknes but then he saw a infant sized creature floating around made from blood, it aproached the man and covered his eyes, and as it did he saw the grass, the trees and the skye for the first time in a long time and he wept....
  13. The olog known as Kannon'Ungri says "WUbta HeLl, THaT eZ cRaZY"
  14. KANNON ungri snacked on a legg of a cow as a goblin read hime this, And as he heard he said "HOZH, NOW WE TAKE BIGGA HUNTS, BIGGA FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  15. WIth a grim and dark face says "I will bring high quality explosives for the next maze i face"
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