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  1. While my departure from mod was nothing short of a surprise to everyone including me, I want to thank everyone who reached out to me and said kind words. I won't lie when I say yesterday felt like a punch to the gut, I felt like a failure and like I let the community down despite only being around for two months. I hope to return to the mod team soon if not someday so I can continue helping others as I promised I would. I am let down by a team I entrusted and was vulnerable with despite my past on lotc involving doxxing, attempts to rat me as well as users using photos of me in graphic ways. While I will not give my best wishes to all, I will say them to the small demographic of remaining gms that did not let me down. I entrust the community during these turbulent times to remain calm, cool and to not act a fool. Don't catch a ban because you wanna be a smartass. I will be withdrawn from the community as well as the server for a bit as I re-adjust. It was a pleasure helping those that I could in my short time, I will continue to help as I had been doing before I was even gm. Sincerely, ever faithful a moderator who doesn't need pex to help others. <3

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Terry


      Wouldn't be moderation after all if they weren't removing some of their best mods without reason or warning 

    3. Pancho


      Rip Smmer as Mod, she actually did her job. Sucks that it ended like this. Some of us will miss you.

    4. alexmagus


      mod team (management) r rlly funny because they're so bad

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