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Status Updates posted by MisterBlitzkrieg

  1.  ohhhhh you approach my profile? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me?

    1. alexmagus
    2. Zolla_


      he is starting to lose his mind

  2. oh my hot roblox skiptibi toilet 💀 🤡 sigma 🗿 based monday left him broken blud he needs an oscar ohio bro got a whole bakery GYATT sussy baka bro is not smegma skibidi toilet rizzler rizzard of oz alabama sisterfucker ohio rizzler rizz lord metroman megamind rizzes up mommy milkers in ohio maximum rizz bro no way an Ohio skibidi toilet Amogus imposter 😱😱 🥶 bro left us in antartica without a blanket

    1. Neviah


      what the actual ****

    2. Crevel


      my half-brother is in the skibidi toilet rabbithole on youtube, god forgive him for he does not know what he is doing

    3. Zolla_


      Bro’s onto something

  3. oh my hot roblox skiptibi toilet " style="border:0px;font-size:16px;padding:0px;vertical-align:bottom;" src="https://discord.com/assets/f64f47a895e537305b3463f9d30bc177.svg"> 🤡 sigma " style="border:0px;font-size:16px;padding:0px;vertical-align:bottom;" src="https://discord.com/assets/295860beaa5c80f427ca012b50e46634.svg"> based monday left him broken blud he needs an oscar ohio bro got a whole bakery GYATT sussy baka bro is not smegma skibidi toilet rizzler rizzard of oz alabama sisterfucker ohio rizzler rizz lord metroman megamind rizzes up mommy milkers in ohio maximum rizz bro no way an Ohio skibidi toilet Amogus imposter " style="border:0px;font-size:16px;padding:0px;vertical-align:bottom;" src="https://discord.com/assets/81195a9847a459acbb2b680a70357728.svg">" style="border:0px;font-size:16px;padding:0px;vertical-align:bottom;" src="https://discord.com/assets/81195a9847a459acbb2b680a70357728.svg"> 🥶 bro left us in antartica without a blanket

    1. Turbo_Dog


      What does he mean by this?

    2. Lord_of_losers



  4. I WANNA BE A MAGE SO BAD..  it wa smy biggest goal on LotC like months ago.  I was so close.  Never happened.  50 is alot too damn.  How did you get so many? Wait we can talk afterr.  How long has ur crp been anyways.  I saw ur ooc on dah stream.  if ur stressed take a deep breath.   Hey how it going. U there?  i just wanted to check in.  aaa i feel bad sorry.  hi.  u alr?

  5. Bro really went out of his way to copy my pfp 💀

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MisterBlitzkrieg


      You wish. I have had this pfp for longer than 6 months

    3. The Lion

      The Lion

      Literally years I've had it but it's okay. We can both wish we were the Big Boss

    4. Gustando


      I concur that mr Lion had this pfp for years (i stalked him)


      u can be the #2 tho


  6. Daily quotes: 

    People shiver when a nice guy mod reqs :speaking_head_emoji:

  7. Day 1 of waiting for the vlachian deepstate to be given its tile

  8. Day 15 of waiting for management to read my appeal

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MisterBlitzkrieg


      I'd honestly go berserk


    3. Thrawn


      Smh, just make an alt account and name your character Mjörn Bösu. I’m sure no-one will notice 

    4. MisterBlitzkrieg


      And pray to allah that staff wont notice it has the same IP adress

  9. Day 16 of waiting for management to read my appeal

    1. Nooblius


      there is no such thing as mod management, rip bozo

    2. MisterBlitzkrieg


      I refuse to believe this is true


  10. Day 17 of waiting for my appeal to be reviewed 

  11. Day 18 of waiting for mods to review my appeal

    1. Laeonathan


      I dont think reminding them every day will help.

    2. MisterBlitzkrieg


      A man can hope it does

    3. Fireheart


      7 hours ago, Laeonathan said:

      I dont think reminding them every day will help.

      It doesn't - it's been in the process of review.

  12. Free wannes!

    1. wannes


      what is happening


  13. Hello i'd like to inform you that your LotC warranty has expired. Please get more infortmation at!


    1. Lord_of_losers


      i'm an aether vip i don't need a warranty

  14. I cant get the bad apple animation song thingy out of my head and yt recommended. I am going insane

  15. Jesus is King.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gandhi


      Jesus is King.

    3. Laeonathan


      He has risen.


      Jesus is King, also.

    4. TeawithFrisket


      No body remembers this day being his rising


      he has risen!

  16. Rate my profile banner


  17. Stuck with the forums for a while :/

  18. The mood rn



    1. Optimus420


      so true my friend 

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