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Coal VIP
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Everything posted by woke

  1. After many winters in the north, Rickard returned to find his cousin accused of attempting to murder the king. He made the double-barred cross, the traditional Ruskan gesture, and prayed for his cousin's safety.
  2. The quinquagenarian knight reclined on the familiar wheat field of his own land, shutting his eyes as the old feelings of war came flooding back to him.
  3. The outcry for a rematch between Coalition and Veletz is palpable, echoing through the halls of competitive gaming forums and social media platforms. Fans clamor, their voices united in frustration, “This is absolutely not right! We demand a rematch between Coalition and Veletz!” The match in question, rife with controversial calls and unexpected gameplay twists, has left a bitter taste in the mouths of spectators. They argue that fairness and sportsmanship have been compromised, and only a proper rematch can settle the score. The fervor of the fans is not just about the game; it’s about the integrity of the competition, the honor of the players, and the very spirit of the sport. As the debate rages on, one thing is clear: this isn’t just a game to them—it’s a passion, a calling, and they won’t rest until justice is served on the digital battlefield.
  4. Astaghfirullah

  5. “Coinage,” the newly anointed Grand Prizak rumbled, his visage obscured by the scant light of the grand hall, his arms entwined in a display of solemn authority.
  6. With a heavy heart, Sir Rurik bows his head in a final farewell to his fallen comrade. The chamber echoes with the silence of mourning as he rises to his feet, steeling himself to carry on in a world forever changed by the loss of Sir Andrik, his loyal friend.
  7. Sir Rurik also gave the knight's pamphlet a thumbs up.
  8. The Brezwyck Knight finally savored his first drink of the night, victorious in the impromptu tournament against the Marshal, the Prince, and others.
  9. In a solemn act of reverence, Sir Rurik meticulously arranged the lifeless body of Ser Leutwin, invoking the sacred sign of the cross as a whispered prayer escaped his lips. "We am all but pawns in this merciless war, and Y, am mere player." he intoned, gently closing the fallen Barclay's orbs with a touch of profound respect. Having paid his respects, Sir Rurik utilized the retrieved keys to unlock the doors of Minitz, making his quiet exit from the city. Upon his return to Veletz, a sense of duty compelled him to pen a missive addressed to Cardinal Matthias, detailing the events that had transpired. Each stroke of the quill carried the weight of a somber tale, a narrative of the hallowed duty conveying the departure of the fallen Ritter.
  10. Sir Rurik would love to hunt some boars!
  11. "Heh." 'Sir' Rurik the Bastard Knight chuckled to 'Sir' Andrik the Bad Boy
  12. Returning to Veletz after relieving a Haenseni of their possessions, a smirk played on The Prizak's lips as he chuckled, "What in the propaganda? No nun was harmed. You may label us scoundrels or bandits, but we would not lay our hands on a nun." His expression shifted to anger, and his voice grew gruff, "Believe me when I tell you, I could have captured your cardinals a few saint's nights ago, but we refrained. We have honor." "Be grateful, or I will personally apprehend each one of you." Sir Rurik Brezwyck the Bastard Knight
  13. I appreciate for the comments and upvote guys. I will upload it on spotify and soundcloud after I get my first st signed weapon. Stay tuned. This will be my persona with my first ST signed weapon.
  14. thank you creamynoteblock (can i have your boomsteel?)
  15. Me and my good friend @pokisigned ourselves to our own label, sorry. Do you have ST-Signed weapon to sell though?
  16. thank you guys for the comment, i hope i get my st weapon soon 🙏🏿
  17. ST-Signed Weapon is on my mind.


  18. Hey LARPers / LARPettes! 🌟🎮 Searching for a cool ST-signed weapon, specifically eyeing a lunarite dagger/sword and some frost salt. 🌙❄️ Drop your offer in this thread, let's make a deal! 🧂🌝 💰💎 Ready to swap my netherite ingots or maybe some mina. 🌐🛡️ 🔍👀 Willing to trade my netherite ingots for other cool ST-signed item! 🏰👑 🔄🔥 Let's spice up this trade! 🌶️🤝 🧙🏿🤑Serious Inquiries only. 🅱️🆘
  19. THE ORDER OF THE RYCHWALD "Lest, and only, the Mad King's Whip relieve you." To those far and wide, The Order of the Rychwald is recruiting swordsmen and hunters alike, be it amateur or veterans. With the recent rank losses, bannermen are in high demand. The Order is also recruiting medics and healers. Write to Sir Andrik, Sir Fyodor, or Sir Rupert to join our ranks. Sign up format; Name: Age:
  20. Sir Rupert Brezwyck planted his battle-axe's head onto the ground, the solemn act symbolizing a moment of reflection and contemplation, "Verily, Fyodor. Should any miscreant dare to sunder that which we hold dear, may the Almighty above grant them His mercy, for they shall face the righteous fury of our order." The Prizak declared as he stood, leaning toward the handle of the axe, watching the blazing ashes ascend into the sky of Veletz.
  21. Sir Rupert, battle-scarred and fatigued, stood amidst the aftermath of the Battle of Westmark. The air was thick with the scent of smoke and the echoes of conflict. "AVE VELETZ!" The knight roared, rallying his comrades. @poki
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