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Iron VIP
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Everything posted by Spindle

  1. Spindle

    [✗] -

    Wait till they see my futuristic Bastion
  2. Spindle

    [✗] -

    Aesthetic All Ai Artwork @Hephaestuspaved the way
  3. Hello

    1. femurlord


      Omg hi, you're like my favorite new player

  4. Spindle

    Hello :)

    1. H


      hi hello


    2. H


      the amount of lore you've written since joining the server is actually a little scary

    3. Spindle
  5. Edwardian Plaid Academia Dress Spindle (Elaine)#7394 Spindling
  6. Upvote this more you swines!

    Egyptian dance lore

    1. Spindle


      Links are apparently not welcome 

  7. Are there any world lore warlords out there that are interested in collaborating? Shoot me a msg on discord: Spindle (Elaine)#7394

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Scuba


      lore warlords i like that 

    3. Ibn Khaldun
    4. The King Of The Moon

      The King Of The Moon

      I fought the lore and the lore won.

  8. A particular little woman already chanced a visit. She could not say she had a "pleasant experience".
  9. Why is my post hidden from Latest Posts...

    1. rukio


      Some subforums don't link to newest topics to prevent clutter.

    2. Spindle


      Ah, thanks girl.

  10. Netzhal is puzzled. "He can write?"
  11. Reflections After a Month on LOTC A new player’s observations on the state of roleplay And a month went by like a fleeting breeze. Honestly, since my little introductory post in July, I have made innumerable new friends, dunked an exhaustive hand into the dusty stacks of lore - I stress the word “dusty” as navigating this dingy forum is dolorous abuse, sown some seeds for ongoing storylines, and contributed smally to the lore in my own way. Writing magical-related topics are hitherto formidable, though some other various writing projects are underway! The following are some completed projects I have done this month: For all those interested in the insights of a new player, I want to discuss my experiences during this short stint of roleplaying; LOTC social commentary if you will. Sorry Libtards but my opinion is sacrosanct. Firstly is referencing. Without naming names or citing blatant plagiarism, I have noticed a large quantity of what is considered “canonical lore” takes inspiration from sources that are not recognised. While it is easy to respond with some flippant comment like: “It’s just Minecraft bro,” I will simply refute this claim with the following~ Ironically many posts cite art sources they used while disregarding the axiom of their posts. Referencing is easy, and you should take the time to do it. @argonian composed a post on the clunkiness of the LOTC Wiki page and talked about the limited access that new players have in navigating such an antiquated apparatus. However, I want to broaden this notion to the Forum itself. Coming into the realm of Minecraft RP, creating an initial character was this insurmountable mountain, looming behind a monolithic wall of forum posts. So here I am, little Sisyphus pushing a boulder up this vertical incline, and the state of the forum is a sprawling clutter of topics haphazardly scattered with other multi-layered subtopics. I am unsure of a fix-all for this matter, though, in this iteration of LOTC commentary, monkey see, monkey say! When first joining LOTC, the rumblings of some rampant toxicity seemed deafening at first. After a month, I have encountered a sum total of zero toxicity; my sacrosanct, though, anecdotal experience suggests that the outcry outweighs the occurrence. And yes, I do not mean to discredit anyone, and similarly, my time on the server is severally limited, a common theme in many online communities is a foraging for issues where there are none to be had. Creating issues for issues sake. We have run out of things to hate so we create our own! My observations may be entirely wrong on this fact - so, please get some discussions going below. On a positive note, the quality of writing on LOTC is pretty baffling. Emotes usually have this golden ratio of dialogue and narrative, gaudiness and typing speed. This absolute keyboard-tapping wizard known as @DISCOLIQUID has some of the prettiest emotes spewing out at breakneck speed. I am yet to partake in any combat roleplay where this gaudiness may be a hindrance, but Ms Spindle is very much enjoying reading some lovely emotes! So, coming out with a new addiction, my LOTC experiences have been wholly positive. No targeted toxicity attacks. No experiences of bad roleplay. This scion of roleplay is yet to experience anything of the sort! Hopefully, we can keep it that way. Spindle
  12. Any other poetry you've enjoyed?
  13. Silent admirer 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. saint swag

      saint swag

      i am ur #1 fan

    3. saint swag

      saint swag

      the discord on ur profile is a fake give me the real one

    4. Spindle


      Spindle (Elaine)#7394

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