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Everything posted by Lym

  1. I think I can safely say that GMship has turned AllenTheGreat into AllenTheHipster. He's being way too nice, what have you lot done to him D:

    1. Dizzy771


      If you think being nice = hipster, you obviously havent seen enough hipsters.... Some times they're worse then normal people

    2. Lym


      Well, he's trying to spell funny and all and I don't even, like, he's doing the chit chat stuff and I don't want to live on this planet anymore, all my beliefs = crushed.

    3. Dizzy771


      Splash water over him

  2. I'll just say that I'd make love to the new format. You'll be amazed, promised. (no lol jk just trying to get your hopes up so that i can crush them with my denial hammer

    1. Nug


      AT > VAT bubby

  3. Meanwhile, while playing LoL, in the jungle before 1:55: http://www.leaguememe.com/images/m3JScqz7OZYxugvVQTMrkKWfjdXe2isCyBbLa958.gif

    1. Dreek


      get out borat racist to my culture

  4. How I see myself playing online games in not even 10 years: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/online_gaming

    1. ThatCanadian


      Obviously someone won't know how to multi-task in the future ;)

    2. Lym


      Are you telling me fun stuff with my future wife is possible whilst playing online games? What is this, christmas, easter and my birthday at once?

    3. ThatCanadian
  5. Day 154, Lime's personal VAT log: "It seems Orcs have turned into Trolls, repeatedly finding more 'my parents were killed by trolls'-scenarios! Must make further observations..."

    1. Aislin


      We have craftedlime you're not lime you're lym

  6. First day of Liri's return and stuff breaks. Gee gee

  7. Am I the only one who misses Freema's manatees? D:

  8. Made in Germany done right: http://i.imgur.com/PwYTe3n.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Will (TauFirewarrior)
    3. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Lym, you sound more Nazi than I did when I named a town Nuremburg LOL

    4. Lym


      Hmpf, you've just got no taste in fine siege weaponry :(

  9. Pyromancer's coming to my town next week, going to take wonderbar firework pix 4 all of u

  10. As FM when looking at the recent activities in the human roleplay forum: "Pls guise, needs moar subforums to moderate :^)"

  11. get off my lawn topic, you damn shop peasant.
  13. Rome TW2 download is done, see you all in 10 years.

    1. MonkeyCoffee


      I heard the A.I. was sh1t.



      Monkey, Rome wasn't Patched in a Day.

    3. Hanrahan


      *Runs around in Britain, collecting heads and sending them in boats across the english Channel.*

  14. I'm fairly sure a plugin can correspond with the calendar one and slow down crop growth and so on, maybe even decrease spawn-rates/breeding "success" during winter time. I summon thee, Tech Team!
  15. Do you remember the good old days when we had forum profiles and we're able to post profile comments? My, my, I seem to miss the spam

    1. Lym




  16. I am in misery

    1. Heff


      Friend zoned?

    2. Pinsir99


      *Gives Internet Hugs*

    3. Thats Bobo

      Thats Bobo

      Why? :o where did friend zone come from?

  17. Do yours occur annually, punk? Jokes aside, you and Braxis actually gave me inspiration too and seeing how the event was welcomed overall and people seemed to like it, I thought I'd give this a try. Props to you and Braxis!
  18. First of all, let me say that I wrote this topic specifically for some of the weather phenomena I mentioned below. I'd just like to say that seeing more people actively roleplay season changes and weather would be totes cool, how often have we all seen some lovey-dovey couple standing in the rain for goddamn 3 IRL hours, not giving a single **** about catching a cold. Oh love (and RP), you silly thing. Event Planners, MC Names: Lymdil Event Type: Annually recurring season changes that affect weather, harvest and animals; generally making more use of the calendar system in RP Event Date: Whenever the in-game calendar sees fit http://www.lordofthecraft.net/wiki/index.php?title=Time_and_Calendars Factions/Nations effected by the event: Pretty much all areas excluding the following: Kharajyr Island, Orcish Desert, (maybe) original snowy dwarven area, the North, any other region that would realistically not be affected by seasons. Event Location: See above. Summary: Back in the realm of Aegis, far before the appearance of Iblees and his minions, the land was calm and nature spread. With its spread, the seasons eventually came. Even The Wandering Wizard acknowledged this fact and started using the season names for his journal entries. It was only a matter of time until the season of harvest was over and the cold, harsh winter would come. Back then, farmers realized the massive impact seasons had on their farming and the nature overall, so some of them sat down and tried to find rules regarding when they should make use of their seed and when it's best to wait. Of course, this knowledge wasn't exactly fascinating for any outsiders, but stories regarding it were spread anyway: 'Pankratz and Servaz are wicked brothers, what the First Seed has brought gets destroyed by them. Sophia is called "the Cold" because she brings cold and wet weather. Before Bonifaz no Sun's Smile, after Sophia no frost.' This simple rule of thumb was created by mere gardeners and farmers at first, soon however proved to be very efficient. Pankratz and Servaz represent the pretty much regularly occurring cold period with night frost hazard around the middle of the First Seed. Essentially, this means summer flowers and any seeds should only be sown after Bonifaz, the last of the brothers, to make sure the harvest does not get destroyed by a sudden cold period. It is generally recommended to wait for Sophia to pass or to put up torches to protect the seeds, plants and flowers from frost. Around the middle of the First Seed, every year a phenomenon called "Sheep's Cold" would occur. This represented a delicate cold and sometimes even rainy period which would relieve the first few hot weeks of the beginning of the warm season. Farmers smiled like fools when they realized it wouldn't affect their plants and seeds as much as Sophia and the three wicked brothers, however they forgot about their shorn sheeps, and more importantly, the lambs. Some of them didn't manage to survive the sudden dangerous cold without their thick wool. The farmers added this to their repertoire and wisdom, hoping they wouldn't do the same mistake. As the seasons passed and years turned into decades, the knowledge was forwarded to the coming generations of farmers (or should I say "peasants"???) and those interested in the arts of "gardening". In Asulon however, due to the natural steady climate, some of this wisdom was lost and not used anymore, soon to be forgotten. With the transition to Anthos though, farmers realized the climate there was more drastic, yet similar to the one in Aegis. After the North first attacked and cold breezes would stroke the lands nearly every day, it became very apparent that those rules would be needed soon again. WINTER WAS COMING! Concept Images/Screenshots Other Information: TL;DR With the calendar system finally being put back in place, I feel as if it's time to roleplay seasons, and the weather they bring, properly. TL;DR2: You try to sow your field in the middle of the Deep Cold? Cool story, bro, not going to happen. TL;DR3: You have a livestock standing outside in the snow during the Snow's Maiden? Too bad, dey gon die, m8. Inb4 people complaining about this being "too restrictive", I'll just say that this is the reason as for why we have seasons and calendars. Roleplay it, for the love of Aeriel. Inb4|2 druids going ham on me lel Also, I didn't feel like making this a Lore suggestion simply because it's something very natural to my understanding at least. Having seasons and weather affect RP (and farming/harvesting RP) should definitely play a role. Aaaaaaaalso, as some of you can probably tell, this is heavily inspired by actual real-life weather/season phenomena so don't bother telling me this is unrealistic ^^ Do you need the Event Team's assistance?: Mhm! If so, do you require actors and/or builders?: I guess, yeah. Someone has to kill animals and destroy some seeds so why not them?
  19. "Villains do not have to prove having a VA, anyone who wants to see it can go look for it themselves on the forums after the RP that is about to happen. Also, if a villain that you've heard of or even witnessed in-game seems to be acting completely different from what you think they should be like, it never hurts to ask politely if that is really how their character would act like in that situation.This has prevented some serious escalations from happening and some players from simply overstepping the boundaries of their VAs. It's only natural to forget something in the heat of the moment." Would be cool if you could fit that in the Villainy Rule-breaking part somewhere!
  20. Gentlemen, we've managed to survive monday. The worst day of the week has been defeated once again. Only 4 days left until the weekend... duh ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dreek


      I had my last day of summer vacation

    3. SparehoeCakes


      Okay Lime, everyone isn't a gentleman,

    4. Googlesearch


      I still have a week left!

  21. I'm in desperate love with my new avatar.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Nononymous


      Call him "Calimeat" as revenge.

    3. Geo


      The Theoluminati demands it.

    4. Nononymous



  22. Thanks to Kalameet, everyone is calling me "Lime" in a high-pitched voice now :') Life = Over

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nug
    3. Nononymous
    4. Lym


      I'M LIMEDIL.


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