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Everything posted by Lym

  1. I swear to Iblees, tomorrow no one will be mentioning "voting" again

    1. Heero
    2. Lym



    3. LPT


      I am going to be saying something about voting just in spite of you. :3

  2. Just a reminder: Using OOC in the forum guild section is not allowed. I've been trying to clean up some of the OOC mess so don't you dare continuing it :I

  3. for any OOC notes and info that is urgently needed is highly encouraged. However, it is written in the forum rules for guilds that only posting with OOC content and alike in the guild section will be punished. Consider this a verbal warning. Second time offenders from this point on will be warned. Thank you.
  4. for any OOC notes. However, this does not mean that putting "accepted" messages and alike is okay. Please use the private message system for this or any other third party software of your choice. Thank you.
  5. Lym


    for any OOC notes and info that is urgently needed is highly encouraged. However, it is written in the forum rules for guilds that only posting with OOC content and alike in the guild section will be punished. Consider this a verbal warning. Second time offenders from this point on will be warned. Thank you.
  6. for any OOC notes and info that is urgently needed is highly encouraged. However, it is written in the forum rules for guilds that only posting with OOC content and alike in the guild section will be punished. Consider this a verbal warning. Second time offenders from this point on will be warned. Thank you.
  7. I'll vote for a cookie.

    1. Wode



  8. Gentlemen, are your wings of freedom ready? Wohlan Freund! :D

  9. It's nice knowing no one can look up my profile and content by using the regular search because "Lym" is just too short :3

    1. Bircalin


      You have a profile?

    2. Mining


      pffft challenge accepted - Searches Lymdil

  10. I may or may not have figured out which champs I should play on LoL ranked: http://gyazo.com/4d454b349668ea28a7784de53befe001 :3

    1. Pinsir99


      I can never win :(

  11. First exam tomorrow. #SickGermanBlitzkriegSchoolStrats

  12. #Hiatus | Yoloing my way through the forsaken realm of "RL"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trouvo


      RL? give me link

    3. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Leaves a bad taste in my mouth, much like having Catholic Charities in the ghetto for children to look out and see dereliction. We can't encourage that :(

    4. ToenailTickler
  13. 1 week and Varus, oh Varus! 6 days until Rome Total War II, Gentlemen. SAYING I'M EXCITED IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT.

    1. Blundermore


      it comes out on the 3rd of sept lym... that's in 16 days.

    2. Praetor


      Don't blame him he's german

    3. Hanrahan
  14. I know this could be asking for too much b-but how about we all vote because of 1.6 update? :')

  15. And so I wus like: "Yo guuuuuurl, u wanna plai da LoL wid da Lymdil-senpai?" Doesn't matter if NA or EUW (or whatever other 3rd world country you're from), les play!

  16. I may or may not be a LoL nerd but I can safely say that this really looks like an altered version of Zyra. Rampant Growth - ability Zyra, Rise of the Thorns - champion name Rise of Rampant Growth - event name
  17. Oh.my.god. http://youtu.be/lZj2u1BPiJs?t=48s If you play LoL, then this will make your day. What an amazing play o_o

  18. R.I.P. Luchuan. the first Grand King shall be missed

  19. Can we stop acting like children now, please?

  20. If you could hack LotC's server files, modify them and play any song during the GM battle, which one would you pick? :3

  21. Decided not to care too much today, busy playing LoL with the admins

    1. yekim8


      you will get FM for sure : - )))

    2. Lym




      gemmy doesn't play league


    3. Samler


      Just don't feed. Can't have you banned for feeding!

  22. Oooooooooo I can feel the gamescom 2013 hype coming

  23. One day, I'll hijack LotC and force everyone to listen to Das Beer Boot and Gustavo Lima all day. http://youtu.be/BALeNQW3Scw This is what real men listen to at 4am

    1. Ender_Panda13


      it actually has a nice beat to it <3

      is there an English version to it?

    2. KoTo
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