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Status Updates posted by Sultan

  1. Server up LICH INCOMING

    1. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      Please... Spare me and take me as your apprentice.

    2. jackbren


      Mog respond to me messages.

  2. Steven liked that too much I think il do more

    1. Stevie


      it got me legit hard

  3. Supreme Leader Song of the day.

    1. Stevie


      Not available in the US. It's obviously not a good song.

    2. Sultan


      Another link

    3. Raptorious


      So much class.

  4. Swgarclan you stated in the hobo-gobo thread that, there was a link to advertise catars server on the forums could you link me to it please.

  5. Take a look at the bottom of the Forums the Archive should be visible.

  6. Thanks buddy keep being strong, Im with you heart and soul, and thank you for the support and your always welcome friend.

  7. The person that locked the thread, "Our friends did not dupe."

    1. KoTo


      tbh the thread lasted longer than I thought it would

    2. BrandNewKitten


      It may not have been "Your" friends but it was unfortunately someone's friends.

  8. The whining and crying (Lulu, gem & num :3) 

  9. There goes all the work on Petrus, lets hope they can bring it all back..

    1. Burkester


      Hah take that Isis

    2. Cappy


      The very worst case is we'll revert to yesterday's backup. Most likely we'll be able to restore it, it'll just take a little time.

    3. VampsWillDie
  10. Thing is, what this particular google doc is suggesting is a complete and total restart of everything that has been created so far. Many players will have an issue with tha


    Correct that was the main Idea behind the Spire project its to wipe out everything we know and everyone its to basicly kill Auslon Agies and our Anciant lore, and work on a new format lore etc everythin...

  11. This is going to be Hilarious

  12. This might be my last status update depends on what the doctor test results say but if it the last one then know that @kebab4everruleconstantinople

    1. Jarkarll


      ilu man. I'm coming.

    2. Shar'ku/jenspelao


      :( We love you mog

    3. bungo


      :c im so emotionally unstable im going to kill myself

  13. Throdo is not FAT his cute and cuddly.

  14. To many people in Arethor crashing the server lol!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zebanamana



    3. Dargene


      Yeah ******* idiots hitting people..

    4. Igneberr


      Magroka I was the guy first in line for my medal :p

  15. To much QQ to much QQ /Faceplams. Stop crying when you eFeelings get hurt this is the internet grow a pair. 4chan hurts mine every day. 4chan 1 Mog 0 :

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. craotor


      I got balls of steel

    3. Chief Kief

      Chief Kief

      I always rely on Mog when I need to use correct punctuation

    4. Altiak


      Words of wisdom.

  16. Unhappy.

    1. Garet867


      mogroka... y u be nub 'appy when lat got all dis stuffz. try hard labor then youl be feeling just as happy as the rest of us maybe even better!

  17. Welcome back

  18. What if /

    1. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Amen to this and Amen to you Mog!

    2. Agnub


      Gotta love Ron Paul.

    3. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      Go libertarians!

  19. What is not cool?

  20. WHAT is this WITCHCRAFT! http://gyazo.com/56ab903f79bad95de7428e9373a62e14 *Shakes his fist angrily towards Stealthninja

  21. Whats your mc name?

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