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About argonian

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    prince of alstion

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  1. I like arson becoming it's own evil so that not everyone and their grandmother is allowed to burn buildings to the ground, but I liked 4a being a minor villainy. And there were some rebellions in the works by people with 4a who'll now have to stop the rebellion, apply for it, and wait a couple days before continuing it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. wealthypiano


      I agree with that statement. I also feel like the need to get OOC consent to use arson is a bit absurd though. Will this not limit RP? To what extent can this person keep saying no? Will it simply stop the RP like that? Will it void it? I've heard Urasept say before he hates voiding RP. I am quite confused about this.

    3. Cyndikate


      This was needed. I'm irritated at the number of players who bring the same stale RP to other players just because they have a minor VA. Now players can't create 1 day characters to start wars. It becomes very stale and old for players who are involved in the conflict. Now the real villains will come out and play.

    4. argonian


      There, now you aren't claiming I said I disliked arson(when I said the opposite) and I'm not deleting it.

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