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About argonian

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    prince of alstion

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  1. Mojang made LOTC remove all its decent perks because of its shitty EULA, but they let factions servers with thousands of players sell kits. WTF Mojang.

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Mojang probably told us to, and LoTC didn't even negotiate the terms of the EULA. It's always a possibility that they didn't actually tell LoTC to do half of what we did because it was mostly non game related plugins, but rather the choice of the staff.

    2. Telanir


      `Free The Hobbits`, does spending time on LotC perpetually trigger you? Take a break mate. Obviously, we negotiated to the fullest extent, we took the full month to continue to try and push the limits of what we can do within the EULA.


      As for that James, that is disgusting, that we have to suffer through this and they don't. Please report them at this link.



      It's not fair to smaller servers like ourselves that they get to sell kits, and rake in cash, while we have to stick to `mostly cosmetics`.

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