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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by argonian

  1. @ScreamingDingo does this make itdontmatta the you of the admin team
  2. none of them got banned and I've only ever even spoken to like two of the people in their whole rally you can read before you mindlessly shill for red tags
  3. argonian

    wtf staff

    That's a type of War Goal. Doesn't apply to raids when no war has even been declared.
  4. lol PVP was a thing since launch day in 2011. It was the unwritten default in Aegis (outside of racial capitals, where PVP was turned off) and the explicit default for most of Asulon They had RP default for a few months from late Asulon to mid-Anthos, and then it went back to PVP default for a while before it stayed as Defender for years. So no memes about RP Default being the "traditional" way and how PVP was "introduced" and ruined it, thanks. That aside, I've absolutely never saw a CRP anywhere near that big on the server back then, and I still haven't outside of events (where you have the major advantages that the ST can fly about, emote for multiple people, and don't get stalled for hours by people claiming PG on them). And also those take place across spaces at least 20x bigger than a palace throne-room, where the chatspam alone, even beyond waiting for emotes, LOOC clarifications, PG, etc. would make it utterly impossible. The people calling for it know that as well. When I was asking why tf would we go for a 6 hour moshpit nightmare that obviously would never resolve (even if it went ahead, it'd be voided by GMs after 3 hrs due to bickering, etc.), I got PM'd "trust". Do you think that guy meant "trust my amazing tricks to never lose a CRP"? Yeah nah, he meant "trust me; this'll resolve the situation and they'll **** off".
  5. It clearly says that internal conflicts are just war goal types, and coups aren't even mentioned in the rules. No war was even declared yet.
  6. No idea what you mean with Sedan here. "Internal conflict" as a war goal concept didn't exist during the Sedan War, so I dunno how you can say the first raid started something that didn't yet exist. It was actually that very war that made it glaringly obvious that internal conflicts were totally unaddressed. They had to come up with stuff on the fly to let the war go ahead, and the war goal rewrites that came with internal conflict ones only came waaaaay later. The first raid is down as the first battle on the Wiki, sure, but Wiki historiography has literally nothing to do with war rules. I can't point at the Wiki and say that a raid I won should count as a WC just because it's listed as a battle. A claimant who lived within the nation--the closest war goal here would be "Revolution", which explicitly refers to claimants, and is classified as internal conflict. Doesn't change the fact that it was still let happen. It's not like they knew who'd win. If letting foreigners raid in unlimited numbers is bad, then the rules should reflect that. It's not fair to expect people to play by rules that aren't there.
  7. it wasn't a warclaim and the exact same thing happened in the brothers' war
  8. Hi, /status affectionate here! There's more to toxicity than "bad man say meany words!". Trying to **** people over and waste their lives with ridiculous ploys like "yes totally we would love a 40v40 crp" is toxic. Threatening bans over rules you won't cite and throwing accusations around is toxic. Calling people like that assholes is just calling a spade a spade. Fact of the matter is, we were on the same side, but the difference is you're smirking now but would be raging if this was the other way around. And don't even try to deny it.
  9. ignores your pms (time is 5 hrs ahead of eastern us btw) comes into rp threatening bans for non-existent rules refuses to explain when people ask what rule he's talking about is or why it wasnt enforced last time ends raid this is unbelievably cringe thanks for wasting hours of everyone's lives
  10. sorry but if you're basing your sense of "sexiness" on a minecraft roleplaying server you have serious issues
  11. give me web dev perms holy shit
  12. things I've read? that? never the twain shall meet
  13. AHs are just a place for the friends of ET to get rich off of ill-gotten gains. If your mates are gonna give you free shit, at least pretend it's for important reasons and not just to sell it on instantly, thanks?
  14. "Tell my wife, 'Hello'", Stan adds, imitating elven neutrality, before remembering that elven degenerates don't even have those.
  15. "I'm not so sure about the 'Honour with Strength' part of their motto, but the 'Bound by Humility' part does sum up this treaty for sure, eh Marty?" he asks of his kinsman @LithiumSedai
  16. "What does it mean for a piece to be taken? It's off the board? If so, what if we both take a token off each other, do we both lose?" asks a relative embarrassedly disconnected from his roots!
  17. Stanimar prepares to write his new handbook, Naming Children For Dummies, in recognition of the abysmal record of Philips. The original title, Regnal Names For *******, had been sadly censored by the publisher.
  18. why was cakefool banned also yeah free frill
  19. Alex is the god of war how DARE you
  20. god damnit i hate the story team
  21. "His Holiness warned Haense many times, but their hatred for God bade them slaughter the sons of Horen no matter what. This Karl is truly an evil king. Not even a shadow of his father," remarks Stanimar.
  22. "Wouldn't that apply to Peter IV too?" asks Stanimar.
  23. this sounds mildly wildly psychotic
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