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Everything posted by argonian

  1. It was a little much last war, but this time it's just getting ridiculous. There is 10x more talk about toxicity than actual toxicity. It's nuts, and it's actually itself toxic because it's used to blame and shame people over unspecified, nebulous acts of toxicity. Yeah buddy, I'm sure you're being spammed with literal death threats by the other side and I'm sure some Reiver sheggit totally put a horse's head in your bed. **** off. It's easy to claim without evidence that your enemies are being OOC bullies to try and turn people away from them, or to get the staff to intervene and fight your battles for you. And you know what, I was wrong. It's not just another form of toxicity; it's worse. If someone calls you a ******* idiot who should be put against a wall and shot, your feelings are hurt. That's it. If someone goes around accusing you and your mates of doing that, your feelings are hurt, your reputation is damaged, and your RP is now disrupted by morons trying to cancel it over how it's supposedly ruining the atmosphere "with all this toxicity". It's stupid. If someone's harassing you, file a ******* ban report. Don't ping everyone on Discord ruining the mood for everyone by giving them some school-assembly tier lecture about playing nice, mixed in with insinuations that those dirty bastards on the other side aren't.
  2. total nonsense. this war has been v chill oocly. if there's any hostility it's behind closed doors, which is still bad but it's a lot better than most conflicts. I'm in both discords rn and both sides are telling ppl to play nice and are saying they'll accept ppl from the other side after the war. totally diff to the war of 2 emps or the dukes war
  3. Edelweiß, Edelweiß

  4. who are u even referring to
  5. I log on, look around, see nothing happening and tab out to check discord for a sec, forget I was logged in. now replace "I" with "everyone ever"
  6. why are azdrazi ******* everywhere 

    if you're gonna make a literal gary stu undetectable, immortal and ultra strong e-boy race, can you at least make them somewhat rare cheers


    ******* mailman is secretly an azdrazi

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JEEGK


      i know like 3


    3. wowj



    4. MRCHENN


      there’s only like 5

  7. can we just use the new MC gen for the next map? it's much better than any worldpaint we've ever had just run a few gens to get a nice continent shape and then tweak from there innit
  8. activity cultism is driving me to an early grave
  9. ploy to stop ppl from uninvolved nations and unhired mercs fighting. it's not worth the hassle and extra OOC-barriers to rp it creates though imo
  10. can lotc stop throttling me


    every other server works fine

  11. idk when i followed u but i got an alert how are you mr daemon sir what's like like being a post w2e minemensch
  12. does anyone know any crp hacked clients? 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wyrvun


      try grammarly


    3. ronin_champloo


      advanced chat mod -- it comes with chat corrector for spelling errors, and structuring

    4. K_rusader


      Try the olog client 

  13. "Do the Aulic Councillors involved have to abstain from voting on whether or not the Aulic Councillors involved have to abstain?" asks Adelmar, "Were such a vote to pass only by their votes, would it then by invalidated by the very result of that same vote?".
  14. the real warclaim is being fought over your mind

    1. Nug


      how did u get so wise 

  15. they all speak english and no one speaks their languages. there really aren't that many of them either tf are you seeing all these italians? ive met like 2 ever yeah this is a weird one. balkanoids are all over the internet. every website you go onto there's a wildly disproportionate # of them arguing about the yugoslav wars
  16. Crazy how armies can tp across nations within an instant but not between them

  17. Nations need to **** off and die

  18. Terms like 'fenn, 'thill, 'ker, etc. are used even in official documents. They're shorthands, not slang.
  19. and this rule change is a welcome move away from that. I don't see your point I agree tho activity checks and nations need to **** off next
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