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Everything posted by argonian

  1. Nobody bothered with the local blacksmith regardless. Each nation/group picked their couple of grinders who they’d funnel resources into to get them up to Aengulic as fast as possible, and every other player was SOL. Good luck trying to rank up in blacksmithing as a random guy when you needed thousands upon thousands of mina worth of iron, and you had no way of earning all that money since you were too **** to sell your crafts. Meanwhile the state-sponsored blacksmiths got all their resources for free and laughed their way to the bank(before dying of a blood clot from sitting in front of their PC for 3 weeks straight no-lifing the grind). After they let you allocate skill-points it got better, but then people just started using multiple personas to be a jack-of-all-trades, making the whole idea of the plugin fairly pointless. The local “baker”’s job consisted of handing out food to the poor guys going ((food please)) every 2 minutes. Thrilling RP there.
  2. gonna take my business to massivecraft smh
  3. even with 4 people online it takes me about 5 minutes and a crash to open a chest. that’s ridiculous even for 1.14, there’s definitely more at play here 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Babadooks


      try quitting, worked good for me

    3. Nathan_Barnett36


      no chunk loading issues for other 1.14 servers though

    4. squakhawk


      there’s certainly more to it than 1.14, and im sure a part of it must be 1.14, but the lag issues have lead up even since 1.12 and 1.13, there certainly must be a plugin that’s causing extreme memory problems or something of such, I’m no dev but working with vanilla & modded servers for nearly a decade now I cannot imagine 1.14 alone, or even in majority, is causing the bulk of our problems. The War Server on 1.13 had around 50-60 consecutive players during the battlegrounds and ran smooth as butter, and now even with a decent amount of plugins and commands unloaded it couldn’t hold 20/30 for the test we had not long ago- but Korvic may have been testing something. 

      It is ultimately regardless of the point and a huge mistake (Both objectively and opinionally) that we are not reverting. Factually, Telanir has been missing for quite some time and assumed the role of two administration positions, and will likely continue to be missing, with the (factual) habits of him disappearing for months at a time, then coming back with a grand change.

      This post does not break any forum rules, complain objectively and state hard evidence upon why this is wrong and ultimately a horrible choice for the server, to try and “tough through” an update which is with no contest an extreme detriment to the server, with incredible chunk lag, a halted war thats gone on incredibly long, and a dwindling playerbase where players encourage others to just not play due to the update. Any amount of days in a reverted update with data/items/whatever lost is worth taking the server back to something at least playable. If I was a new player and wanted to join a server, and for a grueling month and a half the server was dead and unplayable, I’d leave- as many have in our time. 

      I am disappointed and want to see change. My criticism is constructive and I just wish to see things better, when I know they could be.

  4. i have a solution a final solution for all sex pest erpers
  5. Dunno how you’re defining world event because most of the problems you describe apply to smaller one-off events too. All apply to the random one-off “evil monster that only your local friendly mage can stop while you stand there and die, silly NPC” events. Doesn’t, but you get the very similar problem of the ET describing a creature/monster that you don’t have a bloody clue what it is and what they do, and giving really vague descriptions of the effect they’re having, and you have no idea how to even react. But no matter, they don’t care if you react because the one mage guy will fling back some really vague magical emotes and then the monster will explode. No PM’ing but still no one having a bloody clue if they can or can’t do ‘x’.
  6. RP Name: Tylos MC Username: james2k Discord: nothing new under the sun#8213 What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Oren Why Do You Wish To Come?: To aid the Paladins, and a friend in his own quest. What Skills Can You Bring?: Good with a sword and a compass.
  7. tbh i literally did not know the wiki team were gone
  8. no way there wasn’t any 1.13 backups only 2 days after updating to 1.14 lol if there weren’t then that’s the most retarded backup policy there is
  9. you just posted pornographic material on a site with minors enjoy your ban sick ****
  10. when I was a boy, Imperial walls and towers used to make me feel so safe
  11. This is why all my characters are MILF-hunters.
  12. then your chars would only age 12 years in an irl year children born in aegis would only just be dying off now lol
  13. Hi, We at the Super Safety Team have received feedback that the LOTC dating system, more specifically the 7 month years which start on a Wednesday, are making members of our community feel unsafe. We would like the Community’s thoughts on this before presenting our findings to the Administration. Thank you for your time.
  14. check your disc pending freqs
  15. we got a quid pro quo relationship with harold where he special super safeguards us in return for us super safeguarding him
  16. ok accepted your first task is to go around on a discord alt collecting dirt on staff members
  17. What does the Super Safety Team do? In the 5 and a half seconds since the Safety Team announcement was made, many players have expressed concern at the lack of oversight on the Safety Team, and have wondered who they would go to if they had concerns regarding it. Well today, we are proud to announce the answer to that. The Super Safety Team. It is our sole priority to make every user in this community to feel super safe, no matter what. If anyone on the safety team makes YOU, yes you in particular because YOU matter, feel uncomfortable or unsafe, the Super Safety Team are here to help. With a star-studded cast of certified safety technicians, there is no one better qualified to address your concerns: - me - harrison More members will be added as demand increases. Also we do worldedit modreqs. Also if you’re concerned about the Super Safety Team harassing you then tough luck kid. Also if you’re concerned that you’re too irrelevant to be harassed, you can rent us out for public harassment in a Discord of your choice to increase your infamy.
  18. err why is the “safety team” getting involved in bans regarding quality of roleplay and alt accounts? wtf does that have to do with safety
  19. Imagine defending combat logging lol Reported incident happened 4 weeks ago. Guess how long a month is?
  20. Or they and their loved ones could follow the report system authored by yourself. Private DM reports like this just give people a handy dandy way to get the other party banned while leaving themselves off scot-free in a situation where both are at fault. Like privately reporting someone for troll-RP so that by the time they’re banned, it’s too late for them to report you for combat-logging, to give a purely hypothetical example. What’s the point in making ban reports public again, and writing those guidelines about working it out with the other party first, if you’re going to actively encourage players to private BR and never even inform the reported party until they’re banned? Seems a bit pointless, dunnit?
  21. Yes. Yes – combat-logged. No effort made to contact a moderator at the time, nor the offender. Sure – if they hadn’t broken rules themselves. Pretty clear the basic criteria to post a report aren’t even met here. I guess that’s why no public report was actually made, instead moderators were privately contacted and the player denied their right to defend themselves – an abuse of a system that’s meant only for sensitive matters. Overall seems a bit sneaky from the reporting party. Yes the RP was shitty but then they got out of it by rage-quitting. Later deciding that they were going to ban report after all, and keeping it private so the matter of combat-logging wouldn’t come to light in the defense, is pretty sneaky and an abuse of the private BR system. IMO you really can’t have it both ways. If you’re gonna break the rules to get out of shitty RP instead of contacting a moderator like the guidelines say to, or telling the player off and then making a public BR afterwards if they continue, then you don’t really have a right to BR anymore. Unless you also report yourself, of course, it’s only fair.
  22. STINKY SMELLY NEREVAR MURDERING N’WAHS This post brought to you by the Sixth House
  23. argonian


    regenerating chunks corrupts the world over time.
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