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  • Birthday April 28

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    Isaac Jebediah, Lector of Owyn
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  1. Romance-Rp should be intentionally stigmatized, it's always a terrible choice to participate in Romance-Rp.  It leads to negativity at least, and true evil at most.

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    2. Unwillingly


      @Abeam if by "emotional attachment" you mean actually having an OOC crush on the person you're romance RPing with, then it's a problem of edating, and not romance RPing. If you just mean becoming friends with the person you RP with and forming a bond, that still isn't inherently a bad thing. a lot of people become friends with the people they meet in RP over time

      if romance RP itself was inherently a bad thing and was a sole cause of the issues you pointed out, then there would be loads of more issues popping up than what we're seeing. then any and all people who do romance RP are problematic players, which objectively isn't the case. i know plenty of people who do romance RP (some who have even been RPly been together for upwards of 2 irl years) that are all around reasonable and fantastic players, but i also know players who are genuinely fkn psychotic and take their romance RP to the next level

      its a really big generalization that completely misses the point you're trying to make. like have your opinions about whatever type of RP you want, but to advocate for the ostracization of players who romance RP is a huge reach when it literally just falls down to the individuals

    3. Abeam


      By "Emotional Attachment" I mean directly having romantic feelings for the individual, which develop due to normal human responses to participating in romantic performances.  AKA, you romance-RP with a person on LOTC, over time, is it possible to not form romantic feelings OOCly?  I don't think so.


      Edit:  I don't think emotional attachments related to non-romantic friendship are bad, just to clarify, I've made many good friends on this server, and I think that is perfectly fine.  It's specifically the issue of romantic RP creating romantic feelings OOCly that I am against.  I don't think it's psychologically possible to do long-term romantic-RP without having OOCly feelings.

      Edited by Abeam
    4. argonian


      Also you have literally no way of knowing for certain that the other person is the age they claim to be. There have been more than a few cases of accidental cybering with minors, which is literally illegal.

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