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About Austin

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    Killing Parents.

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    A small Igloo in Canada.

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  1. I lol at people with personal vendettas against mogroka, if he was out for power he would of stayed with the orcs and flattened renatus, but no he left us his creation and helped create a fantastic rp hub which is a general center pf all rp, before you critisize him step into his shoes

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Space


      So, bitching over statuses is going to solve ANYTHING? Both of you are acting foolish.

    3. DecoLamb


      Mogroka answers about 90% of my modreqs. He accepts warclaims quickly on abandoned plots, or for the dwarves on request. I usually have to wait 30+ minutes between emotes when I rp with him because he's doing modreqs. In TS, he's usually getting spammed with pokes for help. I do it, and he ALWAYS comes when I ask.

      He's done more than you will EVER know. And unless you can say something nice, keep your mouth shut.

    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Yeah, Mogroks honestly gets like 4 hours of sleep because he puts up with our ****. I honestly try to make his job easier, and when you see the work he does you get baffled. I could never do as much work as him, I would just quit. He was made an admin for his work and commitment. He also united 4 WARRING nations into one. I have no doubt he would do the same for other nations when they need it, that is if you guys don't drive him away.

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