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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by Urahra

  1. You know, I must have missed the announcement where the staff turned LOTC into an 18+ server. I should check the announcements more often.

  2. You know, if the temp server is in the dream world, where's all the freaky dream stuff? Like cows with fungus on them and dragons and giant mushrooms? ...Wait.

    1. EmeraldStag


      I see what you did there.

    2. Sultan


      Temp Server is not Cannon Lore.

    3. Phibbup


      where's all the whures, too?

  3. You know, when someone does something for you, like draws your character or makes you a nice skin, you say "Thank you." Because a lot of hard work went into making those things. If someone gives you a gift, don't crap in their mouth.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. AlmondTree


      People needs to stop being dicks about it, if they dont like they don't NEED to even look or comment.

    3. Dilara(lotteje13)


      this is why i dont make art for others half the time...

    4. zaezae


      LOTC has a terminal maturity problem. :I

  4. You know, when the server gets DDOS'd, I'm inclined to wonder what kind of bitter, bitter person would do it. "Let's spend money, time, and effort to shut down a minecraft server! This seems like a productive use of my time!"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ever


      Bitter? Try bored. Shrug.

      If you think people that get declined applicaitons are doing it, well then that's just silly. I doubt it's hard to ddos, but if you can't get accepted, I really doubt you have the power to go ddosing.

    3. Aptrotta
    4. Ever


      distributed denial of service attack.


      from what I understand, it's overloading a server to bring it offline.

  5. You know...I'm not very active on the forums anymore. My character mostly keeps to herself. I sort of wish people outside the Rose would just leave me alone. Is that too much to ask?

    1. Mini Mordie - Mafia

      Mini Mordie - Mafia

      Leave Tanith alone! :(

    2. Mithradites


      The elfies given you troubles...?

    3. Gemmylou
  6. You really have the most adorable skin.

  7. You scrubs know that "kek" comes from WoW, right? It's the sound the Alliance makes when they kill your Horde toon on a PvP server. Know your roots.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ever


      bur is alliance

    3. Space


      topkek is from http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/570/603/478.jpg , which was on some 4chan board as a stickied post. /s4s/ I think.

    4. Goldrim


      Wrong, that's what an Alliance reads after an Orc says "Lol", know your roots. :P

  8. YOU should check the character drawings thread.

    Does it burn, Robin? Are you burning in the flames of moe?

  9. You're only welcome to the tea party if you bring a dish. I accept human hearts and petit fours.

  10. You're the coolest person in the world.

  11. Your character has one wish. However, if they choose to wish for something massive, they will in turn bring an equal amount of misfortune on themselves. What do they wish for?

    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2. NomadGaia


      Can I have a wish IRL?

    3. CommunistSpy


      For my character to get freed from Setherien's frosty grasp.

    4. A Spooky Witch

      A Spooky Witch

      For her parents to see her with her new family, if only just once, just to see what she grew up to be.

  12. Your character is now a Jaeger pilot in Pacific Rim. What's their Jaeger's name and who is their co-pilot?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Abeam


      Jaeger Name: American Airlines Flight 11

      Co-Pilot: Abdulaziz al-Omari

    3. Guest


      Jaegar Name: Kanye West

      Co-Pilot: Kanye West is the Kanye Best and can do without the Kanye Rest.

    4. DRAGON117op
  13. Your daily dose of OH GOD SO CUTE IT HURTS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=RrNZ-qod3eg

    1. TRAY


      THE CUTENESS!!!.....IT BURNS!!!!

    2. cometking123


      *mouth foams*

    3. Morkas (Wrathstar555)
  14. Your secret dream of taking a nap in an orc lady's lap is coming true. Check the character drawing thread.

  15. Your username...So shiny.

  16. Zelda's Lullaby stuck in my head again. Damn you, Nintendo!

    1. Nug


      You reminded me of it and got it stuck in my heads... :C

    2. Old-Rattlesnake


      Thanks for reminding me. Now I'm stuck with it.

    3. Shorsand


      < ^ > < ^ >

      The Cave Story theme's been with me for most of today.

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