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Status Updates posted by hosper

  1. "I listen with attention to the judgement of all men; but so far as I can remember, I have followed none but my own. -Michel Montaigne ( I wanna do a quote too)

  2. "I was talking to my doctor down at the hospital He said, "Son, it says here you're twenty-seven, But that's impossible... Cocaine!... you look like you could be forty-five"- Jackson Browne

    1. Heff
    2. hosper


      Rob Ford is actually 19

  3. *Gets a bowl of popcorn* Wonder what happens now?

  4. 1 Hour till the Hockey game that matters most ;)

    1. oblivionsbane


      This is like saying 1 hour until the lacrosse game that matters the most. Except lacrosse is cooler.

  5. A health reminder from the Necromancer Cleric coalition: http://static.someecards.com/someecards/usercards/1338412881964_9994275.png

    1. AndrewTech


      "... dratted Necromancers. They muddle the message every time!"

    2. DruinsBane


      I was drink writting, don't judge me... *Hic!*

  6. Achievement get: Stop Orc combat by dazzling them with light.

    1. Aislin


      I didn't even notice you did light lol

    2. Friendly Guy

      Friendly Guy

      I was so Dazzled


    3. Heero
  7. Any guess on how many people will take an arrow to the knee today?

  8. Any Slavers want to abduct my Halfling child character?

    1. Ender_Panda13



      I'm scared for your characters safety...Ouo

  9. Anyone else surprised that Resparian isn't back for this fine day? Or is he.

    1. 0000


      He has been

  10. Arma Joint Opps is on steam summer sale :O. Only going to take 6 hours to download.

  11. Character now can't use a sword feeling kind of helpless

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CloakandDagger


      Now you just have your mind...

    3. CloakandDagger


      Now you just have your mind...

    4. hosper


      I already am it is just I

      am trying to do it completly

      legit ever tryed to punch a cave spider

      to death

  12. Everyone is asking for the magic plugin to be removed before its implemented how about we all trust the wonderful Gm's

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      it is common knowledge that Lotc members can't count ^_^

    3. Praetor


      I was taking into account the feared ninja's..but they din't strike >:(

    4. xmrsmoothx


      Everyone? I see... two people.

  13. Exaaaaammmmmsss!!! :D .... wait a minute

    1. tnoy23


      -Shakes his head, going to help plan his funeral after his exams kill him-

    2. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog

      I had 2 today

      English and RM eh

  14. Game of Thrones marathon? I think so.

    1. TheWhiteWolf


      Ahoo! Season 3 is coming out soon! Going to be awesome.

  15. Goodbye Salvus kind of unreasonable and little Rp but humas what can you excpect

    1. shiftnative


      you need to separate your OOC woes with your IC woes. This kinda stuff doesnt solve anything

    2. hosper


      I know I am actually kind of happy its helping me develop my character. Time to start a Va perhaps

  16. I am sorry but are quitting posts necessary. Tell your friends you are leaving no need to bring moral down. LOTC is alive

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. hosper


      I understand making the post but I have seen some posts that are more of a complaint of how the server is going than a peaceful goodbye.I in no way wish to insult people

    3. shiftnative


      If people addressed specific problems they found and wanted to change. We could change them! instead, players bottle up their things. and don't take the initiative to changing them

    4. hosper


      I have one problem with the server... It has taken over my life

  17. I really wish people would just give Vaq a couple of days to sort out the plugin before ranting.

    1. Crow (Denivire)

      Crow (Denivire)

      I wish Vaq wouldn't use LotC as a test server then.

    3. Skippy


      Crow, I thought you left.

      Anyways, I agree with the OP. Just stop ranting and role-play. Not that hard.

  18. I shall return.. Try not to blow anything up while I am gone. Thanks

  19. I shall return.. Try not to blow anything up while I am gone. Thanks

  20. I still don't have a last name for my character (put it off in case of finding a family). Anyone have a good dark elven last name I might burrow .

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hosper


      Well I think I shall use that thanks

    3. hosper


      I went with BlackThorn for now this may change

    4. Skippy


      You should make it Cyrus :P

  21. Idea: Make "edgy" a swear word IG and have guard forces fine or lock people up for saying it.

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