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Wolf Druid Ouity

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Status Updates posted by Wolf Druid Ouity

  1. Just shamelessly stole a gif from someone's signature and put it in mine. Thank you for your "donation" Aelidar.

  2. What would I do for a Klondike bar?... *heavy breathing*

  3. I'm Ouity, and even I don't know how to pronounce my name.

  4. Stay on the Sunnyside, always on the Sunnyside, stay on the Sunnyside of life! Bum badum bum bum bum!

  5. Ugh, if you were in my dungeon, it's going to have to be moved. The server is deader 'n a doornail

  6. Yo, I heard something about lag? If only someone would make a post about it so I could stay informed!

  7. When is the next creative cafe?

    1. Space


      April 12thp

  8. Ow my poor knee :(

    1. Demotheus


      I'd kiss it better but you probably have cooties.

    2. Huh


      Sounds like you kneed to ice it.

  9. Is it spam the status section day already? Darn it, I forgot to mark my calendar.


  11. I'm bad at reading cursive please stop using that font qq

  12. Kawaii in the streets, Senpai in the streets.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cooonie


      i am in streets

    3. Rassidic


      The streets are inside me.

    4. Anawkin


      Kawwai to the max, Senpai to the max.

  13. Covert to Druidism today!

  14. Making me grin to read all the new map speculation. Keep guessing!

  15. How'd you like the battle?

    1. Treshure


      Was ridiculously awesome. Keep it up, Scourgies.

  16. Donating blood. Afraid of needles. Aaaaaah

    1. E__V__O


      Are you donating your blood or someone elses? Donating someone elses blood is illegal be careful!

    2. bossnation12345


      ^ now wot kind of question is that

  17. RIP my signature 2K13-2K14

    1. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      Nobody likes you anyways :3

  18. Delete my status, I'll delete your life

    1. Eleatic
    2. Silent™


      I have no life, so your threat is meaningless.

    3. IrishPerson
  19. Delete my status, I'll delete your life

  20. Happy Saint Pugsy's Day!

    1. gabriel101x1
    2. Mephistophelian


      I read that wrong....

    3. Anawkin


      May the pugsy be with you!

    1. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Do you ever feel like you're being mocked?

    2. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      I felt that way before I even clicked "show comments" Probably one of my first deaths was by falling.You are doing so good, and brag about it then fall & die T_T

  21. I would like to claim my title as the only player to be killed by Setherin himself twice in under one hour.

    1. ~ Fiend ~

      ~ Fiend ~

      *sharpens noose*

      I'll challenge that.

    1. Heff


      Remember when Leanniel was peaceful?

      Peperidge Farms remembers.

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