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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by E__V__O

  1. My only opinion is don't give non-combat spells/enchantments ridiculas emote counts. Having to do three/four emotes to summon butterlies to be the princess you wanna be is pretty annoying to me.
  2. Thank you for clarifying, I don't have much experience in the lores above and was taking it off a basis from what I initially read. It seems some things need to be added to lore if not specified significantly already (Golem limbs for example, animii limbs are all good- except for level of strength gathered). Focusing on the atronach limbs, we're in agreement that it would have to be specified, I put the Auric oil in the lore due to "Elemental Affinity" being of level of T3 and below, and depending how the limb is made, if it is an enchantment (due to transfiguration needed), auric oil would destroy it/make it null. For the clarification on other points so it isn't a back and forth, i'll take the discussion to discord to help gain further clarity.
  3. I will get to the point of negatives over positives which you put in your reply, to further clarify that I do believe Atronach Limbs do need more clarification, specifically how they're made/attached to the body, refix of 'telekenetic limbs' as the magic no longer exists and overal greater look-in to what the limb can do. Taking into the advantages of the limbs: Animii - Replacement limb. - Made of [specified] material. - Can feel pseudo-feelings. - Strength of descendent. - Can overlock to that of greater strength (Doesn't specify if orc strength or not). Golem Limbs - Replacement limb. - Made of stone. - Prone to brute force damage over piercing/slashing. - Strength of descendent. Atronach - Replacement limb. - Can do non-combat RP of evocation flavor. - Strength of descendent. ---- To further clarify the disadvantages of the atronach limb are not present in the written lore however I would assume; Atronach Limb disvantage - Prone to unexpected movement/reaction/control in the voidal hollow. - Can be abjurated/Auric Oil to 'deconjure'/destroy the limb. Due to this post being posted for Atronach limbs, i'll believe that clarification should be made on what the arms can / cannot do. Does an atronach limb of fire burn people on touch? Is the limb technically ethereal? A bigger discussion can be had on the strengths and weaknesses of the atronach limb which I do agree and the amendment could expand on. I don't believe however putting in a debuff/weakness without a compensation of advantage be it minor such as turning the limb 'off' so it doesn't need to be removed to not suffer from the voidal weakness proposal you suggested here. Edit: If you prefer we continue the discussion elsewhere, my forum PM's or discord.
  4. I am indifferent on this amendment but if you're putting voidal poisoning on someone with an atronach limb without a positive to counteract it then I don't really know what this is for but further taking down some void lore. If I could suggest since the lore is vague you add in an addition that allows the user to 'switch off' the atronach limb much like a toggable enchantment. The reasoning on basis for characters to not wanting to suffer from voidal weakness which this lore proposes when not utilizing the limb in a prolonged situation. It'll offer a good counter balance. Though that's my own opinion.
  5. The second golden egg has been found and redeemed for a steam game!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. E__V__O


      Check Easter event

    3. Borin


      Still going? Coolio

    4. E__V__O


      Only the golden eggs!

  6. Live, laugh, love

  7. The event is ongoing! Find the eggs (Plently left!)
  8. Can you at least differentiate the green colour for ST? Having now, 56 staff on the same team which do varying jobs can be a tad confusing now its the biggest staff team, change the builders to a darker green or leave it how it is now for example, ext.
  9. I forgot the support email, however the dev lead should be able to help. @Llir
  10. I see this being an interesting addition, taking someone who is defeated/dead and anchoring them to the void sounds somewhat entertaining than the whole "store the corpse in a coffin and translocate that".
  11. -= THE BALLOT =- ((MC Name: E__V__O )) Name: Evo'lur Tartarus Vote 1: Elarhil Sullas Vote 2: Elarhil Sullas
  12. I'll just share screenshots from Novemeber in the subfourm to the PK post of Gavin (voided death) to see how active Haelun'or was up until the war which the city forfeited. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I don't see how Haelun'or made no attempt to revitalize the city, though that isn't to say Haelun'or wasn't thriving, having large portions of activity and percent of players in the city. Though, as aware come war the roleplay did falter. The players did eventually return and role play within the city. Primarily being a non EST player group I can see how you don't see the 'numbers' being rallied during your peak times when half the players in the city where asleep. Though queen, carry on.
  13. Evo'lur Tartarus gives a nod after reading the paper in approval
  14. I mean. We did have flying horses, specifically. Pegasus horses in accepted lore. However due to the revamp of the wiki and creature index being put into denied lore they where shelved. You couldn't fly them while riding however as ya'll to fat. Found it:
  15. Here was the reason it did get denied. So it seems not only I did we miss that but also the ST. Oh well.
  16. It isn't explicitly stated that you can lift multiple objects, such as a teapot and teacups as example. The only reference to multiple instances is lifting more than a few grains. This is supposed to amend such.
  17. Amendments Alter Position Including two separate redlines, which has no added benefit other than flavour, promotes RP engagement and interactivity, especially when performing mundane tasks. Do note, this cannot be done in combat. Add Redlines: - “The caster is able to perform separate **transmutation or enchanting** spells while alter position is active.” - “The caster is able to utilise this spell on multiple objects as long as they don’t accumulate a weight of 25lbs/~11kg in total.” Purpose: The past attempt at pushing this addition through, was denied due to the ST not wanting for it to be used in combat. To iterate, the spell is non-combat only on the main transfiguration page and stated so. The second was due to not having accumulate weight in total. Both have been addressed. Citation:
  18. Bone Basilisk https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/disp/fa130c12125043.56257ae2ed4c2.jpg Physiology The bone basilisk is a variation on the other basilisks adapted and changed to work with its surroundings, the creature's growth is somewhat unique as it developed chitiin armor encompassing itself strong to protect against most physical and magical attacks able to spread each hit round the whole surface of its armor instead of a single point. The basilisk likes to reside under sand dunes by heavy amount of rock formations, often found within caverns and tunnels it constructed if not found naturally. The bone basilisk unlike other variations of the creature is not a pact animal, the territorial creature will hunt and attack any that enters its cavern. If the creature is in a matured state, they’re able to create noises almost like earthquakes hitting against the stone to radiate the strongest echo throughout the caverns to attract and charm a mate, for both male and females, they can also use this as a cry for help if need be. The size of the creature has three stages of life hitting the max sizes of, two feet from birth, 21 feet middle age and 46 feet being mature age. The bone basilisk would be considered a full carnivore. The diet consisting of an all meat diet without judgement of who or what the creature is. The basilisk would attempt to devour the prey whole however if unable due to not being able to unhinge the jaw, rip the meat into smaller chunks before devouring. Habitat The biome of choice for the bone basilisk would be sand dune caverns with heavy rock formations. Able to shift through the sand when needed impleaded and at discretion of other creatures who reside in the dunes surrounded by desert rock formations. The creature does not spread far out from the cavern except on the surface to protect the territory it captured. Behaviour An interlectual creature using echo-location from the vibrations sent through the sand dunes, the basilisk is able to pinpoint locations and forsee future movements from the imbalances of such. The creature being a hostile preditor would wait for the prey to be in a prime location for an attack, striking to kill with either tail or fangs. The creature is also able to detect different scents of its surroundings to assist further in finding the location of who resides in the den. Abilities The basilisk doesn’t have any venom, or noticeable large fangs that differ from the rest of its teeth, however they’re sharp and able to crush stone and iron alike, being a knife to flesh. The chitin hide of the basilisk would circumference the upper body, sides and the head of the bone basilisk leaving the under-belly revealed without protection to assist in movementality. The chitin armor actually being plates like scales upon the basilisk which assists in how the creature is able to absorb physical blows and projectile attacks easily. Red Lines This creature can only be played by ET/LT. The creature is listed as extremely dangerous. The strength of the chitin armor/plates is quantified to be the similar strength of steel, range/magic strikes would have little to no affect if it cannot break through the armor, besides high concussive forces/forces to push the beast back. If harvested the plates cannot be moulded round surfaces but rather stiched on as non-moldable pieces. Weaknesses of the creature include the underbelly when revealed, blinding/stunning the creature with abundance of scents and/or breaking through the chitin plates. The underbelly of the creature is similar to that of thick hide from an elephant. The creature has no venom. Citations Creature Index:
  19. Mana-Weave Bug (Starship troopers bug biology) Physiology The mana-weave bugs origins are from the firefly, throughout generations from naturally occurring liquid mana areas across the lands. The fireflies began to selectively breed among themselves upon acquiring natural blending traits of its water source to assist in hunting and catching prey. This did come as a catch however, due to the density of liquid mana and it’s different properties from water over-time the bugs had more change than simply just blending, the whole abdomen would begin to expand over making it hard for the firefly to keep flight for a long distance, the tip of the abdomen would shift its coloured glow to suit the liquid mana below it. Eventually the bug would continuing the selection process would become flightless the abdomen becoming to big for the wings to contain losing a major property of defense and escape for the bug. The firefly would begin to resort itself to more unconventional measures of survival and begin to burrow itself into the ground besides nearby caves where they’ll of resided before however this creating a new problem ground predators. They’ve gained the chitin crust over the body frame as a coping feature which protects the abdomen as much as possible while also gaining a spit-fire ability. (Turbosquid model) Generations of selective breeding has come across the evolutionary dominant species mana-weave bug, constructed of a strong chitin surface covering the adult besides the parts where the plates would separate revealing a soft tissue organic sack which is used to collect liquid mana. The bug itself doesn’t necessarily have a purpose besides mostly eating small bugs such as larvae, snails and roughly anything around similar size. The mana-weave bug does have a defense mechanism due to the high contrast glow it’s soft tissue creates when hydrated offers easy spotting for prey, the mechanism being the ability to build up and spit up the liquid mana close to the rectum. This’ll be known the ‘arcane ball’ due to the density the bug builds up before firing appearing like a ball, hitting a target with the arcane ball would splatter into a stickable paste which’ll both sting on direct touch on skin and radiate to a glow. The size of these bugs have significantly grown since the firefly, being average upto a foot in length for an adult and 1/6th that size for children, the children themselves don’t get the exposed abdomen covered with a shell until the mid adult stage. For full adulthood the bug would take from birth three human years (3 IRL weeks) and live upto 12 human years (3 IRL months). The diet besides 'mana-water' to refuel the abdomen for it's defenses, it'll resort to eating small bugs/insects burred within the ground. Habitat The bug would stay around high concentrated mana areas, specifically liquid mana resovours so it may consume the waters for the defense mechanism and it having a natural glow to help draw in other insects and bugs for consumption. Behaviour The behavior of the bug is mostly calm, staying close towards the mana-water it requires for fuel and mostly within dim-lit areas safe from most predators. The way it'll gather food is burring itself within the earth or try to find small insects above to eat which are attracted to the glow that abdomens give off. The bugs reproduce with eggs once fertilized by the male host. It’s open abdomen leaves it for easy attack unprotected by the chitin shell protecting the rest of its body the soft tissue can be easily broken into whereas the chitin can sustain people stepping over it. If one burst the soft tissue during the build up of an ‘arcane ball’ the bug would explode with the resin of the ball that it would’ve fired off. Which causes the creature to try and stay underground or far distance before revealing itself to larger preditors. Abilities (Starship troopers - Movie) Through the consumption of liquid mana, the mana-weave bugs have been known to utilize the energy given by it, through a strange deconstruction process within the organs the bug has the possibilities to unleash a range spit attack. The attack however mostly used to scare prey as it has no real damaging purposes, the attack being mostly comprised of a built up ball of liquid mana weaponized by the bug to shoot at a grand distance of 10 meters(blocks) to scare off potential predators against it. The ‘arcane ball’ that the bug is able to fire out close to the rectum carries a glow like substance having a comet trail render behind itself, if a target would be hit by the ‘arcane ball’ it’ll splatter across it like an explosion secreting a glue like substance that compliments an adhesive, offering a light gradient glow. On open skin it’ll begin to sear and leave a rash after some time has passed, these creatures would have good accuracy despite the ‘arcane ball’ moving relative slow, able to blind aggressors. The mana-weave bug would only have a certain amount of these charges, being three. If the bug would attempt to perform another ‘arcane ball’ it’ll leave itself dehydrated and left to die unless bathed within the liquid mana to re-hydrate itself. Red Lines Can be roleplayed by non-ST/ET. Cannot be tamed in any way bees could not be, nor capable of being commanded by druids due to the connection to the 'void'. The mana weave bug isn't neccesarily deadly or dangerous except to insects and other small bugs. The creatures only 'hunt' small insects/acracnoids/bugs, ext. They don't directly go out to hunt large preditors. The chitin casing can withold a regular human stepping on it, however a stomp would break through. If stepped on when the abdomen is revealed when using the defense ability the bug would explode with the adhesive liquid mana. The adhesive liquid mana can be harvested. The adhesiveness acts as a fine bond glue, able to be pulled away through minimal force, no more than a child's strength. It'll degrade if remained on skin after one narrative hour. The adhesive liquid if left on the skin will cause irritation and a rash similar to focii taint even to non-void magi. Citations Previously Accepted from Creature Index: Focus Crystal Lore (For focii taint information):
  20. The Halls of Creation buzzed with magi frantic in their research. Theory and debate echoed throughout the Guild, as it’s eldest members set about pioneering the cure to the blighted lands at their doorstep. Each solution seemed to uncover problems tenfold, as new concepts were tested and thrown out. Two ancient minds of The Mage’s Guild, centuries along in their practice, came to settle on one coherent idea. Although it was found that even pursuing ingenuity into its veritable horizon could not quell a disaster of such scale… “I hope to rectify the taint with assistance of those around me, from druids, shamans and other void magi I've come to the conclusion that to begin we must start with how the void works...” - Evo’lur Tartarus, on the nature of Voidal Taint The Void Crystal A handheld Focus crystal that has been embedded with the essence of both Void and Creation, and thus aptly named for its function. This anomalous stone is, in essence, a product of Voidal Artificery incited by the need to curb the devastation of magical disaster. The Void Crystal is an altered form of the Focus crystal, having been touched by the spellcraft of a master Alterationist. https://i.pinimg.com/564x/13/74/f8/1374f84acdbaf6d4405a1e6c383553fe.jpg Creation: Voidal Artificers at the height of their craft may cast a greater Imbuement spell upon a Focus Crystal, shifting it’s core function. Focus Crystals are known for their ability to allow casters to channel the Void with great tact; As such, these artificers have found that intricately applying their artform could create an inverse effect. Effectively, the layers of Mana are articulated in such a way that these Void Crystals act as a one way vacuum for Voidal Energy. The potency of the effects necessitates creation in the presence of a Mana Obelisk. Effects: Focus crystals are commonly used as conductors of magical energy, and the advent of the Void Crystal introduces the inverse. These eldritch stones were found to be able to intake a large swathe of Voidal Energy and keep it within its crystalized bearing for transport and safekeeping. Primarily colored by the Aura of the Mage who has imbued the spell, the Void Crystal is sequentially darkened to the deepest hues and the darkest tints of said Aura once it has expunged an area of Mana Residual for the first time. Minor mana residual from excess spell casting darkens the Crystal to a lesser extent. The Crystal’s effects may be used to contain smaller bouts of Voidal energy that has seeped into the Material realm. The active effect occurs gradually over four emotes wherein the afflicted plot of land, in a 4x4 radius, slowly returns to its natural state. Void Crystals will not restore the life of flora and fauna, yet it frees the area from the Voidal influence so that nature may take hold again over time. Passively, the Crystals will soak in mana residual radiated from a handful of spell casts in a radius around them, functionally a 10x10 area surrounding the stone. The power dedicated to the metaphysical vacuum is what prevents the mass of energy from escaping prematurely and as such this energy cannot be reused, controlled, or manipulated while trapped in the crystalline form. The only safe way to dispel the contained Voidal energy is through the Residuum, or other applicable methods such as Druidic Blight Healing. On Destruction Should the Crystal suffer a direct blow from any sufficient blunt force or spell after absorbing Mana Residual, the energy will release in a localized explosion and latch onto the surroundings once again. The force of the blast is insufficient to cause a major knockback effect, but the crystal shrapnel will embed in nearby soft tissue. On Mana Residual Mana Residual is the byproduct of accessing the void, done by; connection to the void, casting spells, mana obelisk radius and voidal tears. Voidal hallows as well have mana residual however the energy is heavily concentrated it cannot be cured due to the mana instantaneously filling the area once more. Redlines: Primarily for player events and narrative functions. Structurally identical to Focus Crystals May not be used to refuel one’s mana RO permission is required to spread mana residual from a broken Crystal, using void associated blocks. The size of the Void Crystal dictates the amount of Voidal energies it can intake; A palm sized gem can soak in mana residual of 4 spells or house voidal mana residual within a 4x4 area of land over 4 emotes. Each additional inch in length allots a growth of 1, up to 8 spells and an 8x8 area of land over 8 emotes. The Void Crystal does not stop, cease or prevent the function of void magic. Rather it ‘soaks’ up the taint caused by it. Attempting to use the void crystal to ‘vacuum’ mana residual in hallows will fill the crystal but do no clearing of the void affliction. The Crystals are enchantable, but will surrender any of the above utilities rendering them as a simple aesthetic option, akin to mage the durability of mage gold / Arcanium. If made to the durability of Arcanium, it requires the same roll chance as the implemented arcanium lore, including the modifyers (Better chance with more players/mana obeslisk, ext). Void Crystal enchantments do not produce any mana residual/voidal corruption. The Imbuement spell from Voidal Artificery lore is required to create Void Crystals. Requires ST Signing. “In times of great unbalance, we magi must rise from our libraries to restore peace to the Material realm. When the few err, it reflects on us all…” - Archmage Eliza on the fall of Ando Alur The Aegis Seal Beholden to it’s primal nature, it is found that Mortal greed is insurmountable by any Arcane theory. Thus at wits end in the wake of the colossal endeavor of answering the structure of voidal tears, a binding ritual was conceived; The final claim of a Voidal mage on the Material. Not one that would bring relief to the victims of errant Arcana, but perhaps one that would carry the light of hope forward for the coming generations of spellcasters. Voidal Tears, which have long been considered the pinnacle of arcane ingenuity will now have a lock. Those who take on the mantle of the keybearer must know the gravity of their cosmic responsibility. https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d0/7d/83/d07d833c3605dadf513f07b32b01489f.jpg Ritual A sum of magi equal to the number which produced the Tear must gather for this ritual; Among them must be a leading Voidal Artificer, accompanied by equal parts Translocaters and Transfigurers. The Artificer themself may supplant one of the aforementioned caster types. Armed with Void Crystals relative to the size of the Tear, the assembled magi begin. An Arcane circle is drawn upon the ground with powdered focus crystal, and each mage assumes a stance around its circumference. The antithetical stones are introduced onto the Tear, yet like other materials their forms are not immediately disseminated but instead destabilizes the rift and pulls the eldritch energy towards an epicenter. The Void Crystals by design alone cannot undertake the task of closing a rift, so requiring more applied measures. Hereafter, the Voidal Artificer and their throng of coupled magi must channel vast swathes of mana into the crystal. Inlaid with the spellweaving must be the intent of closure or sealing, in order for the Mana to actualize. A greater catalyst is yet required, as the leading Artificer must render a portion of their own Soul into the Void Crystal to endow the Ritual with a more potent force. A drastic but necessary sacrifice all in the name of upholding balance. With all of the elements at play, the flow of corrupting energy from Void to Material emanated by the Tear is effectively reversed. Requirements A Tier 3 Voidal Artificer, aided by at least one Tier 5 Transfigurer/ Translocater scaling to be even with the number of Magi that participated in the initial creation of the Tear. Each further coupling of magi eases the strain that the Ritual imposes upon the Mana Pool. One 15cm Void Crystal per 5m of Rift size. Effects on the Group Intentionally leaving one's soul adjacent to the Vast Infinite for any period of time is widely unheard of due to many anticipated dangers. Following the ritual, the Artificer responsible must endure exactly this and his cohorts a more mild variation. Visions At ritual end, debilitating visions permeate the minds of the mages, showing them potential realities wherein the fabric of reality was flippantly torn asunder by rogue magi. This grandiose invasion of the mindspace is enough to inspire fear and paranoia, long lasting indeed, such that discomfort in the presence of Voidal Tears and Voidally Afflicted spaces is commonplace; I.e. Obelisks, the presence of Voidstalkers, Horrors, etc. Each player character who participated in the Ritual must adhere to these effects for one IRL week. Wilting Imparted only onto the one valiant, or foolish, enough to surrender a part of their soul for the greater good. The wisdom of the true nature of the Void; That there is no warm embrace, no romanticism between Mortal man and this vast Realm. Naught but that which can only be articulated as Advanced Voidal Atrophy. A truly wilted state, such that one would not bear any sort of arms or armor. Those who push the boundaries of mortality too far know this fate well. This effect cannot be purged by means of Soul magic. A majority of weaponry can no longer be wielded to any significant effect, and garb is restricted to light fabrics with leathers being the extent of viable armor. Daggers, Staves, Tomes, and other similar casting implements with minor combative effectiveness are considered acceptable to wield. Physical activity becomes increasingly difficult; Jogging requires significant exertion, and a full on sprint is no longer practical. The voidal artificer leading the ritual will suffer these effects for one IRL month. After the time period, the part of the artificer soul heals, returning for them to lead another ritual. After the Ritual Visually, the Voidal Crystals rapidly expand in mass and solidify across the entirety of the Tear. This process can be guided, such that the formation is built aesthetically- otherwise the Crystal takes on jagged and harsh formations. In any case this is the signal of a successful ritual; The Tear is ultimately stabilized by the Seal. Within the crystalline barrier, the inverted flow of Voidal energy is repurposed to stitch together the fabric of reality that was torn. The unnatural unease that once gripped the locale begins to release, and the eldritch hum that filled the air hushes. The boons that Mages found of use are no longer provided. The tear now sealed and an inert power pulls against the mana residual scarred on the land. A First Stage Tear may be effectively abated hereafter. For Tears in the Second or Third Stage, an addition of one and two OOC week(s) respectively will be required, scaling down in intensity over the duration. A Natured or Mature Tear will take four OOC weeks. Residuum The fused Void Crystals utilized in the ritual are all that remains after the final thrum of the Voidal Tear that has been sealed away. Now one seamless whole, this structure hereby notated as Residuum, hovers in place where the Tear once was. Varied in size determined by the nature of the Rift that it encompassed, these anomalous composites of Mana and Soul Essence extend a greater effect upon the surroundings, offering a place to empty out filled Void Crystals. https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/covers/images/010/469/053/smaller_square/denis-blinov-ice-thumb.jpg?1524596461 Functions The Residuum is a structure that’ll function eerily similar to mana obelisks with exceptions, it doesn’t produce mana residual/void corruption and while within the Residuum’s radius it’ll draw in mana residual/corruption returning it to the void. The radius of the effect is based on the encompassed size of the Residuum and the magi who partook in the ritual. The residuum offers the only way for Void Crystals to safely dispose of mana residual trapped within. On Destruction The structure is nigh impervious to any ordinary bout of Physical or Magical damage. Mundane methods no less than siege-strength war machines, or a barrage of Tier 5 spells may shatter the Residuum. In this case, the Descendant Soul fragment that was nestled within the Residuum returns to its progenitor if not already. Redlines Closing a Voidal Tear requires ST approval. It doesn’t require RO permission. You cannot close non-player made tears, unless exclusive permission is granted by ST. Requires at least two magi to participate in the Ritual, with one possessing the Voidal Artificery Feat and the other tier 5 Transfiguration or Translocation. Player characters may aid in more than one Aegis Seal ritual, but may not separate their Soul more than once at any given time. The banes do not stack. Destruction of a Tear is outlined in the Voidal Tearing lore piece, and should be abided by. If the Sealing process is stopped or reversed with or without detonation, the Soul fragment disperses. Eventually the fragment returns to its owner and the ritual may be attempted again after a period of 2 OOC months. Residuum may be destroyed by anyone with ST oversight. Residuum has all functions of a void/mana obelisk detailed above. Residuum can only be moved during the first month of its creation. Purpose I felt that Mages needed a creative way to interact with current and future Voidal Taint narratives. It’s important that we’re not having our characters amble around clueless of our own consequences. The arcane community should have an option to approach responsibility too and not leave deity users feeling as though they are just janitors for crazy mages. Credits: FadedQuartz- Ideas, Conception E__V__O- Ideas, Conception Squak- Ideas, Feedback, Review Citations: Voidal Artificery Lore Focus Crystal Lore Mana Obelisk Lore Voidal Tearing Lore
  21. Crystal Snail ( Elden Ring ) Physiology The general physiology of a snail is complicated despite its simplistic appearance, it grows with its shell attached to the back as internal organs are housed within and protected by the walls formed. The general snail is also the size of a few inches to the highest recorded 25 inches. The crystal snail follows much of the generic snail above, including the housed internal organs in its crystal encoded shell. One of the big differences in the size, however, the crystal snail exponentially grown to fit its new habitat the voidal hollow sizing from a house pet to the length of a bear, in rare occasions greater than. Despite the crystal snail's size, it isn’t as slow by any general means having a fast walking pace of three miles per hour (4.8km). Which is persistent at any size seen. The crystal snail moves by gliding along on their muscular foot, which is lubricated with mucus and covered with liquid mana. The motion is powered by succeeding waves of muscular contractions that move down the ventral of the foot. The muscular action is clearly visible when a snail is crawling leaving behind a thin layer trail of the liquid mana mucus which glistens as light touches it. They produce the liquid mana mucus to aid in locomotion by reducing friction, and the mucus helps reduce the snail’s risk of mechanical injury from sharp objects. This means they can crawl along sharp objects like a straight razor and survive without injury. The crystal snail has mutated within the voidal hollow, adapting and growing to its new surroundings, living underground it consumes voidal blighted flora as with foci crystals which have addedly grown along the beast and its shell offering greater protection as the snails skin strengthens to that of tough hide, able to now dig through and create caverns within its new home. With the apparent size growth and reliance on the void, if found without surrounding voidal energies it’ll suffocate and eventually die. Habitat Crystal snails are only found within voidal hollows, where they’ve mutated from general snails to the form currently seen. Through the harsh voidal energies and blight the children birthed from their predecessor has grown to the point of mutation as seen above, though it isn’t all beneficiary to the snails live due to now its over dependent on the voidal energy where it lives. If taken outside the hollow if one wishes to capture the beast they require similar hospitality from either voidal tear or obelisk otherwise the creature would swiftly die. A crystal snail would only breed when in the caverns of a voidal hollow where it has dug out a den, this cannot be changed even if similar voidal energies are given to it. Behaviour The behaviour of the crystal snail matches that of the void, a territorial chaotic influence. Hostile to other species of creatures that enter its cavern or den hollowed out specifically by the snail. One could recognize a crystal snail's cavern by the liquid mana mucus covering the walls and floor. The snail seeks to eat foci crystals and voidal blighted flora within its habitat to survive and its the two main behavioural actions it does. The snail has a sensitivity to light which is why it relies on staying underground within caverns often staying with more of its kind within dens. The snail is territorial to anything outside of its own species. If bitten it’ll inflict focii taint despite if not a voidal mage, the taint lasting a few hours, days or more depending on how many bites taken. Abilities ( Elden Ring ) The crystal snail doesn’t have many relaying abilities given to it, despite the size not having a recorded size as the more it is able to eat, the more it can grow. The creature also has liquid mana mucus, slippery and shines as light touches it making the cavern floor and walls a beautiful colouration as it is slippery one unable to hold good footing alongside it. When actually confronting the snail, however, you may mistake it as a crystal geode balled up within its shell, the snail has adapted and grown teeth which it may inflict a bite akin to that of a wild dog, as with inflicting the individual with direct focii taint despite if not a voidal mage lasting a few hours if not days depending on if repeatably bitten. Reference: Red Lines Can be roleplayed by non-ST/ET. The crystal snail cannot survive outside voidal hollows. If taken out the snail would suffocate and eventually die. The exception would be if surroundings have been replicated by either a voidal tear or obelisk, doing so will make the snail unable to reproduce. If captured, the snail will attempt to dig itself out if no other option is available to it. The crystal snail cannot survive based on being cast with voidal magic within the area requiring a mana structure described above. The snail is territorial to anything outside of its own species. If bitten it’ll inflict focii taint despite if not a voidal mage, the taint lasting a few hours, days or more depending on how many bites taken. The liquid mana mucus trail is extremely slippery and glistens when light is shined upon it. It may be harvested though one may not gain any more than a single dose per day. The snail is receptive to light, offering a strong weakness to the beast if light greater than a torches flame is targetted at it. The snail functions similarly to generic snails and has all weaknesses of a snail unless outlined differently above. Citations:
  22. Reading the missive with a groan in his voice as he speaks out as the missive parchment he holds vanishes from his hand, void particles all that remain. "The illegitimate Uthir speaks to retain power which is upholded by the bonds with Fenn and not the citizens of our great nation. Perhaps if you didn't pile corpses in the streets the people would vote in your favour."
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