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About xDK

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  • Birthday 04/26/1996

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    Photography, digital design, music and cake.

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  1. xDK

    I fixed the logo...

    It has been fixed! :)
  2. xDK's Backpacks & Satchels Pack I made some Backpacks and Satchels for Figura. So I wanted to share it with you guys! Enjoy :) ( 3 Big Backpacks / 1 Satchel / 1 Small Backpack ) With Physics: And a nice wheel for selecting your backpack: Lua Script: Download Figura: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/yx0uwuy2faju7iu4bq9vc/xDK-s-Backpacks_Satchels.rar?rlkey=1wxkxepra9mu0j17zillxerjm&st=zwek05jx&dl=0
  3. xDK

    I fixed the store...

    Yeah, i did. I dont have screenshots that are up to date, otherwise it can just be replaced if implemented :)
  4. xDK

    I fixed the store...

    Yes, currently it is all css and html to make it easy to integrate i did will be adding 20 lines of javascript so that when you click on a card it will flip to reveal more info about the rank, but i didnt have time to finish it this weekend :)
  5. The store looked pretty outdated, so I remade it. Enjoy! The whole thing is no longer a just an image, so I could have some fun with some HTML/CSS: image of whole page: I don't have time to clean up and upload the code right now, but it will come soon :)
  6. I played around with the LotC logo for a bit today, and it inspired me to create some banners based on the VIP Packages. Thought it was fun Enjoy :)
  7. The kerning on the logo is weird, so I fixed it. (this could have been a status update) Old: New:
  8. I see that we are still using my good old screenshot/image from 2013 as the forum background :D

    1. satinkira


      its a very good background

    2. xDK


      It took forever to mask out the sky and replace it! You can see it on the original


    3. Java17


      holy shit i could never make out what it was, that's so epic 

  9. Yeah, why don’t other people just “pick up the can”?
  10. A1Z26 Cipher tells us that the numbers most likely say “CONTROLLING NARRATIV”. And yes, it is missing an E, looks like even a code has bad grammar. idk about the rest. edit: nevermind there is an E, it just throws one off, because it ends with a 50 where the 0 is useless
  11. This is literally a description of democracy...
  12. xDK

    Bee Movie Play

    When you succeed, the bee movie will be cannon
  13. Who cares at this point? If the people who have opposed Oren have been bullied off the server, what’s the point in giving a ****? I’m gonna heat some popcorns, sit back in my chair, and watch the drama in realtime!
  14. Is it illegal. No. Is it ethically correct. No. What do you expect to happen?
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