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Status Updates posted by Bucky_24

  1. Since players are not allowed to have their characters mingle with each other's storyline. Does this prevent someone from playing a distant cousin of their main character? Like, can my character Barbu be a distant relative of my main Vuln?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Neri


      You cant play your own heir if you're a king etc.

    3. MamaBearJade


      @Freya ~ I remember that being a rule, but then kinda defeated the point when Mog played Godfrey and Horen ^^;;

    4. Hanrahan


      @Freya WHAT WHEN HOW. Axl did this five times..

  2. So, I had a discussion with my friend IC. I was trying to convince him to marry his sister to me, but it occurred to me.. I am a Dark Elf and his sister is Adunian. What kind of child would that be?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Evilbanana5757


      An enemy of Oren, that's for sure! xP

    3. Jexdane


      A dark skinned, infertile, short-lived (180 years tops), kilt wearing loon.

    4. Bucky_24


      Hmm... I can live with that! Bring on the Adunian Women!

  3. So... since magic is whatevers now... Time for Void Magic!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bucky_24


      I was talking about my own spin off that is acid evocation... it got denied twice, so since there is no MAT.... xD

    3. Kaun


      You still have to have lore for ANY kind of new magic. Especially offensive magic.

    4. Bucky_24


      I haz lore Q.Q its even public lore. I wonder how long till I get a BR for using it...

  4. So.... When do we get animals again? Kinda want a pony... and a pet cow.

    1. lemontide331


      sme i need sum cows

    2. Idiot14yearoldminecraftplayer
  5. Some teachers are just ignorant. Got my personal laptop in class to do a research project xD Looks like I'll be on the forums for the next hour and a half.

    1. Neri


      Don't abuse peoples trust, do your schoolwork.

    2. Bucky_24


      Already done, but now I don't have to deal with most of the school's security.

  6. Someone help? I keep getting this error when logging in to the server: Failed to login: java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL. Then it has a bunch of random numbers and talks about session.minecraft.net... Any help?

  7. Someone should write a guide to being a bandit. It's so awkward for me to trying to generate good RP that isn't like 'Minas or Die'. Or maybe some tips on how to Socially Engineer others to follow you to a better area for slaughter/robbery/mugging/cupcakes

    1. Helvetius


      Kidnap, enslave, ect... However to be honest, there are already too many bandits.

    2. yopplwasupxxx


      You can be evil w/o being a bandit. Lucienists and Decterum act like to be holy but we are pretty dang evil. Corruption in the guard force etc. Do something bandit-y without being a bandit

    3. Demotheus


      If you play a minas or die bandit, and you know a specific person/group of people don't like that sort of RP, and get pissed off when it happens, dont' do it to them. It's not fun for them in the slightest. Especially if you say, have 3 other guys and gang up on one guy.

  8. Sometimes, I lay awake at night and wonder what Kha would be like if they were Wolf based, instead of Jungle Cat. Is Kitteh or Doggeh more annoying to hear? Bark or Hiss? Growl or Roar? Wolf or Tiger? Fox or Cheetah? Would the population be larger considering the amount of animal wolf players?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bucky_24


      I was just wondering what if the Kha were Wolf People first. Not Cat People.

    3. Lago


      Then they would not be awesome.

    4. Volutional


      I was considering creating "Lion" lore, like they have tigers, panthers, cheetahs and leopards. But apparently, that is illogical. Why, I will never know.

  9. Still hoping for a Skill/Profession plugin!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. shiftnative


      Just because you guys didnt like vaquxine's plugin doesn't mean that ALL profession plugins are awful. This server NEEDS one and I intend to make what I think, would be beneficial and not too much of a chore to use.

    3. SparehoeCakes


      You also have to remember that this is an RP server, and most of the stats are PVPish related minus the utility stats. And truly, I've never met someone that farmed, Made potions, Blacksmithed, cooked, and did everything else I can't think of. And if people wanted to badly enough, they would just max swords/archery/axes and the other 1/2/3 utility stats according to their use. Level 100 swords will not stop anyone from RPing a master swordsman, because during RP we don't PVP. I se...

    4. Bucky_24


      I see people all the time, especially in the wilds, who are doing just that. I roam the island all the time, and I have watched people go from being blacksmiths and craft some iron armor, to farming, to becoming master architects and building. And if I get close then they are suddenly a Master Swordsman too. That's a little much isn't it? And without some form of plugin how are we going to have a steady economy for merchants and craftsmen?

  10. Still hoping for a Skill/Profession plugin!

  11. Stuck on a Dread Knight till Wednesday... Of course this happens just as I plan on playing a new character.

  12. Thanks Althallos for the Training! Making LoTC fun one step at a time ;)

  13. That awkward moment when you wear your uniform insignia and realize that your the only one... People need to join! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/84142-the-black-legion/

    1. Bucky_24


      Please? I have... bread?

  14. That difficult decision when you want to play a character like Deadpool, but don't want everyone to think you're just being a Troll....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cyndikate


      Because it's been over played and it's not fun to watch people not RP seriously. There's enough trolly RP as it is. It's kind of annoying.

    3. Bucky_24


      I don't think you understood. I meant the more insanity/random parts. Not the combat stuff. Why is everything about combat? And I'z uber serius

    4. spawnfan55


      "Minas or die"

  15. That horrible moment when you are watching your friend get executed but cant do anything because you are waiting on your VA...

    1. Cirdanoth


      Eh.. To save your friend = Heroic action.

  16. The Birth of Vuln'Igne, my new Wood Elf. If you translate his name I will kill you ;P

  17. The Jimmies are very Rustled on this day



      It happens to the best of us my friend.

  18. The Orcs Want YOU! Join Us Today! Please? We have Cookies and Blood?

    1. V0idsoldier


      Perhaps soon.

    2. Samoblivion


      Ditto. I need a good Orc skin maker first.

  19. The suspense is killer. A LM is going through the Magic Lore! Or at least has been... First try at lore, I hope I get it!!!

    1. Tethras


      LM's don't approve magic lore. That's the MAT's job. Or so I think...

  20. There is no direction anymore. I don't know what to do. Everything requires something else.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bucky_24


      About 4.0 and Nexus..

    3. Redbaron™


      REquires you to RP with other people. You wanna be a blacksmith find a miner and a leatherworker and work with em

    4. Eleatic


      Dread Knights don't precisely get along with Leatherworkers and such.

  21. There really isn't a reason NOT to go to a new temp MC generated map. We have an estimated month of work left on 4.0 yes? And Fringe isn't working... Another month of this might not be a great idea.

  22. Thinking of killing off all my characters due to lack of fun. Any suggestions on new ones? BTW, they have to be Male....

    1. leave me alone
    2. Kaiser


      Halfling, we need some

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