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1903 Godly

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  • Birthday 05/16/2000

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    Hoppy Herbwallow
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  1. haha homophobia roleplay

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    2. NotEvilAtAll


      homophobia RP is ok sometimes but when it approaches the territory of folks using roleplay to show prejudices they can’t show IRL without backlash, it’s kinda yikes.

    3. Unwillingly


      I play a character that may as well be every -ist and -phobic there is and I dont think theres anything wrong w that because it generates RP. Plus both I and the people I RP with, for the most part, understand that my character’s beliefs are separate from my OOC beliefs 🤷‍♀️ 

      as long as ppl understand that RP =/= OOC and are respectful of other people in doing it, its fine imo



      “as long as ppl understand that RP =/= OOC and are respectful of other people in doing it, its fine imo”


      RP and OOC are separate for metagaming only, otherwise the RP is a direct reflection of what people are OOC’ly interested in performing on a game. Sure, there are okay ways of going about doing some discriminatory RP, but there’s no need to discount that someone willing to RP a homophobe lovingly and with a lot of RP rhetoric to back it up is probably OOC’ly fixated on something. I mean, it’s honestly weird to find whole pages of people writing homophobic content just to then go ‘I’m only role-playing, all this homophobia is in the spirit of big fun and immersion!!!”

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