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Status Replies posted by Samler

  1. Dota is better than league. *Takes cover*

  2. So.. is there /any/ save of Asulon, or did it all get wiped? (I.E early map saves)

  3. Here's the thing, guys. As a roleplayer, it's your duty to make RP fun not only for yourself, but for the person you're playing with. So sometimes you should stop and ask - "Is what I'm doing fun for everyone? Or just fun for me and making everyone else miserable?"

  4. Quick! Say names that have Apple in it!

  5. There's too many Aengulic orders. Where are my gritty semi-neutral Daemonic Clerics who pursue a goal other than light and goodliness?

  6. Down with proclaimed nobles and proclaimed houses, Power grabbing whores the lot them i disapporove of any proclaiming ranks and status that they dont posses.


  8. Would you rather live for 1 more year with no way of extending your life, but you have unlimited wealth, or would you rather be immortal however unable to acquire any material possession?

  9. smh wanted to add something nice to the side of the road. didn't expect ppl to take the mammoth lol...

  10. Just your friendly reminder that any FTB that doesn't involve 3 people is bannable. http://gyazo.com/f6ae38d8a5f9ba973689aabbd69cf1c4

  11. Oh how I warned those not dare challenge the wrath of chaos now a little hobbit lies dead with a snapped neck because he dappled and messed with The Titan and hand OF CHAOS!!!

  12. How did I just get 1,400 bonus posts?

  13. Is 100 minas too expensive for people?

  14. Anything the community wishes to see out of the ET in the coming months?

  15. Would you rather have immunity to all types of poison, or immunity to all types of venom?

  16. I quite literally have the absolute worst luck to the point of thinking i mighr have a demon following me or some shizzz

  17. Thinking of starting a high elf. Is anyone looking for a specific member of their family? Will be happy to oblige :)

  18. The fact that I had a robber SS out of RP that wasn't going his way. . . #gg #muchwow

  19. I need to find people to talk about dcau with....

  20. People try to tell me there are other fish in the sea. And my response to that is, **** you, he was my sea.

    1. Samler


      I am sorry to hear, Meg, hopefully things turns around to the better.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  21. new character ideas, go go go go. Need a group to get involved with

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