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Status Replies posted by Samler

  1. Not paying your dark elven man servant. #JustKalenzthings

  2. To distract ourselves from this elf nonsense, http://i.imgur.com/MNKOY1M.gif

  3. the elves have been having children and whatnot since Asulon, i recall. it's strange, given their curse.

  4. its ok guys only humans are allowed to roleplay their curses (and still have a broken racial buff) its in the lore dont worry

  5. Are there people on the server right now who are RPing children of any race who:

  6. I never expected this lately conflict to help activity amoung the high elves.but we have gained quite the number of new members, maybe it's the promise of PvP?

  7. Does nobody ever remember just how damn cool the Asulon Cloud Temple was?

  8. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Humans and Dwarves created which half-breed?

  9. Anyone interested in Rping acharacter for me?

  10. Well I'm pretty much just gonna leave LoTC now cause I never play on the server, nor do I have the ambition to. See ya guys around!~

  11. On the LotC in the middle of my english Exam.. lol.

  12. I'm constantly suprised about people's OOC concerns during RP. Is winning that important?

  13. Bored with your boring, disgusting non-orc character? Make an orc!

  14. It's pretty tragic seeing the small few who genuinely believe someone's character defines them as a person.

  15. Happy birthday me. Yay.

  16. Are the monks still gone or did the staff finally reverse that descision?

  17. So the mypet plugin, is it still working or dun broke?

  18. I think this war has the potential to be as big of a war as the Dwarven Orcish conflict. If everyone plays fair this could be a lot of fun.

  19. had to remove heff's homework link since it was way too NSFW

  20. gmt is always so dead lmao

  21. 3 players online, gg :D

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