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Status Replies posted by Samler

  1. new character ideas, go go go go. Need a group to get involved with

  2. daily reminder that pvp default has ruined all RP, oren has destroyed all other RP, villains have gotten out of control, and everything is boring without an antagonist.

  3. is it just me or is the whole giant blood red "DENIED" thing AT use over the top and super discouraging

  4. What have been your feelings on the ET in the past weeks?

  5. ayyy someone should remove some of my warning points

  6. So! Is everyone still enjoying the new map? :)

  7. This ending is pleasing.

  8. Favorite animal? GO ->

  9. You guys know what is a shame? No one is playing a performance magician!

  10. Anyone got an ESO account the don't use anymore and wanna trade? Lemme know.

  11. Does anyone actively play Heroes of The Storm?

  12. Officially not a "teenager" anymore

  13. How often does it take for a application team to check a application?

  14. How often does it take for a application team to check a application?

  15. Hail friends! Just stopping by while I still have a shred of electricity in Nigeria. Gimme the rundown of the new map?

  16. Everyone wants to marry a gr8 pvper.

  17. Enoying the map?

  18. My god there's so many people trying to take over the Salvus boat... if I have to rp fight another person I'm just gonna burn the boat T-T

  19. Anyone got any tips on getting rid of demons/malevolent spirits?

  20. I support the bombing and total removal of 'Edgy' from the server outright.

  21. can we write erotic novels as long as we keep it with just sexual innuendos and double entendres and stuff and make it clever

  22. Any one know of a good post that really explains Elven aging?

  23. Guys. We're going to transition in the traditional LotC way. It will be a flood. There will be no reason for it.

  24. I forgot how efficient the app team was.

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